Be Strong and Courageous

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
ISAIAH 41:10
FEELING AFRAID ISN’T FUN. Most people don’t like to admit to the things that scare them, because our fears can seem silly to people who aren’t afraid of the same things. But our fears can also hold us hostage, meaning they can stop us from doing things, from enjoying activities, and even from dreaming bigger dreams. Here’s a good question we can all ask ourselves: What would I do if I weren’t afraid?
Well, God tells us over and over in the Bible not to be afraid but instead to be strong and courageous. He tells his people, the Israelites, who’d suffered for many years, to “fear not,” to “be bold,” and to “take heart.” What God is saying is that because we love him, we can borrow some of his strength when we might feel fearful. God is with us every single day and night. So the next time you feel fearful or know you’re going to face a scary situation, be bold and courageous. Talk to God about it, and take heart. Imagine yourself handing your fear over to God and putting on a shield of his strength. He is with you, and he loves you.
Close your eyes and picture how your body reacts when you feel afraid. Maybe you hug yourself tightly or clench your fists. Maybe your jaw gets tight or you hunch your shoulders. Get in that position and hold it while you count to 60, keeping your body stiff. When you get to 60, slowly let your body relax, starting with your feet and moving to your head, and then move your hands into a praying position. How does that feel different to you?
Dear God,
I know what it’s like to be afraid. You know the things I worry about and fear. Thank you for giving me your strength to be bold and courageous. Thank you for loving me and letting me give my fears to you. Amen.
Deuteronomy 31:6; 1 John 4:18-19