Animal Kingdom
They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the LORD to care for them.
PSALM 112:7
ARE YOU AS FEARLESS AS A BEAR? Or as fierce as a lion? Or as strong as a rhino?
If you answered “no” to any of these, then that makes you . . . just like everyone else. None of us is quite as ferocious or untamed as these wild beasts. But that doesn’t make us nervous little fainting goats, either.
Do you know why? Because we’ve put our faith in God. We don’t have to be fearful or shy about our faith. We don’t have to hide from doing good things in Jesus’ name. We don’t have to hold back when we know what’s right. We don’t have to worry about bad news or be fearful.
One of the great things about Jesus is that he’s the whole package—fearless, fierce, and strong. He’s for us, and that means we can stick to him like a baby orangutan sticks to its mother. His strength will carry us. We can be fearless and strong because Jesus is fearless and strong. We don’t have to live in worry or dread. We get to wake up every day and celebrate our place in God’s Kingdom.
What’s the strongest part of your body? Maybe it’s your arms or your legs. Maybe it’s your brain or your heart. Why does that part feel the strongest to you? What kinds of things do you do to make it stronger? How does Jesus make you feel strong?
Dear God,
Thank you for sending Jesus, who showed us how to be fearless, fierce, and strong. Please help me remember that I can borrow Jesus’ strength anytime. Amen.
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22; 1 Timothy 6:12