Have Courage

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
ISAIAH 41:10
THINK ABOUT THE LAST TIME you really wanted to do something, but you were afraid. Fear may have stopped you, but God doesn’t want us to be afraid. He tells us in the Bible not to fear. He says he’ll lend us his strength and help us when we need it. Starting something new, doing a new activity, making new friends, trying a new sport, or even tasting a new food can make you nervous. It might make you a little afraid. But God says, “Don’t be afraid!” You see, when we rely on God’s strength like he tells us to do, we get to hand the worries and fears we have over to him. He takes those negative things from us, and in return, he gives us courage. We don’t have to worry when God has our backs. We can try new things, talk to new friends, and say, “I’m in” when it comes to a new sport.
God wants us to live every day with courage, unafraid.
Take a piece of paper and write FEAR in block letters across the top of it. Then take a moment to think of one thing that starts with each letter of the word fear that you’ve been afraid of or worried about. For instance, F might be “football practice,” and E might be “eating alone in the cafeteria.” Write the words vertically down the page. (You can also use the letters in a different place in your words, like a crossword puzzle.) Then put your hand on the page and pray.
Dear God,
Thank you for giving me courage. Thank you for taking over my worries and fears when I give them to you so I can be brave and try new things. Thank you for helping build up my courage for the things on this page. Please stay with me as I face them. Amen.
Deuteronomy 31:6; Joshua 1:9