Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.


A big majestic poem, consummation, 736

A bird fills up the, 441

A centipede, the many legs, 1020

A clover blossom’s a province, 441

A clown kite, my, 442

A crippled angel bent in a scythe of grief, 26

A cud’s a locus in time, a staying change, moving, 598

A fifth of me’s me, 760

A fish, fin, 1020

A flock of my days, 942

A 41 Morning, still cloudy, 910

After a creek, 1021

After a long, 1022

After brief heavy, 1021

After the complex reductions come, 762

After the dissolve, 902

After the event the rockslide, 398

After the explosion or cataclysm, that big, 596

After the shifts and dis-, 129

After two gray sunless days of warm, 57

After yesterday, 442

A grackle, 1022

a grackle lands on a honeysucklebush, 1022

A leaf fallen is, 443

All afternoon, 365

All day—I’m, 508

A mountain risen, 444

Analysis mines and leaves to heal, 853

An image comes, 414

An individual spider web, 77

An orchestration of events, 367

Any entangling however, 588

A perspicuity like a sanctuary: against, 444

Applause is a shower, 445

are, 389

Are all these stones, 60

Arm’s length renders one, 970

A seventeen morning &, 861

As for fame I’ve had it, 927

A sift, sprinkling, or veil, 904

A silver jet, 377

A single fact, 963

Assure us you side with order: throw, 501

As the perpetual laughter about the grounds, 565

At a bend in the rocks there hung, 137

At a bend in the stream by willows, 139

At dawn in 1098, 8

A tea garden shows you how, 45

A treeful of cleavage flared branching, 21

At the crustal, 424

At the oracle, 114

A whirlwind in the fields, 358

Beautiful nature, 103

Because I am, 740

Bees stopped on the rock, 445

Bees turn in a fire, 537

Behind the I, 22

Belief is okay, 1023

Birds are flowers flying, 528

Body keeps talking under the mind, 523

Branches broken, 446

Bravery runs in my family, 754

Breakers at high tide shoot, 106

Brief histories, scribblings, 758

But if the Way will, 856

By the highway the stream downslope, 403

By the ocean, 70

Certain presuppositions are altered, 396

Change the glacier’s loneliness and the ice melts, 566

Chaos staggered up the hill, 500

Christmas Eve morning, 851

clouds came in soon after, 188

Cloud strays rounded up, 932

Cold didn’t keep the stuff, 883

Coming out of the earth and going, 446

Coming to a pinywoods, 394

Coming to a rockwall, 503

Coming to cottonwoods, an, 62

Coming to Sumer and the tamarisks on the river, 15

Coming to the windy, 1023

Complexity o’erwhelms the gist, 529

Consider big-city, 447

Considering the variety, 1009

Consistencies rise, 358

Constrictions, gross substantialities (the lifting, 725

Cool peripheries, raw, 754

Cunit, 953

Currents figure, 448

Cutting off the, 513

Dark day, warm and windy, 908

Dawn clear, 841

Deprived like the cougar, 449

Dew was, 114

Dispossess me of belief, 450

Down by the bay I, 450

Drip drip, 1000

Dropping eyelids among the aerial ash, 27

drought continuing, 451

drums gather and humble us beyond escape, 377

Dry-leaf life, 100

Dull lull, 921

Dung ball, round graveyard, 873

Dying in a mirthful place, 12

Early October, 793

Earth, earth!, 453

Eat anything: but hardly any: calories are, xlv

8:45 A.M.—doorbell rings: wife, 821

Entering the dark sounds, 743

Especially the fallen tree, 396

Evening falls: earth, 392

Everybody knows by now, 737

Every evening, down into the hardweed, 64

Everything begins at the tip-end, the dying-out, 374

Exuberance: joy to the last, 127

Fantasies that do test the periphery of consciousness, 763

Find me diffuse, leached colorless, 453

first I heard, 212

Five years ago I planted a buttonwood slip, 510

Flounderlike, poetry, 730

Foraminiferal millennia, 454

Forecast for today (Winter’s Firstday), 844

For the bumps bangs & scratches of, 455

From high, 740

From reality’s flowing flurry, 763

From silence to silence, 514

From the dark, 376

From the inlet, 420

Getting little, 744

Gilgamesh was very lascivious, 18

Glubgullies in the fricassee, 762

Go down the left, 568

Going west, 455

Grove, forest, jungle—a thickening motion, 533

Guilt’s been circling, 754

Hard fist, 818

hard lard hard fact, 815

Hardly anything flies north these days, 456

Hard up for better lays (with, 456

Have you listened for the things I have left out?, 54

Have you seen the severe waters, 792

Having been interstellar, 14

