You Can Depend on Me

A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends.
BEING DEPENDABLE IS A GOOD THING. It means people know what to expect from you. It means you do what you say you’ll do, when you said you would do it. It means you show up for your friends and you don’t flake out. Would you say you’re dependable? Why or why not? What are some areas in your life that you could be more dependable in? When has someone not been dependable in your life? What happened?
Think about God for a moment. How have you depended on God? Are there times you really depend on him and other times when you kind of forget about him? People often lean on God more when they feel sad or something bad happens, but he’s also there when good things are going on. He wants us to depend on him every day, in every situation—whether it’s good or bad. What’s one way you can remember to depend on God every day this week?
One of the best ways we can learn to depend on God all the time is through daily prayer. (That’s another way this book is super helpful!) When we talk to God about all the things that are happening in our lives every day, we learn dependence on him.
Think about a person you depend on a lot in your life. How does this person come through for you? Have you been dependable in return? How could you be more dependable? What’s one thing you could stop and do right now that would be helpful to this person? Go do it! As you do, tell God how much you appreciate this person.
Dear God,
You are the most dependable person in my life, and I thank you for that. Help me remember to depend on you fully, in every circumstance, every day. Amen.
Psalm 1:1-6; Hebrews 13:18