Grumpy Pants
Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.
HAVE YOU EVER HAD A DAY when you wanted everyone to leave you alone? Or you felt so grumpy you just wanted to go back to bed and hide under the covers? Maybe you snapped at your friends, griped at your parents, slammed a few doors, and kicked the dog bowl over. Or maybe you just thought about doing those things.
We all get grouchy every now and then. We get grouchy for all kinds of reasons. We feel grumpy when we didn’t get enough sleep, or when we’re hungry, sick, or just having a bad day. Grouchy feelings will pass. But if we lash out at others when we’re grouchy, we may have a bigger mess to clean up.
If you’ve been a grump and hurt someone’s feelings because you were in a crummy mood, it’s important to say you’re sorry. Usually a grumpy mood has more to do with what we’re feeling inside rather than what someone else is doing. God tells us not to insult people or call them names and not to be harsh tempered. So apologize—and avoid putting someone else in a bad mood!
What kind of music puts you in a good mood? Take a few minutes and listen to a song or two. The next time you’re feeling grumpy, remember how music can make you feel better—and listen in.
Dear God,
Thank you for understanding my grumpy moods. Please help me remember not to take a bad mood out on the people around me. Remind me to apologize when I hurt other people’s feelings. Amen.
Matthew 5:22; 1 John 1:9