Having split up the chaparral, 134

Headed back home from Harold’s, we came down, 572

He climbed hard, 517

He held radical light, 457

He loved cloud covers, 744

Here, 458

Here are some pretty things picked for you, 38

Here I sit, fifty in the, 787

He said, 104

He turned and, 90

Honor a going thing, goldfinch, corporation, tree, 55

Honor the maggot, 105

How, through what tube, mechanism, 373

How does the pot pray, 511

How I wish great poems could be written about nothing, 741

How you buy a factory, 84

Hurly-burly: taking on whatever is about to get off, up the, 574

I assume the world is curious about me, 16

I attended the burial of all my rosy feelings, 404

I broke a sheaf of light, 5

I called the wind and it, 34

I came in a dark woods upon, 20

I came upon a plateau, 27

I cannot re-wind the brook, 1007

I can’t decide whether, 458

I can tell you what I need, what I need, 520

I can tell you what I need is, 521

I can tell you what I need is, 522

I can tell you what I need is a good periodontist, 522

I can tell you what I need is for, 520

I can tell you what I need is one of those, 519

I can’t think of a thing to uphold, 459

I can’t understand it, 348

I come in from the snowy world, 846

I could believe water, 733

I cut a new thread on it this morning, 460

I’d give bushels of blooms, 1024

Idling through the mean space dozing, 416

I don’t know somehow it seems sufficient, 139

I dreamed my father flicked, 460

I drove down to Aurora, 760

I Ezra the dying, 136

If, whittler and dumper, gross carver, 642

If a rock on the slope, 419

I feel sure you will be pleased, 408

If I leaped, 1024

I found a, 351

If walking through birdy trees, 1017

If you must leave the shores of mind, 385

If you were standing under the elm and, 842

I give you the wretched sympathy stone, 500

I got one good look, 97

I have appropriated the windy twittering of aspen leaves, 563

I have been brought out of day, 369

I have been throughout the world sleuthing, 134

I have certainly felt the documentation of terror, 755

I have grown a marsh dweller, 461

I have no program for, 462

I have sung, 462

I hear the low falling from the, 766

I hold you responsible for, 463

I hope I’m, 464

I knew, 1007

I know, 503

I know if I find you I will have to leave the earth, 37

I know you love me, baby, 412

I like nonliterary, 1024

I live in a bodiless loft, 464

I look for the way, 465

I look up guff and find the first, 915

I make a simple assertion, 466

I’m stuck with the infinity thing, 741

I’m the type, 972

I’m unwilling, 958

In a high wind the, 737

In a little off-water, 590

I need this broad place to work because I’m, 726

I never saw anything like it—, 755

In his head, 509

In Strasbourg in 1349, 3

In the bleak time look for no cooperation, 466

In the dark original water, 381

In the desert a, 372

In the desert midnight I said, 138

In the hour of extreme, 126

In them days, 382

In the old, 842

In the summer I live so, 531

In the useless study of uselessness one, 763

In the wind my rescue is, 24

In wingbar light, 467

I participate, 731

I picked myself up from the dust again, 502

I refuse the breakage, 737

I remember when freezing, 1025

I retire from, 727

Iris leaves, 756

I said, 467

I said I will find what is lowly, 81

I said there must be someway, 734

is a mental object, 385

I sat by a stream in a, 399

I sat down, 468

I see downhill a patch, 875

I shall, 73

I should have had my macadam, 469

I should have stayed longer idle, 25

I sit in sun, 380

Island-end here is, 524

I spent the day, 374

I spent with her, 525

I started picking up the stones, 417

I stop on, 470

I struck a diminished seventh, 17

I take your hand, 751

It does not rain in, 963

I tell the maple it’s unwise—though, 534

I think, 1025

I think of her, 42

I thought Silver must have snaked logs, 69

I thought the, 1026

I tipped my head, 1026

It is not enough to be willing to come out of the dark, 365

It is not far to my place, 89

It is one, 1027

It occurred to me there are no, 68

I took my likely schizophrenia in hand, 536

It’s actually six-thirty, 756

It’s amazing all, 567

It’s April 1, 957

It’s a wonder the body, 955

It’s day again, the fourth day, 530

It’s half an hour later before, 936

It’s late September now, 510

It’s nice, 1026

It snowed all night snow, 998

It’s so dry the brook, down, 976

I turned in, 470

