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Abbott, Evelyn: Skeleton Outline of Greek History, 516
Abercorn Iron Works (Belfast): 1015
Abercrombie, Lascelles: ‘End of the World’, 398
Abraham: 747
Académie Française: 544–5
Acheron: 256
Achilles: 504n
Ackergill Tower (Wick): 988
Acton, Harry Burrows: 836
Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, Lord: 840n
Acts of the Apostles: 425, 447
Adam: 220, 733, 799, 904n, 906
Adams, Fanny: 703
Aden (Yemen): 693
Adey, Lionel: C. S. Lewis’s ‘Great War’ with Owen Barfield, 979
Addison, Joseph: 49, 178, 651, 683n; Vision of Mirzah, 630
Addison’s Walk (Magdalen College): 651, 832, 970
Admiralty (British): 88
Adonis: 419, 977
Aeronautics: 43
Aeschylus: 158; Agamemnon, 141, 764; Prometheus Vinctus, 764
Aeson: 653
Affection: 820, 914, 953, 973
Africa: 98n, 558, 586
Agapargyry Fund: 981
Agricola, Julius: 102, 788n
Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius: 320
Ainsworth, William Harrison: Old St Paul’s, 92
Air Balloons: 613
Alaska: 688
Alberich: 293, 405–6
Aldbourne (Wiltshire): 688–9
Aldershot Army Camp: 73, 85, 491n, 507, 517n, 540–1, 542, 562, 992
Aldershot Training College (Army Service Corps): 696n, 735
Alexander the Great: 235
Alexander, Professor: 796–7
Alfred the Great, King: 331, 602, 740, 741
Allah: 501, 589
Allegory: 84, 176, 219, 247, 659n, 680
Allen, Arthur Clement ‘Tubbs’: 15, 16, 21, 22, 35, 50
Alleyn’s School (Dulwich): 432n
Allingham, William: Diary, 626
All Souls College (Oxford): 494n, 554n, 624, 686n, 771n
Alphonsus the Wise, King: 700
Alps: 912
Altrincham (Cheshire): 982
Amazon, River: 831
America/Americans: 259, 266, 275, 361, 405, 517, 608–9, 727, 742–3, 937, 982
Amiens (France): 36n
Andersen, Hans Christian: 249, 958, 980; Mermaid, 119
Anderson, Edward: 29, 35
Angels: 151, 160
Anglican: see Church of England
Anglo-Catholicism, 7, 8, 425, 485
Anglo-Saxon (Old English): 189n, 244–5, 592, 600, 601–2, 701n, 732, 735, 816, 817, 837, 873, 883n, 1023
Ann Arbor (Michigan): 627
Anne, Queen: 756 ‘Annie Laurie’: 191
Anstey, F.: Talking Horse and Other Tales, 272
Anthroposophical Society of Great Britain: 979; Supplement to Members’ News Sheet, 998
Anthroposophy: 670–1, 978, 979, 998–1000
Antioch: 447
Antrim (Co. Antrim): 853
Antrim, County: 1, 5, 32n, 148n, 369n, 478, 581, 726, 739, 814, 847, 883
Antwerp (Belgium): 79n
Aphrodite (Venus): 282, 308, 355, 447, 521, 904
Apollonius Rhodius: 278; Argonautica, 209, 221
Apuleius: Golden Ass, 268n, 304–5
Arabian Nights: 268, 437, 954, 956
Arcadia: 386
Ardagh: 120n
Ards (Co. Donegal): 848
Argonauts: 209
Ariosto, Ludovico: Orlando Furioso, 312–13
Aristophanes: Frogs, 408n
Aristotle: 545, 685, 928; De Anima, 658n; Ethics, 518, 581, 857; Politics, 909–10
Armada, Spanish: 726
Armfield, Maxwell: 119n
Armistice (11 November 1918): 402, 416
Armitage, Mrs: 959–60
Armour, Margaret: 40n
Armstrong, John: Art of Preserving Health, 729; Poetical Works, 728–9
Army Service Corps: 23–4, 73, 332, 602n, 696n, 720, 735, 891, 1011, 1012, 1013
Arnold, Matthew: 784n, 923; Balder Dead, 220, 323; Scholar-Gipsy, 558, 559; Sohrab and Rustum, 323; Study of Celtic Literature, 919; Thyrsis, 559; Tristram and Iseult, 220
Arnold, Thomas Kerchever: 71n
Arras, Battle of: 364–5, 402n, 414, 988
Arthur, King: 94, 103, 104, 115n, 118, 162, 176n, 234–5, 239, 249, 439–440, 468, 478, 506, 580–1, 861
Articles of War: 602n
Artillery: 316, 322, 328, 347, 351
Arvieux, Laurent, Chevalier d’: 1013
Ascham, Roger: 783, 816n; Scholemaster, 783n; Toxophilus, 783n
Asclepiades: 282n
Asgard: 75, 81, 838
Ashe, Oscar: Chu Chin Chow, 954; Oscar Ashe, 954n
Ashford, Daisy: Young Visiters, 501
Ashmolean Museum: 733n
Ashton Court (Bristol): letters from, 387–402; men. 406n, 413, 414, 442
Asia: 284
Ask: 419
Askins, Edith: 1020
Askins, Jane King: 1020
Askins, Dr John Hawkins: 529n, 530, 547n, 596, 604, 605–6, 611, 831, 1020
Askins, Mary Goldsborough: 529n, 530, 597n
Askins, Peony: 597n
Askins, Dr Robert: 1018, 1020, 1021
Askins, Sarah: 1020
Askins, Rev. William James: 1020
Askins, Very Rev. William James: 960, 1020
Asquith, Hon. Anthony: 432
Asquith, Emma Alice Margaret (‘Margot’), Countess of Oxford and Asquith: 592–3, 641; Autobiography, 592, 641
Assembly’s College (Belfast): 1003
Assisi: 627
Assyrians: 154
Astor, Nancy Witcher, Viscountess: 703
