Deschanel Family (Line of August)
The Deschanel (pronounced Day-shah-nell) family are the line of heirs of the great Charles Deschanel of France, who settled the Deschanel dynasty in Louisiana in 1844. All current day descendants of this original Charles are either of the line of August or Blanche. Deschanels are of the line of August, and all others (Fontenots, Broussards, Guidrys, etc.) come from Blanche. August, with his wife “Irish” Colleen Brady, had seven children: Charles, Augustus, Colleen, Madeline, Evangeline, Maureen, and Elizabeth. Madeline, their fourth child, tragically passed in an automobile accident on Christmas morning, 1970.
Irish Colleen was August’s second wife. His first, Eliza, he married for love, but she was unable to bear children and eventually passed away from cancer.
The rights of inheritance of the Deschanels follow the tradition of the eldest son, so Charles, son of August, is the current heir.
August (1905-1961) & “Irish” Colleen Brady (1932-)
Charles b. 1950 (m. Cordelia Hendrickson b. 1951)
Nicolas b. 1975
Augustus b. 1951 (m. Ekatherina Vasilyeva b. 1950)
Anasofiya b. 1975
Colleen b. 1952 (m. Noah Jameson b. 1950)
Madeline 1953-1970
Evangeline b. 1954
Maureen b. 1956 (m. Edouard Blanchard b. 1935)
Olivia b. 1975
Elizabeth b. 1959

Deschanel-Broussard Family (Line of Blanche)
The Deschanel-Broussard family (pronounced Brew-sard), are cousins of the Deschanel family, equal in wealth and prestige. Where the Deschanels are descendants of the line of August, the Broussards are descendants of the line of Blanche. Claudius Broussard is Blanche’s third husband, and the children from this union are considered her most favored. She also has a son by her second husband, Johnson Guidry, but her relationship with Pierce is fractured.
Blanche did not have children by her first husband, Ellis Kenner. Both Ellis Kenner and Johnson Guidry died of “mysterious circumstances.”
Blanche Deschanel (b. 1906) & Johnson Guidry (1890-1930)
Pierce b. 1926
& Claudius Broussard (b. 1900)
Eugenia b. 1940
Pierce b. 1926
Cassius b. 1942
Wyatt (1943-1955)
Noble (1944-1955)

Guidry Family (Line of Blanche)
The Guidry family are those descended from Pierce Guidry, first son of Blanche Deschanel-Broussard. Although the first son is the heir on the Deschanel side, Blanche does not recognize Pierce as her heir. Instead, she sees her second child and eldest daughter, Eugenia Fontenot, as her heir. Pierce represents his line of the family as one of the seven Deschanel Magi Collective Council. His two daughters, Pansy and Kitty, are also on the Council.
Of Pierce’s children, only Pansy, so far, is married.
The Guidrys, for no reason other than Blanche’s disdain for her second husband, Johnson, are considered the black sheep of the clan.
Pierce Guidry (b. 1926) & Winnifred Babin (b. 1926)
Pansy b. 1949
Alton b. 1950
Kitty b. 1954
Pansy b. 1949 m. Placide Lafont b. 1945
Rex b. 1973

Fontenot Family (Line of Blanche)
The Fontenot family are those descended from Eugenia Broussard-Fontenot, second daughter of Blanche Deschanel-Broussard. Although Eugenia is a second child, and a daughter to boot, Blanche recognizes Eugenia as her heir. Eugenia is married to Wallace Fontenot, and they have three sons. Eugenia represents her line of the family as one of the seven Deschanel Magi Collective Council.
The Fontenots are well-respected in the community, with a similar prestige as their Deschanel cousins.
Eugenia Broussard (b. 1940) & Wallace Fontenot (b. 1939)
Luther b. 1962
Llewellyn b. 1963
Lowell b. 1964

Broussard Family (Line of Blanche)
The Broussard family are those descended from Cassius, third child and second son of Blanche Deschanel-Broussard. Cassius is married to Helene Barrow, and they have two children, a son and a daughter. Cassius represents his line of the family as one of the seven Deschanel Magi Collective Council.
The Broussards, like the Fontenots, are well-respected in the community, with a similar prestige as their Deschanel cousins.
Cassius Broussard (b. 1942) & Helene Barrow (b. 1944)
Jasper b. 1963
Imogen b. 1965

Sullivan Family
The Sullivans are one of the oldest and most trusted families in New Orleans. A family of attorneys, a majority of Sullivans, most notably males until recently, join the family law firm, Sullivan & Associates, which has been a New Orleans staple since 1839. The family came up through the ranks, by their bootstraps, with humble beginnings as Irish immigrant laborers. The Sullivans are both the attorneys and friends of the Deschanel Family. Like the Deschanels, the designation of heir follows the eldest son, and so Colin Sullivan Sr. is considered the head of the family. His father, Patrick, still lives, but in quiet retirement.
Colin Sullivan Sr. (b. 1932) & Josephine Bartleby (b. 1931)
Colin Jr. b. 1950 (m. Catherine Connelly b. 1948)
Rory b. 1952 (m. Carolina Percy b. 1953)
Patrick b. 1953
Chelsea b. 1956

Sullivan & Associates
Sullivan & Associates is a family-owned law firm, and one of the oldest and most trusted in New Orleans, founded in 1839 by Aidan Sullivan. Comprised mostly of Sullivans, the firm is considered something of a birthright for any Sullivans looking to go into law. They have represented the Deschanel interests for over a century. Charles Deschanel’s best friend, Colin Sullivan Jr., as well as Colin’s two brothers, Rory and Patrick, all plan to join the family firm one day. Colin Sullivan Sr. is the current Senior Partner, following the retirement of his father, Patrick. Colin Sr. and his brothers, Jerome and Jamie, are the figureheads of the firm.