November 6

Love Our Veterans

The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. He is my refuge, my savior, the one who saves me from violence. I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.

2 SAMUEL 22:2-4

VETERAN’S DAY IS COMING UP. That’s a day when we honor and celebrate our country’s soldiers and people in uniform. Without present and past military, our country wouldn’t be secure and we wouldn’t enjoy the rights and freedoms we have now. They and their families (and maybe your family) make giant sacrifices, like fighting in battle, going far from home, and being separated from loved ones for a long time.

We can honor veterans by thanking them for their brave service. We can raise our flags. We can send cards and cookies as a thank-you. We can donate to veteran funds. Above all, we can pray for our veterans. God knows the dangers and worries they face. He knows that sometimes coming home after being in battle is hard. And when we pray for veterans, we support them in one of the most powerful ways we can.

You’ve probably heard that as his followers, we’re in God’s army. That means we’re ready, we’re faithful, we’re praying, and we’re obeying. Remember that as you think of veterans you can pray for and show God’s love to. They’ve served us; we can step up and serve them.


Together with your family, think of one or two veterans you can pray for. Then, go outside together. Take a walk around your house or block. As you do, look for things veterans have helped make possible for your family, like being able to take a walk whenever you feel like it. When you’ve returned home, say a prayer for the veterans you know.


Dear God,

Thank you for the very brave people who serve in our armed forces. Please watch over them, keep them safe, bless them, and help us love and honor them when they come home. Amen.


Zechariah 10:5; 2 Timothy 2:3-4