Astronomy: 952
Athens: 145n, 880n
Auber, Daniel: Fra Diavolo, 97
Aucassin and Nicolette: 755
Auden, W.H.: see John Lawlor
Augustine, St: Contra Epistolam Parmeniani, 670n
Austen, Jane: 74, 146, 174, 235, 245, 256, 458, 559, 660, 772, 958; Emma, 182, 197, 889; Mansfield Park, 129, 182, 281; Northanger Abbey, 181, 257–8; Persuasion, 181–2, 186; Pride and Prejudice, 260, 772, 922; Sense and Sensibility, 71, 223, 762, 792, 794; Watsons, 889
Austen-Leigh, J.E.: 889n
Australia: 296n, 695, 997
Austria: 73, 88n, 166n, 404
Avalon: 440
Avebury (Wiltshire): 690
Axbridge (Somerset): 574
Aylburton (Gloucestershire): 986
Baal: 743n
Bablock Hythe (Oxfordshire): 558, 853
Babu: 817
Babylon: 284, 486, 498, 503
Bacchus: 408, 426, 433, 473, 899, 912–13, 977
Bach, Johann Sebastian: 342
Backhurst, Miss: 48n
Bacon, Francis, Baron of Verulam: 150, 238, 493; Advancement of Learning, 783n, 854; Essays, 121, 147, 783n
Badcock, General Sir Alexander Robert: 696n
Badcock, Colonel Gerald Eliot: 695–6, 719–20, 721, 735, 742; History of the Transport Services of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 696n; Two Gentlemen, 696n
Badgworthy Water (Devon): 894
Baha’i: 995
Bailey, Cyril: 426
Bain, Francis William: Descent of the Sun, 274; Heifer of the Dawn, 274, 278
Bain’s Bookshop (London): 384, 385–6
Baker, Alfred Rawlings: 243–4, 826n, 841, 864, 1008
Baker, Mrs Alfred Rawlings: 243n
Baker, Eileen: 978–9
Baker, Elizabeth Margaret: 978
Baker, G.P.: 777
Baker, Laura Jane: 978
Baker, Leo: biography, 978–9; letters to, 471–2, 503–6, 507–10, 520–4, 567–9; men. 473, 487, 488, 490, 495, 497, 543, 555, 596–7
Baker, Rachel Mary Rosalind: 978
Baker, Susan Mary: 978
Balbec: 743
Balder: 220, 323, 977
Baldwin, Stanley: 667n
Balestier, Wolcott: 149n, 237n
Balfour, Lord: 107
Balin, Sir: 103
Ballads: 170, 173, 191
Balliol College (Oxford): 37n, 198, 203, 229, 296n, 328–9, 426, 430, 446, 453, 485n, 609, 644, 647n, 655, 658n, 732n, 902n
Ballycastle (Co. Antrim): 942
Ballymacarret (Belfast): 890
Ballynahinch (Co. Down): 792
Ballyshannon (Co. Donegal): 626
Balzac, Honoré de: Père Goriot, 349
Banagher (Co. Londonderry): 618, 651
Banbridge (Co. Down): 73n
Bangor (Co. Down): 120n, 995
Barbury Castle: 689
Barfield, Alexander: 856, 912, 981
Barfield, Arthur Edward: 979, 980
Barfield, Elizabeth Shoults: 979
Barfield, Harry: 979
Barfield, Jeffrey: 981
Barfield, Lucy: 981
Barfield, Maud: 761n, 764, 836, 856, 912–13, 980, 982
Barfield, Owen: biography, 979–82; letters to, 761–5, 819–21, 882–3, 903–5; men. 505, 509, 522–3, 648, 653, 670, 672, 686, 687–93, 737, 831, 836, 850, 855, 856–7, 881, 888, 892–5, 899, 908, 910–13, 915, 931, 963–5, 969, 978, 998, 999; (ed. G.B. Tennyson) Barfield Reader, 982; (ed. Jeanne Clayton Hunter and Thomas Kranidis) Barfield Sampler, 982; ‘English People’, 833, 838, 904; History, Guilt, and Habit, 982; History in English Words, 980; (ed. G.B. Tennyson) Owen Barfield on C.S. Lewis, 982; Poetic Diction, 761–2, 908, 979, 980, 981; Rediscovery of Meaning, 982; Romanticism Comes of Age, 979; Saving the Appearances, 982; Silver Trumpet, 980; Speaker’s Meaning, 982; This Ever Diverse Pair, 980–1, 982; ‘The Tower’, 522–3, 959; What Coleridge Thought, 982; Worlds Apart, 982
Barkworth, John Edmund: Romeo and Juliet, 164
Barnstaple Grammar School: 432n
Barrett, William Fletcher: Psychical Research, 313
Barrie, Sir James Matthew: 501n; Dear Brutus, 482
Barton, Bishop Arthur William: 120n, 585, 960–1
Bates, H.N.: ‘Frank Edward Brightman’, 658n
Bath (Somerset): 573, 667
Bath, Marquis of: 693
Bathurst, Lord: 756
Battifol, Mgr. Pierre: 554, 557
Bax, Clifford: 858n
Baxter, Frederick William: 969
Baylis, Lilian: 978
BBC: 990
Beacon: 593
Beardsley, Aubrey Vincent: 211, 340, 384, 386, 403
Beath, Dr Robert Maitland: 804
Beatrice: 767
Beaufort, Lady Jane: 796n
Beaumont, Francis: see Fletcher, John
Beauty: 371, 373, 377, 567–8, 933, 944
Beckett, (Sir) Eric: 686
Beckley (Oxfordshire): 523n, 998
Bédier, Joseph: (trans.) Roman de Tristan et Iseut, 183
Beecham, Sir Thomas: 381n Beer and Beowulf Evenings: 732n, 735
Beerbohm, Max: 531; Zuleika Dobson, 752–3
Beethoven, Ludwig van: 196, 793; ‘Pathétique’ Sonata, 87; Piano Sonata No. 14, 81
Behan, John Clifford Valentine: 296, 298, 302–3, 324, 326
Behucourt (France): 366
Bekker, Immanuel: 909n
Bel: 743n
