MongoDB supports the GeoJSON object types Point
, LineString
, Polygon
, MiltiPoint
, MultiLineString
, MultiPolygon
, and GeometryCollection
. These are used in two-dimensional geometry and geographic surface-of-the-earth data.
Mongo provides a nice tutorial on geospatial databases with an application on restaurant locations in New York City here:
A GeoJSON object has the form:
<field>: { type: <GeoJSON-type>, coordinates: [longitude, latitude]}
Here, <GeoJSON-type>
is one of the seven types listed previously, and longitude
and latitude
are decimal numbers, with range -180 < longitude
< 180 and -90 < latitude
< 90. For example, the following is the GeoJSON object for Westminster Abbey in London:
"location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-0.1275, 51.4994]}
Notice that GeoJSON lists longitude before latitude, as with (x, y) coordinates. This is the reverse of the geo URI scheme that lists latitude first, as shown in Figure 10-19:
Figure 10-19. The Geo URI for Westminster Abbey: latitude before longitude
The code in Figure 10-20 illustrates how we can develop a MongoDB collection of places represented by GeoJSON documents:
Figure 10-20. Inserting a GeoJSON document into a collection of places