
Abel, Cain and, 138–39

Acts, book of, 140–44

ACTS plan, 93

adoration, prayer and, 93

Advent, 158, 161

After Virtue (MacIntyre), 17

After You Believe (Wright), 49

Allison, C. FitzSimons, 22

Ambrose, xix, 35–36

Anthony (saint), 36, 149n5

apophatic theology, 93n4

Aquinas, Thomas. See Thomas Aquinas

asceticism, 67–69, 130, 159–61

Ash Wednesday, 159

Athanasius, 100

attention, 103–6. See also contemplation

Auden, W. H., 53, 103

Augustine, xx, 31–41, 50, 67, 79–80, 100, 123, 159, 180, 183. See also Confessions

authenticity, 66–67, 77–78, 116, 128

authority, community and, 148–53

awareness, contemplation and, 109–12, 128–29

Babel, tower of, 139–41

Bahnson, Fred, 93, 111–12, 163

Baldwin, James, 151

Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 96, 181–82

baptism, 7, 72, 141, 152–53

basileas, 154

Basil of Caesarea, 69, 153–54

beauty, xvii–xviii, xx, 94–98, 103–12, 181–82

and art, 96–97

and perseverance, 89–90

and poetry, 95–97

and silence, 92–94, 131

and transformation, 100–101, 115–18

and work, 128–30

being, transcendence and, xvii–xviii

Bell, Luke, 104, 161

Bellah, Robert, 136

Bernard of Clairvaux, 100n23

Berry, Wendell, 92, 147, 150, 163–64, 184. See also Jayber Crow

Bethge, Eberhard, 176

Bible, the

beauty and, 98–101, 131

community and, 138–40

goodness and, 51–53

truth and, 6–8, 25–27, 42

Boersma, Hans, 105

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, xxi, 91, 145, 167–77, 183. See also Christ the Center; Life Together

Books of Homilies, 3, 29–30

bourbon, spiritual formation and, 115–18

Bowling Alone (Putnam), 136

Brooks, David, 35, 40, 84, 148

Brother Lawrence, 104

Bryant, Kobe, 102

Buechner, Frederick, 71

“Burnt Norton” (Eliot), 92

Cain, Abel and, 138–39

calendar, church, 157–61. See also Advent; Christmas; Easter; Epiphany; Lent; Ordinary Time; Pentecost

Calvin, John, 23, 123, 152

Capon, Robert Farrar, 117

cataphatic theology, 93n4

Catholicism, xv–xvii, 25–26, 41, 63, 82, 123, 152

Catholic Worker (magazine), 83

Catholic Worker movement, the, xx, 83–85

Celtic spirituality, 154

Champaigne, Philippe de, 40

Charry, Ellen, 6–8, 28, 74

Chesterton, G. K., xv, 63

Christ. See Jesus

Christmas, 155–56, 158–59

Christ the Center (Bonhoeffer), 91

church, the, 140–44, 148–64, 167–77. See also community

Cicero, 34–35

Cloud of Unknowing, The, 110

Colbert, Stephen, 78

Communion, Holy. See Lord’s Supper, the


and accountability, 177

in the Bible, 138–44

church and, 140–44, 148–64, 167–77

and commitment, 148–53, 177

as compelling, 153–55

and conflict, 150–51

and connections, 147–65

and encouragement, 178

goodness and, 82–83

and hospitality, 177–78

and idealism, 167–70

individualism and, xx–xxi, 135–38

and land, 163–64

and obedience, 148–53

and place, 147–53, 161–64

and stability, 149–51, 161–64

and stewardship, 161–64

truth and, xviii, 21–22, 38–41

as web, 147–65

and welcome, 153–55, 178

and witness, 153–55

worship and, 144–45, 155–61

Confessions (Augustine), xii, 31–32, 124n2

contemplation, 93–94, 103–19, 130

and distractions, 106–12

and feelings, 109–17

and mantras, 107–8

and repetition, 107–8

and solitude, 111–12, 131

and thoughts, 109–12

contemplative phrases, 107–8

Counter-Reformation, 123

Craft, Jennifer Allen, 182

creation, the, 8–9, 20–21, 51, 98, 138

cross, the, 82, 96–97

Cruelty of Heresy, The (Allison), 22

Cyprian, 152

Dante Alighieri, 67

Day, Dorothy, xx, 55, 79–86, 90, 182. See also Catholic Worker; Catholic Worker movement, the