Belfast: 1, 27, 51n, 55, 71, 88, 92, 96–100, 115, 120n, 139n, 141, 166, 177, 210, 212, 256, 263, 266, 334, 352n, 391, 423, 427, 431, 437, 442, 446n, 464, 466, 480, 491n, 500, 511n, 513n, 516n, 552n, 561, 586, 587, 603, 629n, 631n, 644n, 676, 742, 806, 808, 822, 830n, 841n, 864n, 890–1, 900, 906n, 966, 990, 992, 993, 995, 996, 997, 1002–3, 1006–11, 1021
Belfast and County Down Railway Co.: 823n, 1006
Belfast City Council: 1006
Belfast Corporation: 823n, 1006
Belfast Harbour Commission: 823n, 1006, 1015
Belfast Infirmary: 713n Belfast Lough: 1, 183
Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society: 631n
Belfast NewsLetter: 98n, 822, 823n
Belfast Opera House: 96–7
Belfast Ropeworks: 1016
Belfast Steamship Co. Ltd.: 730
Belfast Telegraph: 822
Belfast Water Commission: 823n
Belgian refugees: 79, 83, 105n, 108
Belgium: 73, 79, 176n, 528, 627n
Belgrade: 73
Belial: 388
Belloc, Hilaire: Four Men, 394–5
Benecke, Paul Victor Mendelssohn: 516–17, 677, 781
Benedick, Julius: (with John Oxenford and Dion Boucicault) Lily of Killarney, 248
Benedictines: 834n
Benians, Ernest Alfred: 840n
Bennett, Arnold: Literary Taste, 240, 246; (with Edward Knoblauch) Milestones, 179
Benskin, Ernest: 983
Benson, Arthur Christopher: 65, 330, 354; From a College Window, 323; Upton Letters, 61, 160, 323, 659
Benson, Edward Francis: Angel of Pain, 335
Benson, Sir Frank Robert: 18, 21
Benson, Robert Hugh: 531n
Beowulf: 189, 195, 244–5, 440, 732n, 741–2, 835, 915, 942, 963
Bergerac, Bernice de: Glorious England, 596n
Bergson, Henri: 464, 494; Essai, 432n; Évolution Créatrice 432n
Berkeley, George (1685–1753): 377, 534, 565, 635n; Principles of Human Knowledge, 326–7, 330–1; Three Dialogues, 331
Berkeley, George (1733–95): 327n
Berkshire Downs: 687–93
Berlin: 1005
Bermuda: 327n Bernagh (Arthur Greeves’s home): 59, 82, 84, 125, 128, 173, 249, 465, 480, 481, 566, 702n, 779, 809, 829, 838, 840, 856, 886, 892, 967, 971, 993–4
Bernardus Silvestris: 519n
Bernetto-Desmond: 759, 776
Berneval (France): 5, 1011
Betws-y-Coed (Wales): 570
Bickerstaffe, Isaac: Expostulation, 177
Bickley, Francis: 457n
Bilton Grange: 984
Bircham, Arthur Christopher Halsey: 746
Birchwood (Hertfordshire): 64
Bird, Rev. George Shepheard: 74n
Birkenhead (Cheshire): 583n
Birkenhead, Lord (F.E. Smith): 734
Birmingham: 108, 242, 576, 581, 600n, 1022
Birmingham Oratory: 1022
Bizet, Georges: Carmen, 160, 161, 248, 898
Blackwell, Basil: 472, 488, 495, 505, 507, 513
Blackwell’s Bookshop (Oxford): 434, 488, 549, 794, 910
Blackwood, Algernon: 495; Education of Uncle Paul, 161–2; Jimbo, 222, 224–5; John Silence, 189, 192, 201, 214–15, 219, 270; Prisoner in Fairyland, 179n, 312; Promise of Air, 371, 375; Starlight Express, 179, 898
Bladud: 468
Blake, Eleanor Margaret: 987
Blake, Leonard: 987, 988
Blake, Richard: see Dunbar of Hempriggs, Sir Richard Blake, William: 329, 343, 530, 564, 740
Blakiston, Rev. Herbert Edward Douglas: 629
Blank Verse: 220
Bleakley, Rt. Hon. David: 619n; C. S. Lewis–At Home in Ireland, 812n
Blenheim Palace: 693
Blore, Eric: Burlington Arcadian, 87n
Blunt, Henry Pyot: 432, 594
Blunt, Herbert William: 432
Boardmills First Presbyterian Church (Co. Down): 1002
Boas, Frederick Samuel: 243; Marlowe and His Circle, 835; Shakespeare and his Predecessors, 237–8; ‘Ulster on the Somme’, 237n
Boccaccio, Giovanni: Decameron, 810
Bodleian Library: 232n, 306, 430n, 431, 435n, 441n, 448n, 481, 749–51, 764, 800, 857, 908n
Boehme, Jacob: Signature of All Things, 858–9, 863, 885
Boethius: 740
Bogarde, Dirk: 990
Boiardo, Matteomaria: Orlando Innamorato, 660
Bois de Pacaut (France): 364
Bolshevism/Bolshevists: 436–7, 444, 445, 446, 500, 540–1, 550, 704, 951
Bombay: 18n
Bonaparte, Napoleon: 815n
Bookham: see Great Bookham
Bookman: 20, 419, 457, 459
Book of Common Prayer: 16, 379, 512n, 521, 586, 658n, 712n, 791, 947
Book of Common Prayer with the Additions and Deviations Proposed in 1928: 712, 791n
Bootham School (York): 166n
Borrow, George: Lavengro, 236, 324, 353, 354–5, 395, 475–6
Boscombe (Wiltshire): 967–8
Boswell, James: 353, 362, 530, 563, 582, 583, 626, 657, 860; Account of Corsica, 529; Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, 355, 584; Life of Samuel Johnson, 228, 234, 241, 262, 327, 349, 354, 492, 524, 633, 827n
Bottomley, Gordon: ‘King Lear’s Wife’, 398
