October 30

Words Leave Marks

God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers.



“You’re weird.”

“No one likes you.”

“Get lost.”

“You’re (fat, ugly, dumb, slow).”

These words hurt. A lot.

When people say them to us, it’s almost like a punch in the face. They leave a mark that we don’t forget. If a person has said them to you, you know exactly what it feels like.

Friends sometimes turn against us. People we don’t really know sometimes say terrible things. Groups of kids sometimes gang up and do and say awful things.

We can’t control others’ behavior. But we can control how we react. God reminds us that during the worst of times, he holds us in his hand. He cares that we hurt, and he sees what happens to us. God doesn’t believe the bad things people say about us. The people who love us don’t believe those bad things. And we can’t listen to those bad things either. God loves us, and he’ll comfort us when we hurt. He values us so much. So when others throw words like punches, don’t listen or believe them. Seek comfort in the people who love you and in the God who loves you.


Think about a time someone said an awful thing to you. How did you feel in that moment? Why do you think that person said it? If the person said it to you tomorrow, how might you react? How do you feel knowing God and the people who love you think you’re awesome—and it doesn’t matter what anyone else says?


Dear God,

Thank you for knowing when others hurt me. Please help me remember in those times that the people who matter love me and that you do too. Remind me that you cherish and value everything about me. Amen.


Mark 12:31; 2 Timothy 2:22