February 18

Never Alone

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

ISAIAH 41:10

BEING LONELY IS A FEELING, not a state of actually being by yourself. There are lots of people who like to be by themselves and never feel lonely. And the opposite is true, too. You can be with a group of friends and still feel alone. Being lonely is the sense that you are alone with no one to talk to or relate to. Feeling alone isn’t a good thing, but everyone feels this sometimes.

God knows this. It’s why he created Eve to be a friend to Adam. He knows humans need to feel connected to each other and that we need to feel like someone understands us and loves us. When we don’t, we become discouraged, sad, and isolated.

There will be times when, despite everything happening around you, you will feel alone. But God tells us in the Bible that he’s with us, he won’t abandon us, he understands us, and he loves us. In our lonely moments, we can depend on God and know he’s right there with us.


At the bottom of this page, draw a quick stick figure representing you. Then draw another stick figure of a person in your life who you never feel lonely around. Write that person’s name beneath the drawing. When you feel lonely, remember that God put this person in your life to love and support you.


Dear God,

Thank you for never abandoning me. Thank you for always being with me. Help me remember that you want me to feel loved and understood—not lonely. Remind me to talk to you when I feel lonely. Amen.


Matthew 11:28-29; Matthew 28:20