November 7

I See You

The very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

LUKE 12:7

DO YOU EVER FEEL INVISIBLE? Like no one really sees you or you don’t matter?

Did you know that there are about 37.2 trillion cells in your body? That’s 37,200,000,000,000. In other words, a whole lot.

Not everyone might see all those cells—and let’s hope not. (That might get kind of embarrassing.) Even you don’t see all those cells. You can’t look inside yourself and do a quick count. But guess who does see every cell in your body, every hair on your head, and every fingernail and toenail? Guess who hears every beat of your heart and every thought of your mind? It’s God—and only God.

Your parents and family love you so much they can’t even explain it. And God created you and loves every part of you—all the way down to your cells. The Bible tells us that God has counted every hair on our heads because he loves us so much. So we’re never invisible. We always matter. We are always seen.

God makes a promise to us that he’ll provide for our needs and never stop loving us. Let this verse remind you just how important you are to God. He will always see us, always provide for us, and always know us better than anyone.


Find a mirror and count as many hairs on your head as you can in one minute. (If you don’t have hairs on your head, count the ones on your arms or legs.) How many did you count? Did you lose track?

What do you think it says about God that he’s numbered every hair on your head? What do you think it says about you?


Dear God,

Thank you for always seeing me and for knowing my heart and mind. Please remind me that I’m never invisible. Amen.


Job 38:41; Psalm 34:10