It was May before my, 640

I understand, 387

I’ve always been impressed with the word incunabulum, 761

I’ve come down a lot on the tree of terror, 511

Ivy, a winding), 795

I wake up from, 1027

I walked at night and, 1028

I want a squirrel-foil for my martin pole, 532

I want something suited to my special needs, 420

I want to know the unity in all things and the difference, 745

I was going along a dusty highroad, 419

I was thinking when I woke, 239

I was walking down by the old, 383

I went down by Cascadilla, 425

I went for a walk over the dunes again this morning, 91

I went out on, 471

I went out to cut a last batch of zinnias this, 538

I went out to the sun, 6

I went to the summit and stood in the high nakedness, 645

I woke up (merely) and found, 752

I woke up at 6 and it was, 940

I wonder if I know enough to know what it’s really like, 1

I wonder if pagan is, 984

I wonder what I should do now, 472

I wonder what to mean by sanctuary, if a real or, 564

Just because the transcendental, 724

Last night my mind limped, 473

Last night’s thunderstorm’s, 570

Leaves are eyes, 516

Light falls shadow and beam through the limbo, 833

Like an, 96

Like a single drop of rain, 128

Like a steel drum, 528

Like fifty, 909

Like the hills under dusk you, 421

limber body, 1028

Lines flying in, out: logarithmic, 96

Logos is an engine, 1028

Look, look where the mind can go, 594

Looking for clear water he, 752

Lord, have mercy! what a day: what a merciful day, 565

Losing information he, 418

Make a motion, 415

Merging into place against a slope of trees, 378

Midafternoon, 512

Mist curtains lower and dissolve, 834

Morning glory vine, 573

Morning’s the woman time of day, 473

Motion’s the dead give away, 590

my, 786

my book came today, Friday, 196

My dice are crystal inlaid with gold, 14

My father, I hollow for you, 1006

My father used to bring banana, 791

My father used to tell of an, 968

My great wars close, 474

My neighbor shakes feed along, 878

my poem went for a ride, 210

My sorrows he said, 475

My structure is, like the, 988

My subject’s, 475

Nature as waterfalls, 879

Near dusk: approaching, 1029

Ninth-circle concrete, 476

Nobody comes here to stay: that’s, 476

No matter, 974

Nothing’s going to become of anyone, 477

No tirement like retirement, 830

No use to make any more, 1029

Now and then the intolerable crooks, 533

Now the ridge, 588

Now you have come, 363

Occurrence is continuous (and in, 752

Off backwards macadam, 746

On a cold late, 594

Once a roving man, 728

One at one with his desire, 917

One composing seminal works sat oblivious, 23

One day I complained about the periphery, 397

One desires the cutting, 983

One loves, 965

One morning Beebe, 101

One must recall as one mourns the dead, 784

One of these days I’m gonna leave you, baby, 477

One the way to, 1025

One trains hard for, 1013

On the cedars and yews, 478

On this day noteworthily warm, 986

On walks I go a long way along, 1012

Out for stars he, 417

Out mountainward, I explained I’ve already, 567

Particularly near sundown, 641

Peripherally the ocean, 51

Poetry is the smallest, 848

Prison break!, 391

Produce and fuctifry, 913

Put your, 525

Quilted spreads, 868

Rage spells more of my words right, 985

raining, 292

Rain still falls, the wind moves, 569

Ramshackles, archipelagoes, loose constellations, 402

Reality’s gossed guzzlings, 478

Repenting creation, God said, 48

Rings of birch bark, 421

Rot richness, sticky, feverish, 764

Rounding the mountain’s rim-ledge, 593

Saliences are humming bee paths, 426

Science outstrips, 479

Secrets are slimber black worms, 479

Seeing into myth is, 480

Shall will be used properly or will shall, 825

Should I bold in a moment intrude, 29

Sight can go quickly, aerial, where, 979

Silent as light in dismal transit, 30

Silver will lie where she lies, 422

Sisyphus, 216

Snow, 996

Snowed last night a lot but warmed up, 854

Snow of the, 895

Snow showed a full range, 974

So I said I am Ezra, 2

So it came time, 59

Solar floes, 481

Some drippage and spillage in, 481

Some fluffy, long-swaggly catkins, 1003

Some months ago I went out early, 5

Some mornings of maximal, 530

Some nights I go out to piss, 987

Sometimes I see an, 481

Sometimes maple leaves come all of an angle, 738

Sometimes the celestial syrup slows, 741

Song is a violence, 119

Soon as, 567

Sorrow how high it is, 102