de Gruchy, John W., 182

deification, incarnation and, 100–101

Deism, Moralistic Therapeutic, 4–5

democracy of the dead, xv–xvi. See also tradition

desire, 112–15, 124–28

detachment, holy, 112–15

digital community, problem of, 151n9

doctrine, story and, 19–22

Dodson, Jonathan, 23

Donatism, 39–40

Driscoll, Mark, 78

Easter, 155–56, 160–61

Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (Bernini), 124

Eisenhower, Dwight, 65

Eliot, T. S., 92

Ephrem the Syrian, 96

Epiphany, 159

essence, energies and, 100n22

eternal life, nature of, 53–56

Eucharist, the. See Lord’s Supper, the

Evagrius, 67, 103, 108

evil, problem of, 34–35

examen, practice of, 87

Fabrycky, Laura, 172

fasting, 68, 87, 159–60

Florence and the Machine, 118–19

folly, holy, 183–84

forgetfulness, 6–8. See also truth: and remembrance

formed, faith as, 74, 77–86

framing narrative, 19–22

Francis (pope), 135

freedom, 22–25, 63–64

From Isolation to Community (Werntz), 173

Fujimura, Makoto, 95

fulfillment, spiritual, xii–xiii. See also rest, searching for

Giving Tree, The (Silverstein), xi, xxii

God, beauty of, 94–98

Godspeed, 149–50

González, Justo, 38

Good Friday, 160

goodness, xvii–xviii, xx, 47–57, 59–76, 182

and failure, 66

and habit, 69–74

and hypocrisy, 66–67

as natural, 72

and renunciation, 69

ritual, goodness and, 60–61, 71–72

and sainthood, 79–81, 86

as unnatural, 72

and vice, 67–68

and weakness, 67–68

Good Samaritan, parable of, 54–55

gospel, the, 15, 22–25

grace, 40–41, 55–56

Great Divorce, The (Lewis), 74–75

Gregory of Nyssa, 89, 99, 180

Gregory the Great, 67

Hart, David Bentley, 181

Hauerwas, Stanley, xix, 5, 18–19, 45, 64–65, 71, 135, 137, 144, 149, 156–57

heart, the. See love

Herbert, George, 1

Herdt, Jennifer, 60, 62

heresy, 22, 34–35, 39–41

Heschel, Abraham Joshua, 115, 131, 157

Holy Saturday, 160

Holy Spirit, the, 24, 131, 140–41, 152, 161, 183

honor, interiority of, 128–29

Hortensius (Cicero), 34

Horton, Michael, 100n22

humility, self-knowledge and, 129

hunger, fulfillment and, xii. See also rest, searching for

Hunter, George, III, 154

illumination, spiritual, 117

individualism, xv, xx–xxi, 32, 135–38, 140–44

expressivist, 136

and happiness, 136

and loneliness, 136–37, 163–64

utilitarian, 136

Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin), 23–24

Interior Castle, The (Teresa of Ávila), 125–28, 130

interiority, faith and, 32, 62, 121–30

Irenaeus, 98, 100

Isaac the Syrian, 67

Isenheim Altarpiece (Grünewald), 97

isolation, social, 136–37, 151n9

Israel, story of, 6–7, 51–52, 99, 139

“I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” (U2), xxi

Jacobs, Alan, xvi

Jayber Crow (Berry), 92, 147–48

Jensen, Robin, 97


beauty and, 99–101

community and, 139–40, 143, 173–75

goodness and, 52–56

truth and, 7–8, 11–15, 21–22

Jesus Prayer, the, 107–8, 131

John Cassian, 67–69

John Chrysostom, 95

John of the Cross, 106, 115–16

Johnson, Dru, 51

Jungle, The (Sinclair), 80

justification, sanctification and, 24

Keating, Thomas, 108, 131

Kepler, Johannes, xx

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 54

Kreeft, Peter, 181

Lady Bird (Gerwig), 104

Laird, Martin, 108–10

lectio divina, 131

Lent, 155, 159–61

Lewis, C. S., xii, 19–20, 72, 74, 97

lex orandi, lex credendi, 62

Life Together (Bonhoeffer), 167–68, 171, 173n16, 174, 176

liturgical year, the, 155–61. See also calendar, church

Long Loneliness, The (Day), 79–86

Lopez, Barry, 163

Lord’s Supper, the, 13–15, 56–57, 82–83, 101–2, 144–45

Lossky, Vladimir, 93n4, 100


beauty and, 96–97, 128–30

community and, 153–55, 178

goodness and, 50–56, 63–64, 79–86

truth and, 39–41

Lovelace, Richard, 23

Luther, Martin, 15, 24–26, 61–62, 123

MacIntyre, Alasdair, 17

Mani/Manicheanism, 34–35, 39

Mary and Martha, 129–30

Maundy Thursday, 160

Maurin, Peter, 83–85

