One year later...
Love surrounded her. Even with the flashbulbs going off like a strobe light outside her limo, Queen Victoria Dane Alexander knew she’d remember this monumental moment forever.
As the car pulled up to the red carpet, Victoria waited for her driver to open the door.
“Are we all ready?” she asked.
Her entire family, Bronson, Mia, Anthony, Charlotte, Olivia and Stefan, all smiled. They’d agreed to ride together to the L.A. premiere of Legendary Icon. So much had happened in the past few years, and they wanted to make a united front, to show they were a family first, movie moguls second.
The limo door opened; screams, cameras and the red carpet awaited them. Victoria never tired of the positive attention the media gave to her brothers and mother. They were so talented and she was thrilled to be part of this night, this movie.
The driver helped Olivia out first and the crowd grew even louder.
“She’s going to shine tonight,” Bronson said with a smile on his face.
Anthony nodded. “She always shines, but she’s waited for this for so long. I’m glad we could give this to her.”
Emotions overwhelmed Victoria. It wasn’t that long ago that Bronson and Anthony were at each other’s throats, but now they were family and they loved each other...all because of Olivia Dane.
Anthony and Charlotte exited the limo next, followed by Bronson and Mia. Stefan reached over and took her hand.
“Have I told you how oraios you look tonight?”
Victoria had learned over the past year that the Greek term meant “beautiful,” but she always loved hearing it come from his lips.
“You’ve told me.” She took a deep breath, ready to really change his life. “I have something to tell you, as well.”
He glanced to the open car door. “Shouldn’t we be getting out?”
Victoria shrugged. “They’re all still dazzled by the rest of my family. I wanted to impress you with my own Greek I’ve been working on.”
One dark brow rose. “Oh, really? And what is that, my love?”
She leaned in and whispered, “Moro.”
Those dark chocolate eyes widened, dropped to her stomach and back up. “A baby?” he asked. “Tori, my God. Are you serious?”
With tears clogging her throat, she nodded. “Yes. I know we wanted to wait a bit longer, but—”
Stefan took her face in his hands and kissed her, thoroughly, deeply, passionately. Who needed lip gloss for the premiere anyway?
When he leaned back, he was still grinning like she’d never seen before. “I’m thrilled. Are you feeling okay?”
She nodded. “I haven’t been sick once, and the doctor said I’m about seven weeks along and very healthy.”
He kissed her again. “I love you, Victoria. I can’t tell you how much.”
She started easing toward the open door, toward the shouts and cameras. “After we celebrate this premiere, you can show me at home.”
* * * * *
Keep reading for an excerpt from One Winter’s Night by Brenda Jackson