October 20

Hurry Up and Wait

Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.

PSALM 27:14

HAVE YOU EVER FELT LIKE if you had to wait another minute for something . . . you’d literally explode? Waiting for the weekend sleepover, waiting for your birthday party, waiting for your chance to jump on the trampoline . . . all these things require patience that we might not feel like we have.

We wait in excitement all the time. What’s next? What’s coming? How amazing will it be? When will it be my turn? How can we get there faster?

Patience isn’t really part of the picture when we’re excited about something.

What about when you’re waiting on God? Maybe you’re waiting for him to help you solve a problem or answer a prayer a certain way (remember that puppy you’ve been asking for?). It can feel like forever when we’re waiting on God to make a move. And sometimes, we even miss when he’s working on things because we’re focused on what we think should be happening.

God tells us to be patient—even when it’s hard. He assures us he’s got things under control and he knows what’s best. He’s working on our behalf. We can have faith that God’s timing really is perfect.


Set a timer for one minute. Count as high as you can as fast as you can, but each time you reach 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and so on, stop and turn in three circles. How high did you make it? Try again and see if you can beat your first count.

How is this like what happens when we want something to hurry up and happen, but we have to stop and wait? How can you remember to patiently wait on God when that happens?


Dear God,

Thank you for working in my life in ways I can’t see. Please help me be patient when I don’t feel very patient. Remind me that you know what’s best and you’ll always take care of me. Amen.


Romans 8:25; Romans 12:12