Boucicault, Dion: Colleen Bawn, 248n
Boulger, Edward Vaughan: 1004
Bourbon, Louis Auguste, Duc de: 1013
Bourchier, John: 287n
Bourne, John Arthur Watson: 32
Bournemouth (Dorset): 895
Bowdon College (Cheshire): 982
Boxhill (Surrey): 75
Bradley, Francis Herbert: 634
Bradley, Mary: 118, 176 Bradshaw’s Railway Guide: 248
Brasenose College (Oxford): 319n, 902n
Brazil: 831n
Bridges, Robert: 58, 314, 315, 426; ‘Ode on the Tercentenary Commemoration of Shakespeare’, 213; Spirit of Man, 163, 166–7
Brightman, Rev. Frank Edward: 658, 704–5, 715, 782–3; English Rite, 658n
Brighton (Sussex): 484
Brighton College: 988
Bristol: 123, 125, 315, 316, 336–7, 339, 345, 346, 350, 387, 415, 444, 576, 604, 667, 684, 693, 986–7, 1018, 1021
British Academy: 658n
British Ballads: see Burrell, Arthur
British Expeditionary Force: 91n, 165n, 1012
British Red Cross Hospital, No. 10: 352–63
British School of Archaeology (Athens): 880n
Broadway (Somerset): 578
Broglie, Louis-Victor, Duc de: 557
Brontë, Anne: 102, 192, 236, 290, 433; Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 284–5, 290
Brontë, Charlotte: 58, 192, 201, 236, 260, 281, 285, 289, 290, 291–2, 329, 433, 748; Jane Eyre, 117, 161, 189, 202; Professor, 134, 245–6; Shirley, 117, 143, 145, 146, 174, 180, 189, 211; Villette, 102, 103, 117, 245
Brontë, Emily: 102, 192, 236, 290, 433, 460; Wuthering Heights, 58, 202, 258, 447
Brooke, Rupert: 342, 407, 522; Collected Poems, 342n; 1914 and Other Poems, 342n
Brooklyn (New York): 993
Brother Lawrence: Practice of the Presence of God, 899
Browett, Lindley & Co. (Manchester): 69n, 1005
Browne, Sir Thomas: 700, 930; Religio Medici, 743
Browning, D.C.: 418n
Browning, Robert: 368, 418, 626; Paracelsus, 418; Pippa Passes, 509; Ring and the Book, 776, 830; Sordello, 959n
Browning, Stanley Forrester: 32, 51, 56, 58, 66–7
Bruce Peebles & Co. (Edinburgh): 69n, 1005–6
Brundrit, Daniel Fernley: 550
Brünhilde: 92, 381–2, 405–6, 935
Brussels: 134, 619
Bryson, John Norman: 644, 738, 841n, 880, 906, 954
Buchman, Frank: 751
Buckingham Palace: 1024
Buckle, H.T.: History of Civilization in England, 78
Budd, Kenneth G.: Story of Donald Hankey, 243n
Buddha: 234, 567, 1012
Buddhism: 307, 666
Bulford (Wiltshire): 891, 896, 967, 1012
Bull, Charles Edward Bristow: 33
Bunyan, John: 862; Grace Abounding, 850, 851; Mr Badman, 850; Pilgrim’s Progress, 247, 254, 331, 400, 492, 925, 968
Burbage, Geoffrey: 357n, 445n
Burdekin, Katharine: Rebel Passion, 801
Burke, Edmund: 324; Reflections on the Revolution, 767
Burlingham, Russell: Forrest Reid, 841n Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley: 254, 306
Burnet, Gilbert: 657
Burnett, John: 10, 744
Burney, Frances: Evelina, 233, 706
Burns, Robert: 602, 788–9; ‘Auld Lang Syne’, 789; ‘To a Mouse’, 177
Burrell, Arthur: (ed.) British Ballads, 170, 173
Burton, Richard: 985, 986
Burton, Robert: Anatomy of Melancholy, 343, 358, 385–6, 388, 392–3, 740
Bury, J.B.: 425n
Butcher, Samuel Henry: (trans. with A. Lang) Odyssey of Homer, 238, 343, 435
Butler, Samuel: Hudibras, 951; Way of All Flesh, 758
Butler, Theobald Richard Fitzwalter: 303–4, 306, 307–8, 310, 311, 313, 318, 319–20, 322, 326, 330
Butt, J.E.: (with H.V.D. Dyson) Augustans and Romantics, 989
Byrd, William: 851
Byron, George Gordon, Lord: 150; Destruction of Sennacherib, 154
Caergwrle (Flintshire): 1014
Caerleon (Monmouthshire): 713
Caesar, Julius: 22; Commentaries, 487, 497
Cair Paravel: 468
Caithness (Scotland): 987–8
Calcott, Lady: Little Arthur’s England, 122n Calcutta: 817
Caldwell, Jackie: 3
Calestrius Tiro: 717n
Calvin, John: 783
Calvinism: 163, 800
Camberley (Surrey): 47, 48, 583
Camberwell House Asylum (London): 15, 984
Cambridge Modern History: 840
Cambridge University: 18n, 32n, 56n, 317, 318n, 319, 497n, 511–12, 623n, 629n, 646–7, 696n, 703, 714, 716–17, 722, 751n, 783n, 799, 803, 806, 807, 880, 916, 965, 966, 998
Campbell, John Colquhoun: 948n
Campbell, John Edward: 294, 299, 302, 305, 309
Campbell, Mrs Ronald: 948n
Campbell College (Belfast): 15, 16, 53, 73n, 117n, 141n, 142, 150, 238, 319, 352n, 362, 378, 449, 494, 497n, 713n, 993
Campion Hall (Oxford): 531n
Canada: 324, 746, 808n
Capel Curig (Wales): 583n
Capron, Dorothy: 6, 982–3
Capron, Ellen Barnes: 6, 848, 982, 984
Capron, Eva: 6, 982–3
Capron, Norah: 6, 982–3
