
Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the LORD your God.
EXODUS 20:8-10
THIS VERSE TELLS US about the Sabbath, the one day of the week when we’re to rest, remembering that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Usually we think of the Sabbath as Sunday, when everyone goes to church.
God set aside one day per week for us not only because he knew we needed rest but also because he wants us to take a day to remember what he’s done for us and to praise him. The Bible tells us that God created the world, and when he was done and happy with his work, he took a rest. As with everything God does, he set an example for us to follow.
It’s important as followers of God that we obey his command to take a Sabbath. We honor God when we go to church and worship his name. We’re his people, and he wants to hear from us. He wants to know we love him too. So enjoy the day of rest God has given us, and don’t forget what an important responsibility and blessing it is to be able to praise and worship such a generous and loving God.
At the bottom of this page, draw a picture of you resting on the Sabbath. What do you do to rest? Maybe read a book, take a nap, play with friends? How is rest different from work or school? Why do you think God wants us to rest?
Dear God,
Thank you for creating the universe and everything in it. Thank you for working so hard to make a beautiful world for us to live in. Please help me do a good job honoring you, resting, and praising you on the Sabbath. Amen.
Genesis 2:3; Exodus 20:10-11