February 7

Ready for Some Fun!

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!


HAPPINESS AND FUN GO HAND IN HAND. Everyone likes to have fun. Even the biggest grumps in the world like fun—even if they won’t admit it. God created us for many things and to have many experiences, but he also created us to have fun.

Sometimes we get so busy taking care of regular life—school, homework, sports, chores, you name it—that we forget how important it is to just have a little fun. Fun usually involves laughing and doing something we enjoy. What things are most fun to you? Maybe it’s going to a park, eating ice cream, playing games, or hanging out with friends. God wants us to have fun, to celebrate, and to be joyful. After all, there are plenty of days to be sad! And just as much as God wants us to love and serve others, he wants us to have fun ourselves. In Zechariah, the Bible talks about the joy of children playing outside—that sounds like fun today!

Plus, when we have fun, we get to relax and get to know other people better. Having fun with others is a great way to show God’s love to them. So, be joyful! Celebrate! Do things that make you laugh and bring you closer to friends and family. Just remember, like all good things, fun is God’s gift to us.


Look around the room you’re in right now. (If you’re outside, do this when you go back inside.) Now, think of three things you could do for fun right where you are, without leaving the room or getting any supplies from another room. Write those three things at the bottom of this page, then choose one and go do it.


Dear God,

Thank you for planting joy and laughter in my heart, and thank you for making so many ways to have fun. Remind me to stop every day and do something just for fun in your honor. Amen.


Ecclesiastes 3:10-13; Zechariah 8:4-5