Mawson, Michael, 169n4, 173

Mayfield, D. L., 85

McDermott, John, 102

memory. See truth: and remembrance

Mere Christianity (Lewis), 72

Merton, Thomas, xix, 90, 94–95, 108, 112, 116, 118

Milliner, Matthew, 115–18

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism, 4–5

Moses, 9, 11, 51–52, 99

mysticism. See contemplation

neighbor, love of, 54–55

Nicene Creed, 20

Nicholas Cabasilas, 100

Nicholas of Cusa, 91

Niebuhr, Richard, 4

Noll, Mark, 3

Nouwen, Henri, xxi

Nwigwe, Tobe, 69

O’Malley, Timothy, 83

Ordinary Time, 159, 161

original sin, 40–41. See also sin

pain. See suffering

Palmer, Parker, 36

Pascal, Blaise, xii

Paschal Triduum, the, 160

Paul (apostle), xx, 7–8, 13, 22–23, 29n13, 50, 55–56, 63, 66, 127, 141–42, 183

Pelagius/Pelagianism, 40–41

Pentecost, 140–41, 161, 183

personality tests, use of, 66nn10–11

Peter (apostle), 100, 141, 152

Phelps, Michael, 70

Philip, the eunuch and, 12

Philippi, church at, 141–44

Pink, A. W., 29

Plato, xvii

Pohl, Christine, 153

poor, care for the, 80–81, 83–85, 153–54, 171–73

practice, spiritual, 28–29, 59–76

prayer, 62–63, 92–94, 106–8, 115, 124–25, 128–31. See also contemplation

centering prayer, 131

and confession, 93

and supplication, 93

and thanksgiving, 93

preaching, 7–8, 25–27, 42

productivity, stillness and, 92–94

purgation, spiritual, 115–17

as death, 115–17

as emptying, 115–17

Reformation, the, xv, xvii, 23–26, 61–63, 123

Renewal as a Way of Life (Lovelace), 23

rest, searching for, xi–xiii, xxi–xxii, 31–32, 180–81

revelation, 98–102, 121–30

and experience, 122–24, 128–30

and intimacy, 98–102, 121–30

revivals, renewal and, 23–24

Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, The (podcast), 78

Robinson, Marilynne, 169–70

Rohr, Richard, 157n21

Rolheiser, Ronald, xii, 60–61, 149, 180

Roman Catholic Church. See Catholicism

rule of life, creation of, 87

Sabbath, the, 131–32

sacrament, 71, 105–6. See also baptism; Lord’s Supper, the

salvation, the church and, 152–53

satiation, spiritual, xii–xiii. See also rest, searching for

Saward, John, 183

Sayers, Dorothy, 19–20, 22

Schmemann, Alexander, 22

self, the, 31–32, 109–12

self-examination, 87

self-righteousness, 55–56

serpent, the, 6, 51, 98, 138

service, 63–64, 87–88, 128–30

Seven Storey Mountain, The (Merton), xix


beauty and, 98–99

community and, 138–39

goodness and, 64–69, 74–76

truth and, 20–25, 39–41

Sinclair, Upton, 80

singing, Scripture and, 42

Smith, Christian, 4

Smith, James K. A., 36

sola scriptura, 122

stillness, 92–94. See also contemplation

suffering, 29n13, 77–81

Sullivan, Shirley Darcus, 125

Swift, Taylor, 135

Talladega Nights, 179–80

Taylor, Charles, 100

Teresa of Ávila, xx, 121–30, 183

tests, personality, 66nn10–11

theosis, 100, 116, 118, 125

Thérèse of Lisieux, 183

Thomas Aquinas, 67, 74, 95, 101

Thompson, Gregory, 105

time, 131–32, 155–61

tradition, xv–xvii, 155–61

Transcendent, the, xvii–xviii, xxi

transcendentals. See beauty; community; goodness; truth

true self, the, 66–67, 116

trust, 28–29, 36, 136–37


goodness and, 47–49

and judgment, 28

and knowledge, 27–29

and myth, 19–22

and remembrance, 6–8, 13–15, 42

and renewal, 23–24

and sanctification, 24–25

story and, 6–13, 17–30

theology and, xx, 38–41, 181–82

as tool, 38–41

trust and, 28–29, 36

as weapon, 38–41

union, spiritual, 117–18

unity, transcendental. See community

unrest. See rest, searching for

virtue. See goodness

vision, revelation and, 122–24, 128

von Balthasar, Hans Urs. See Balthasar, Hans Urs von

Wall, Paul, 12

Ward, Mary, 79

Warren, Tish Harrison, 60, 62, 71, 83

Webber, Robert, 133

Werntz, Myles, 85, 137, 148, 156, 173

Willard, Dallas, 59

Williams, Rowan, 68, 93n4, 94, 106, 110, 113, 123, 125, 179

Willimon, William, 65

Wirzba, Norman, 105, 163


as holistic, 27–29

and truth, 27–29

Wright, N. T., 49, 56