Capron, Rev. Robert (‘Oldie’): biography, 982–4; men. 1, 6–10, 12, 15, 29n, 208, 484, 848, 1011
Capron, Wynyard: 6n, 8, 10, 13, 982–3 Captain: 9
Caraman SJ, Fr Philip: C.C. Martindale, 531n Card playing: 361–2
Carew, Richard: 604n, 1000; Survey of Cornwall, 525
Carey, John: 986
Carlisle (Cumbria): 290, 468
Carlyle, Rev. Alexander James: 438, 497, 517, 519, 543–4; (with R.W. Carlyle) History of Medieval Political Thought, 438n
Carlyle, Mrs Alexander James: 438, 519, 543–4
Carlyle, Sir R.W.: (with A.J. Carlyle) History of Medieval Political Thought, 438n
Carlyle, Thomas: 284, 626; History of the French Revolution, 704; On Heroes, 483
Carnegie United Kingdom Trust: 978
Carnmoney (Co. Antrim): 34n
Carpenter, Edward: Intermediate Sex, 342, 372
Carpenter, Humphrey: Inklings, 917n, 990, 1024; (ed.) Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, 658n, 1024; O.U.D.S., 985; Tolkien: A Biography, 1024
Carr, William (‘Willie’): 131, 140
Carrickmaddyroe (Co. Down): 1002
Carritt, Edgar Frederick: 485–6, 618, 627–8, 742, 747; Ethical and Political Thinking, 486n; Philosophies of Beauty, 486n; Theory of Beauty, 486n
Carroll, Lewis: 964; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 186, 227, 272, 276, 358, 439, 440, 570; Hunting of the Snark, 794; Through the Looking-Glass, 628, 693
Carryduff (Co. Down): 1002
Carson, Sir Edward: 51n, 178
Carter, Arthur Norwood: 324
Carter, Harry: Autobiography, 525
Cartesianism: 685
Carus, Paul: Gospel of Buddha, 567
Caruso, Enrico: 162
Cary, Henry Francis: (trans.) Vision or Hell, Purgatory and Paradise of Dante Alighieri, 408, 520, 559–60, 876
Castlerock (Co. Londonderry): letter from, 966; men. 49, 143, 188, 876; Cathay: 486, 550, 588, 1010
Catholic Church/Catholicism: 7, 8, 277n, 285, 307, 315, 322, 353, 359, 464, 475–6, 500n, 529n, 531, 561, 671n, 783, 834n, 835, 857, 1022, 1024
Cato: 762n
Catullus, Gaius Valerius: 146, 288; Poems, 879
Caxton, William: 94n; (trans.) Reynart the Foxe, 917
Cecil, Lord Hugh: 791
Cecilia, St: 862
Cellini, Benvenuto: Memoirs, 343, 355, 356, 359–60
Central Grammar School (Birmingham): 432n Chaine, James: 5n
Chaine’s Memorial: 5
Chaliapin: see Shalyalpin, Fyodor Ivanovich Challacombe (Devon): 895
Chamberlain, Neville: 620
Chamisso, Adelbert von: Peter Schlemihls Wunderbare Geschichte, 276, 286, 289
Champneys, Basil: 298n, 914n
Chancellor’s Prize for an English Essay (Oxford University): 512, 515, 523, 549–50, 564, 595, 642 Chanson de Roland: 189, 207, 212, 597
Characters: 747
Charing Cross Road (London): 380
Charity: 873–4, 901, 908, 974
Charlemagne: 597
Charles I, King: 553, 750
Charles II, King: 453n, 618, 787n
Charles V, Emperor: 783n
Charterhouse School: 69n, 317, 318n, 453, 778, 983, 1004
Chartres Cathedral: 15
Chateaubriand, François-René, Vicomte de: 533
Chatterton, Thomas: 777; Poems, 787n
Chaucer, Geoffrey: 157, 384, 386, 435, 519, 605, 851, 855; Canterbury Tales, 183, 185, 187, 189, 192, 239, 442, 483, 492, 810, 861, 917, 986; House of Fame, 250; Legend of Good Women, 157, 763n; Romaunt of the Rose, 755n; Troilus and Criseyde, 156, 157–8, 239, 873, 986
Chavasse, Rev. Claude Lionel: 861, 891, 918, 942
Checkers (Headington Quarry): 960
Chelmsford, Frederick John Napier Thesiger, Viscount: 771, 781
Chelsea Hospital: 741
Cheltenham (Gloucestershire): 758, 986
Chénier, André: Elégies, 488; Poésies, 219
Chepstow (Monmouthshire): 947
Cherbourg School (Malvern): letters from, 16–28; men. 15, 35, 39, 44, 50, 357n, 869
Cherbourg School Magazine: 20, 35
Chéruel, Pierre Adolph: 516n
Cherwell, River: 302, 304n, 315, 453, 1018
Cheshire: 574
Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of: 772; Letters to his Friends, 445; Letters to his Son, 445
Chesterton, G.K.: 342, 513, 836; Everlasting Man, 342n; Orthodoxy, 342n Chewton Mendip (Somerset): 573
Chicago: 751n
Chigwell School: 303n
Childe, Wilfred Rowland: 453–4
Childrey (Berkshire): 547n
Chilon: 204n
China/Chinese: 686–7, 695–6, 698–9, 710–12, 716, 719–20, 809, 822, 969, 976, 1012
Chipping Campden (Gloucestershire): 978
Chipping Norton (Oxfordshire): 756
Chivalry: 197, 767n, 816
Chopin, Frédéric: 117, 143, 342; Marche Funêbre, 81–2; Mazurkas, 87, 117n, 130; Polonaises, 117n, 119, 138; Preludes, 81, 117n, 174, 216
Christ Church (Cambridge): 623n
Christ Church (Oxford): 30n, 194, 198, 199, 208, 263n, 306, 345, 426, 430, 432, 435, 487, 523n, 546n, 596n, 681, 998
