Choose Wisely
You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything.
HAVE YOU EVER DONE SOMETHING that you wished later you hadn’t? Maybe you wore an outfit you felt uncomfortable in. Or you visited a website you knew you shouldn’t have. Maybe you didn’t tell the whole truth about something that happened, just so you could stay out of trouble.
We face choices every day that may not be black and white, or obviously right or wrong. We have to make judgments about whether something is good or bad for us, and it may not always be clear what the answer is. And lots of times, we make choices based on concerns other than what’s right or wrong. We may worry about what our friends will think, we may want to look cooler or braver than we feel, or we may be angry. When those factors are at play, our choices may not always be the best for us. And then we have regret.
God gives us free will, or the ability to make our own choices. That means we can choose to do anything we want . . . but should we? Just because we can choose to eat our earwax, should we? Probably not. Many choices in life aren’t black and white. So we can remember this verse that tells us, sure, you’re allowed to do anything, but not everything is good for you. Make wise choices that are good for you.
Think of a choice you’ve made that you regretted. At the bottom of this page, write the choice you wish you’d made instead.
Dear God,
Thank you for giving me the ability to make my own choices. Please help me remember to ask for your guidance and make wise choices when I’m not sure what to do. Amen.
Psalm 119:1; Matthew 6:33