





A. Daniel and the Three Friends in Nebuchadnezzar’s Court (1:1–21)

1. Historical Introduction (1:1–2)

2. The Main Characters (1:3–7)

3. The Plot (1:8–17)

4. Foreshadow of the Outcome (1:18–21)

B. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the Statue (2:1–49)

1. A Troubling Dream for the King and a Crisis for the Wise Men (2:1–13)

2. Daniel’s Intervention and God’s Intervention (2:14–23)

3. Daniel Describes the Content of the King’s Dream (2:24–35)

4. Daniel Interprets the King’s Dream (2:36–45)

5. The King’s Response to Daniel’s Interpretation (2:46–49)

C. The Golden Image and the Fiery Furnace (3:1–30)

1. Nebuchadnezzar’s Golden Image (3:1–7)

2. The Three Hebrews Accused (3:8–12)

3. The Three Hebrews Stand Trial before Nebuchadnezzar (3:13–18)

4. The Three Hebrews Sentenced (3:19–23)

5. The Three Hebrews Delivered (3:24–27)

6. Nebuchadnezzar’s Proclamation (3:28–30)

D. Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the Tree (4:1–37 [3:31–4:34])

1. Nebuchadnezzar’s Proclamation and Doxology (4:1–3 [3:31–33])

2. The Report of the King’s Dream (4:4–18 [4:1–15])

3. The Interpretation of the Dream (4:19–27 [4:16–24])

4. The Fulfillment of the Dream (4:28–33 [4:25–30])

5. Conclusion and Doxology (4:34–37 [4:31–34])

E. Belshazzar’s Feast and the Writing on the Wall (5:1–31 [5:1–6:1])

1. Belshazzar’s Great Banquet (5:1–9)

2. The Queen Introduces Daniel (5:10–12)

3. Belshazzar Summons Daniel (5:13–16)

4. Daniel Explains the Handwriting on the Wall (5:17–28)

5. Conclusion (5:29–31 [5:29–6:1])

F. The Lions’ Den (6:1–28 [6:2–29])

1. Daniel’s Success (6:1–3 [6:2–4])

2. The Conspiracy against Daniel (6:4–9 [6:5–10])

3. Daniel Accused and Condemned (6:10–18 [6:11–19])

4. Daniel’s Deliverance (6:19–24 [6:20–25])

5. Darius’s Letter of Proclamation and Doxology (6:25–28 [6:26–29])

II. DANIEL’S VISIONS (7:1–12:13)

A. The Four Beasts (7:1–28)

1. Introduction (7:1)

2. Dream Report (7:2–14)

3. Interpretation of the Dream (7:15–27)

4. Conclusion (7:28)

B. The Ram and the Goat (8:1–27)

1. Introduction (8:1–2)

2. Vision Report (8:3–14)

3. Interpretation of the Vision (8:15–26)

a. Appearance of the interpreting angel (8:15–18)

b. Message of the interpreting angel (8:19–26)

4. Conclusion (8:27)

C. The Seventy Years and Seventy “Sevens” (9:1–27)

1. Introduction (9:1–2)

2. Daniel’s Prayer (9:3–19)

3. The Revelation (9:20–27)

D. The Vision of Israel’s Future (10:1–12:13)

1. Introduction (10:1)

2. Prologue (10:2–19)

3. The Angel’s Revelation (10:20–12:4)

a. Further dialogue with the revealing angel (10:20–11:1)

b. Concerning Persia (11:2)

c. Concerning Greece (11:3–4)

d. Concerning Egypt and Syria (11:5–20)

e. Concerning Antiochus IV Epiphanes (11:21–35)

f. Concerning the king who exalts himself (11:36–45)

g. Concerning Michael the great prince (12:1–4)

4. Epilogue (12:5–13)