Christian Century: 466n
Christian Social Union: 438n
Christie, John Traill: 835, 850, 873–4
Christie, Julie: 990
Church Missionary Society: 298n
Church of England: 7, 8, 14, 298n, 425, 438n, 512, 528n, 529n, 547, 550n, 638n, 644n, 658n, 750, 981, 982, 1014
Church of Ireland: 995, 996–7, 1006
Churchill, Winston: 73, 88n
Cicero: 137, 434, 682; Letters to Atticus, 762n
Cirencester (Gloucestershire): 756
Civil Service: 591
Clandeboye (Co. Down): 905
Clarendon Hotel (Oxford): 571, 769
Clarendon Press: 784, 837n
Clark, Charles Heber: Out of the Hurly-Burly, 866
Clarke, Charles Cowden: Tales from Chaucer, 442
Classical Honour Moderations (‘Mods’): 263n, 296n, 312, 423, 428, 438, 448n, 456–7, 477, 483–4, 497, 498, 518, 531n, 642, 644n, 1022
Clemenceau, Georges: 553–4, 557
Clevedon (Somerset): 597n
Clifford, William Kingdom: 680
Clifton College (Bristol): 150n, 315–16, 317, 318n, 319, 322, 337, 644n, 696n, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021
Cliftonian: 369–70, 1019
Clodd, Edward: Memoirs, 251
Cloghy (Co. Down): 848, 871
Clonfert (Co. Cork): 996
Cloud Farm (Oare, Exmoor): 894
Clough, Francis F.: (with G.J. Cuming) World’s Encyclopedia of Recorded Music, 116n
Clouston, Joseph Storer: Lunatic at Large, 98n
Clouzot, Henri: 810n
Clovelly (Devon): 578–9
Clutterbuck, Jack Ernest: 18
Clutton-Brock, Arthur: 513; Essays on Art, 701; Ultimate Belief, 342; William Morris, 117, 342–3
Clyde, River: 431 ‘Cod’ (‘codatta’, ‘kod’, ‘kodotta’): 32, 48, 57, 70, 79, 94, 110, 111, 115, 141, 148, 160, 222n, 247, 524
Coghill, Carol: 985
Coghill, Sir Egerton Bushe: 984
Coghill, Lady Elizabeth: 984
Coghill, Elspeth: 985
Coghill, Sir Jocelyn: 986
Coghill, Nevill Henry Kendall: biography, 984–6; letters to, 662–4; men. 643, 861n, 918, 930, 989; ‘Approach to English’, 662n, 986; (trans.)
Canterbury Tales, 986;(trans.) Troilus and Criseyde, 986; (trans.) Visions from Piers Plowman, 986
Colchester (Essex): 602n, 617n, 632, 647, 1012
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: 532; Biographia Literaria, 508, 685–6; Christabel, 138, 466, 508, 538; Kubla Khan, 460; Rime of the Ancient Mariner, 138, 484, 852
Coliseum (London): 85, 87
Collections: 526, 873
Collins, Dr Horace Stratford: 462, 463
Collins, Wilkie: Woman in White, 715–16
Collins, William: 659; Odes, 659n; Works, 269
Cologne (Germany): 436–7
Compton (Surrey): 122n, 124
Comte, Auguste: 790n
Condlin, J.W.A.: 808, 811, 824, 825, 828, 832, 836, 838, 842, 845, 855, 867, 905
Congregationalists: 979
Congreve, William: Mourning Bride, 758
Conscientious Objectors: 495
Conscription: 125, 131, 159, 163, 171, 178–9, 208, 250, 315
Constantinople: 484
Cooper, Harry Richard Lucas: 30, 64, 255, 292, 430, 437
Copeland Islands (Co. Down): 967
Corelli, Marie: Sorrows of Satan, 98n
Cork (Co. Cork): 1014
Cork Steamship Co.: 1014, 1015
Corneille, Pierre: Works, 403, 406
Cornish, John B.: 525n
Cornwall: 509, 525–6, 546, 577, 580–2, 718–30, 886, 1000–2
Corpus Christi College (Oxford): 150n, 194, 703, 732n, 783n
Corrigan, Felicitas: Helen Waddell, 519n
Corsica: 529, 936
Corybantes: 912n, 913
County Down Railway Station: 966
Courtly Love: 755n, 767, 779n
‘Coventry Carol’: 851
Coverdale, Miles: 503n
Coverley, Sir Roger de: 683
Cowie, G.E.: 19
Cowper, William: 654, 747–8; Letters and Prose Writings, 747–8
Cox, Harold Henry: 641n
Craig, Edwin Stewart: 781
Craig, Gordon: 980
Craigavon, James Craig, Viscount: 51, 347
Craigantlet (Co. Down): 738
Cranmer, Thomas: 512
Crawford, Edward Hugh Martin: 297
Crawford, Francis Marion: Arethusa, 272, 274
Crawfordsburn (Co. Down): 995
Crete: 230
Crewe (Cheshire): 6, 268, 512
Crimea: 105n, 536n, 997
Croce, Benedetto: 425
Cromwell, Oliver: 239, 311, 581, 788
Crownhill (Devon): letters from, 338–45; men. 346, 1019
Crucifixion, The: 977
Cruelty: 1, 107, 127, 166, 226, 235, 289, 567, 955
Crusaders: 460
Crusius, Gottlieb Christian: Complete Greek and English Lexicon for the Poems of Homer and the Homeridae, 71n, 420
Crusoe, Robinson: see Defoe, Daniel
Crutwell, Mrs: 99–100
Cuckold’s Green (Wiltshire): 691–2
Cuckoo Song: 218
Cuddesdon College: 528n
Cullen, Mary (‘Witch of Endor’): 339n, 439n, 450, 474, 710, 737, 748, 804, 824, 825, 826, 842, 856, 864, 865, 871, 892, 920, 952, 954
Cuming, G.J.: see Clough, Francis F.
