Care to Share
Don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.
CHRISTMASTIME IS ONE of those seasons when many people are more willing to share what they have. People donate money, give to toy drives, bake cookies and treats to share, and give lots of gifts. All this sharing and caring is part of what makes Christmas so wonderful.
Very soon, you’ll get to open gifts and spend time enjoying family and friends. In the short time that’s left before Christmas, look for ways you can share with others. Can you help make treats in the kitchen or wrap Christmas presents? Maybe you can deliver gifts to your neighbor or donate your allowance to a shelter.
We please God when we share what we have with others. It doesn’t matter if it’s during Christmas or any other time of year. God shared his Son, Jesus, with us; he gave us the greatest gift imaginable. His sacrifice for us is beyond what we can understand. So there’s nothing but joy in it for us when we share with others. When we pass along God’s love and see the smiles and laughter of others, the gift really is ours.
With your parents’ help, prepare some plain popcorn or purchase birdseed, then take it outside and scatter it to feed the birds. Spend a few minutes watching to see if any come to eat. As you watch, consider how sharing with others—people or animals—makes everything better.
Dear God,
Thank you for sharing Jesus with us. Thank you for sending him as a baby so he could grow up like we do. Please help me remember your sacrifice, and inspire me to share with others all year round. Amen.
Luke 3:11; 1 Timothy 6:18-19