God’s Great Earth
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
TODAY IS EARTH DAY. What does that mean to you? What does it mean to you that the Bible, God’s Word, begins with a sentence about the Earth?
Earth is our home. It’s our source for life—food, water, air, land. Everything we need, God put here for us—in abundance! He gave us millions of animals and plants to live with, every kind of fruit and vegetable to eat, water from many sources to drink and play in. Earth has it all!
There are so many people on Earth now that we’re making a lot more waste and using up a lot of resources. Tons of our trash ends up in the oceans and hurts wildlife. We’re chopping down forests and taking away the oxygen they create. We’re polluting the air. Poor Earth—she needs to heal!
Earth Day is a great way to celebrate the home God created for us and also think of ways we can take good care of it. What are ways your family can help the Earth? Maybe by using your towels for a day or two longer than you do now or taking a Saturday morning once per month to pick up trash in your local park?
God gave us the gift of an amazing, plentiful Earth that’s more beautiful than any of us could dream of. It’s up to us to keep it healthy and do our part!
What’s one habit you have that you could change to help the Earth? Maybe you leave the water on while you brush your teeth or you skip the recycle bin at school because it’s easier to. Think of one simple habit you could change to make a difference for the Earth—and do it!
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us this amazingly beautiful Earth. You are an artist, and your love for us shows through the beauty of the skies, mountains, lakes, and valleys. Your love for us shows through the variety of food the Earth makes for us. Thank you. Please help me remember to care about the Earth every day—not just on Earth Day. Amen.
Psalm 104; Colossians 1:16-17