Cumnor (Oxfordshire): 519, 558, 559, 852, 853–4
Cupid and Psyche: 268, 304
Curragh (Dublin): 634n
Curragh Incident: 634
Cushendall (Co. Antrim): 871, 883, 885
Cushendun (Co. Antrim): 739, 883, 937, 939
Cyprus: 282, 733n
Czechoslovakia: 529
Daedalus: 468
Daily Mail: 125, 446, 596
Daily Mirror: 703
Dalhousie University: 297n
Dante Alighieri: 303, 476, 586, 766, 963; Divine Comedy, 275, 279n, 407–8; Inferno, 560, 857; Paradiso, 407–8, 857, 915; Purgatorio, 403, 406, 407–8, 560; Vision or Hell, Purgatory and Paradise (trans. H.F. Cary), 520, 559–60, 876
Darius: 498
Dartmoor (Devon): 582
Darwin, Charles Robert: 649
Daudet, Alphonse: Immortel, 544–5
David, King: 442
David, William Ross: 625n
Davidman, Joy: see Joy Gresham
Davis, Robert Furley: 497
Davy, Thomas Kerrison: 317, 318n, 402n
Dawkins, Richard MacGillivray: 880
Dean, Basil: 953n
Death: 13, 31, 71, 91, 126, 149, 187, 191, 231, 235, 239, 242, 270, 274, 352, 388, 400, 407, 426, 437, 469, 496, 500, 510, 523, 539, 545, 546, 566, 586, 590, 606, 629, 641, 654, 672, 674, 706, 707, 716, 717, 723, 745, 748, 763, 820, 825, 827, 832, 842, 899, 901, 906, 911, 916, 926, 938, 949, 951, 958, 970, 971, 975, 976
Debussy, Claude: 191, 271, 342, 427; ‘Fille aux cheveux de lin’, 196; Prélude à l’après-midi d’un Faune, 899
Defoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe, 864, 943
De la Mare, Walter: 522, 663, 700; Connoisseur, 920; Desert Islands, 918, 934; Peacock Pie, 390; Veil, 920
Delangues, Maurice: 684
Delgany (Co. Wicklow): 986
Délibes, Léo: Cortège de Bacchus, 899
Delius, Frederick: 953n
Democracy: 493, 746, 771
De Morgan, William: Alice-for-Short, 185–6
Demosthenes: 137, 434; Corona, 141
Denbigh (Denbighshire): 1014
Deneke, Margaret: P.V.M. Benecke, 517n Denmark: 11
Dennis, Geoffrey: 949; End of the World, 942, 948; Harvest in Poland, 942
Dent, J.M., Publishers: 670
De Pass, Denis Howard: 317, 318n
De Quincey, Thomas: Autobiographical Sketches, 933–4, 936; Confessions of an English Opium Eater, 113, 181, 182, 187, 192, 199, 207, 285, 305, 314, 933
Derbyshire: 862 Derbyshire, HMS: 683n
Descartes, René: 331, 635n
Desponia: 457n
Deuteronomy: 311n
Devizes (Wiltshire): 691
Devon: 56n, 484, 577, 694, 724, 1019
Devoteau, Daisy: 703
Dickens, Charles: 195, 442, 519, 787; Bleak House, 903; David Copperfield, 154, 343, 630–1; Great Expectations, 903; Martin Chuzzlewit, 395, 398, 727; Old Curiosity Shop, 855; Pickwick Papers, 754, 792–3, 795, 860
Dickinson, Lowes: Meaning of Good, 478
Dictionary of National Biography: 752, 986, 996n
Dictionnaire de la Bibliographie Nationale: 320
Dido: 157
Dieppe (France): 5, 356
Dionysus: see Bacchus Disraeli, Benjamin: 179, 184, 699, 747; Coningsby, 179n, 739–40; Sybil, 179n; Tancred, 179n; Vivian Grey, 179n Distinguished Conduct Medal: 204n
District Model National School (Belfast): 1006, 1016, 1017
Divis, Mount (Co. Antrim): 478, 737, 738, 760
Dobson, Henry Austin: Eighteenth-Century Essays, 342
Dodds, Eric Robertson: 73, 99, 198, 208, 306, 311–12, 314, 318, 319, 326, 595, 598; Missing Persons, 73n
Dolores: 522
Domesday Book: 74n
Donaghadee (Co. Down): 954
Donegal, County: 313, 330, 455, 456, 682
Donne, John: 963
Dorchester (Oxfordshire): 696n
Dorking (Surrey): 160, 794
Dostoevsky, Fyodor: 219
Doughty, Charles Montagu: Mansoul, 476, 733
Doullens (France): 366
Dover: 129, 500
Dowden, Edward: Robert Browning, 418
Dowding, C.S.: 365
Down, County: 32n, 60, 73n, 95, 115, 120n, 148n, 183, 310–11, 330, 347, 496n, 724, 725, 726, 814, 871, 967, 995
Down, Oliphant: Dream-Child, 482; Three One-Act Plays, 482n
Doyle, Arthur Conan: 531n; Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 9n, 48
Dragons: 658n, 679n, 835
Dreams: 146, 662n, 678, 937–8
Drinkwater, John: 528; Abraham Lincoln, 498
Drogheda (Co. Louth): 1013, 1014
Droitwich (Worcestershire): 697
Dromara (Co. Down): 1002
Druids: 467
Drumshambo (Co. Leitrim): 590
Dryads: 206, 374, 909
Dryden, John: 185, 700, 773; Absalom and Achitophel, 618
Drysdale, Capt. J.E.: 695, 704, 720n
Dublin: 34n, 86n, 120n, 263n, 316, 325, 394, 412, 449, 462, 463, 547n, 587, 599, 634, 991, 1015, 1022
Dudeney, Alice: Gossips Green, 98n
Duff-Sutherland-Dunbar, Sir George: 987
Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry: 29n
Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeomanry: 29n
Dulwich College: 779
Dumas, Alexandre: 293, 359, 826, 840; Three Musketeers, 98n Dunany (Co. Louth): 1020
