December 15

Talk Isn’t Cheap

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

PSALM 19:14

THERE’S A SAYING: “Talk is cheap.”

It means that what we say isn’t as important as what we do. But talk, or communication, still matters. Have you ever had a miscommunication with someone and it ended up being a mess? Maybe you and a friend didn’t communicate well, and both of you thought the other was coming over to hang out. Then you both sat at home, waiting, wondering what happened.

When we choose our words with care and do our best to communicate clearly, good things happen. Our thoughts and actions are better understood. We understand others better. Misunderstandings and hurt feelings don’t happen as often. We want to choose our words with great care, knowing that they do impact others.

God wants us to use our words to support and encourage others. He wants us to communicate in ways that honor him. Remember that miscommunication happens easily. And while it’s true that our actions matter, talk really isn’t cheap; it’s important. So choose your words carefully.


Take a walk around your house. What sounds do you hear? Close your eyes if it helps you listen more closely. You’ll likely hear some kind of communication. Maybe your dad is talking on the phone or your siblings are laughing together upstairs. As you listen, ask God to help you communicate clearly.


Dear God,

Thank you for giving me the ability to communicate. Please remind me that my words matter. Help me choose my words carefully so I honor others and you with them. Amen.


Colossians 4:6; James 1:19