Dunbar of Hempriggs, Dame Maureen: biography, 986–8; men. 316, 336–7, 411, 418, 419, 423, 425, 433, 454n, 459, 473, 474n, 477–9, 537, 595n, 596, 598, 600, 650, 674, 684, 718–19, 722, 774, 777, 794, 829, 851–2, 855, 870, 871, 884–5, 886, 888, 890, 894, 895, 927, 946, 956n, 960, 970, 1018–19, 1021
Dunbar of Hempriggs, Sir Richard: 987, 988
Dundela Villas (Belfast): 1, 28, 812n, 1007, 1010, 1011
Dunkery Beacon (Exmoor): 893
Dunleer (Co. Louth): 1020
Dunluce Castle: 143, 188
Dunsany, Edward: Tales of Wonder, 309
Dunster (Somerset): 574, 575–7, 892
Dunster, Castle of (Somerset): 481, 576
Dürer, Albrecht: 307, 434, 441, 447, 942
Dwarfs: 95, 98, 919
Dyce, Alexander: 974n
Dyer, John: Fleece, 728; Poetical Works, 728–9
Dynasties: 447
Dyson, Henrietta: 988
Dyson, Henry Victor Dyson (‘Hugo’): biography, 988–90; men. 917–18, 969–70, 974, 976–7, 1023; (with J.E. Butt) Augustans and Romantics, 989; Emergence of Shakespeare’s Tragedy, 990; ‘“Old Cumberland Beggar” and the Wordsworthian Unities’, 990; Pope, 990
Dyson, Margaret: 988, 990
Dyson, Philip: 988
Eadie, Dennis: 179
Earp, T.W.: 454
Eastbourne (Officers’ Command Depot): letters from, 416–23
Eastgate Hotel (Oxford): 683, 798
East Ilsley (Berkshire): 686, 688
Eastwood, T.R.: (with H.G. Parkyn) List of Officers and Other Ranks of the Rifle Brigade, 1029
Eaton, J.R.T.: 909n
Ecclesiastes: 167
Eckington (Derbyshire): 998
Eddas: 53n, 701, 707, 835, 977n
Eden: 307, 504
Edgell, Lawrence Fayrer Arnold: 298, 301, 303, 304, 310
Edinburgh: 69n, 368n, 555, 876, 988
Edward VII, King: 501, 726, 727
Edwards, John Robert: 303, 307, 308, 315, 322, 427, 428, 430
Egypt: 284, 318n, 402n, 548, 733n, 743n
Egyptian Expeditionary Force: 696n
Elaine the Fair: 115n
Elephantine River: 486
Elgar, Sir Edward: 64–5; Dream of Gerontius, 66n; Starlight Express, 179n, 898
Eliot, George: 138, 356, 433; Adam Bede, 340, 348–9, 352; Middlemarch, 362, 433, 883; Mill on the Floss, 352; Romola, 478; Scenes of Clerical Life, 228
Eliot, T.S.: 529n
Elizabeth II, Queen: 954, 1024
Ellis, George: Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, 921
Elphin (Co. Roscommon): 120n
Elyot, Sir Thomas: 783; Boke of the Governour, 783n; Castel of Helth, 783n; Image of Governance, 783n
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: 368, 398, 533
Emmanuel College (Cambridge): 880n
Emmet, Rev. Cyril William: 548
Encaenia (Oxford University): 553–4
Encyclopedia Britannica: 434
Endicott, Lizzie: 265n
Endsleigh Palace Hospital (London): letters from, 373–87
English Folk Dancing Society: 980, 998
English Language and Literature, School of (Oxford): 591–2, 600, 603, 608, 611, 642, 979, 984, 1022
Enock, Charles Reginald: Mexico, 474
Entomology: 12–13
Entrance Examinations (Oxford): see Responsions Envy: 882
Ephesians: 362
Epic Literature: 94, 189, 199, 228, 244, 440, 597, 615, 661n, 679–80, 869
Erasmus, Desiderius: 512, 699, 749, 767
Eros: 127, 143, 146, 174, 820, 902, 958, 970
Essays on the Eighteenth Century Presented to David Nichol Smith, 990
Essex Yeomanry: 47n
Étaples (France): 365–73
Eton College: 317, 319, 778
Euphrates, River: 304n
Euridyce: 122, 124
Euripides: 146, 158, 230; Alcestis, 419, 615; Bacchae, 408, 426, 433, 473; Helena, 107, 166; Hippolytus, 408; Medea, 467–8
Euston (London): 6, 111
Evans, Charles Sheldon: 397, 409n, 410, 412, 415–16, 440, 928
Evans, Sebastian: 249n, 441n Eve: 220, 799, 904n
Evelyn, John: Diary, 657
Evesham (Worcestershire): 16n
Evolution: 680
Ewart, Charles Gordon: 98n, 129, 143, 148, 165n, 195, 223–4, 238, 257, 528, 991
Ewart, G. Herbert (‘Pumblechook’): 303n, 517, 531n, 532
Ewart, Gundreda: see Forrest, Gundreda Ewart, Hope: see Harding, Hope Ewart, Kelso (‘Kelsie’): 98, 129–30, 143, 174, 184, 195, 223, 226, 260, 387, 453, 552, 560–1, 566, 724, 936, 959, 991–2
Ewart, Mary Elizabeth ‘Lily’ (Arthur Greeves’s sister): 98, 130, 134, 143, 146, 148, 165n, 176, 197, 253, 257, 271, 274, 518, 661, 991
Ewart, Mary Heard, Lady: 98n, 310n, 469, 552, 560–1, 566, 990–1, 997
Ewart, Sir Robert Heard: 99, 107, 130, 204, 453, 588, 843–4, 954, 991
Ewart, Sir William: 990
Ewart, Sir William Quartus: 98n, 129n, 130n, 199, 303n, 469, 990–1, 997
Ewart and Son, William: 303n
Ewart Family (‘Glenmachonians’): 79, 97, 990–2, 997
Ewing, Alfred Cecil: 629
Excalibur: 340
Exemption (from Military Service): 159, 178–9, 204–5, 261
Exeter (Devon): 895
Exeter College (Oxford): 19n, 29n, 319, 345, 453, 607–8, 609, 640, 643, 861n, 917n, 984, 985, 988, 1022
Exhibition of the Royal Academy of Art: 183n
Exmoor: 506, 575, 576, 686, 792, 888
Exodus, Book of: 380
Eynsham (Oxfordshire): 854
Ezekiel: 883n