So when the year had come full round, 125

Speaking to the mountains (&, 535

Spits of glitter in lowgrade ore, 400

Spit the pit in the pit, 569

Spread it thin, 907

Spring’s old hat is older, 946

Starving is so funny, 1029

Still I’m for upper, 764

Streams shed out of mountains in a white rust, 401

Structureless rage, perhaps, 904

Stumped again, I, 753

Subtract from that shower, 519

Summer gauds, 393

summit and blue air, 393

sunny again, 156

sunshine & shade, 164

Take in a lyric information, 540

Take some prose and build, 750

Taking root in windy sand, 95

Teeth out, 886

Tell what will not tell direct, 905

terror of, 795

The angels who in innocent if, 735

The arc, 810

The blackbird takes out, 422

The blast skims, 482

The brine-sea coupling, 738

The burdens of the world, 528

The butterfly that, 107

The cardinal, slanted watershed, 981

The caryophyllaceae, 523

The clouds, 742

The cock sparrow with a sweet, 756

The crystal of reason, 483

The day after, 48

The difference, finding the, 531

The difference between, 1030

The driest place in the yard’s, 739

The first morning in a few, 866

The floodcrest of afternoon passes, 527

The flowering quince bush, 484

The formulation that, 485

The gods (for, 757

The grass miracles have kept me down all autumn, 19

The grove kept us dry, 516

The hemlocks slumped, 731

The hen pheasants streak out of the, 838

The hieroglyphic gathered, the books, 800

The hollybush flowers, 423

The hornet as if, 518

The indefinable idol’s invisible to the mind, 538

the jay was out, 235

The knot in my gut’s, 526

The large is gone—well, it, 485

The leaf has to be thick, 759

The miltonic (miltownic) isn’t, 966

The mist rain this morning made glass, 486

The most beautiful, haunting, 527

The mountains said they were, 61

The mt in my head surpasses you, 486

The pebble spoke and down, 379

The people of my time are passing away:..., xlvii

The perfect journey is, 895

The pieces of my voice have been thrown, 499

The prescriptive stalls as, 897

The redwing blackbird, 510

The reeds give, 423

There is now not a single, 91

There’s not much hill left up from here and after, 573

There! the light of human reason!, 812

There was a hill once wanted, 348

the rhythm is, 121

The saints are gathering at the real, 487

The sap is gone out of the trees, 3

These days most, 981

These still days after frost have let down, 598

The sexual basis of all things rare is really apparent, 646

The shoddy furbishings I pick and choose among, 539

The sky clabbered up with, 962

The snow is fine-sightless today the ground, 835

The snow turning, 517

The song, 113

The soul is a region without definite boundaries, 40

The sparrowhawk, 120

The stomach is quite, 877

The stone in my tread, 386

The stone longs for flight, 732

The storm built till, 514

The strawberries along the roadbank in the hills bloomed, 47

The sun binds, 504

The sun climbs daily higher, 860

The sun’s wind, 529

The tamarack can cut rain down to size, mist-little, 570

The temperature fell, 946

The temperature rose 15 degrees over, 923

The temple stands in a rainforest, 31

The top, 727

The unassimilable fact leads us on, 132

The undergrowth’s a conveyance of butterflies, 406

The universe with its, 596

the way I could tell, 151

The weed bends, 515

The whaleboat struck, 9

The wind, 349

The wind high along the headland, 488

The wind inclines the cedars and lets, 63

The wind picks up slick, 881

The wind sidles up to, 733

The wind went over, 489

The wonderful workings of the world: wonderful, 489

The word cries out, 939

The word is, 130

The world is wound round, 729

they changed the forecast, 174

The year’s run out, 518

They say it snowed, 1018

They say last night radiation, 488

The yucca clump, 120

Things change, the shit shifts, 784

This afternoon the thunderstorms were separate and tall, 572

This is, 867

This left hand, 490

This October, 357

this ole world could be, 230

This poem concerns, 937

This time of year a bumblebee’s, 592

This wall interrupts the wind, 526

Those in ledge fright seek, 855

Thought I have cut down, pulled up, and, 730

3:20 pm: today is near-, 308

today (“7 DEC:”), 145

today (“14 DEC:”), 196

today (“18 DEC:”), 224

today (“28 DEC:”), 258

today (“2 JAN:”), 297

today ben, 331

today I (“6 DEC:”), 141

Today I (“Cornering the Exclusions of the Object”), 491

today is (“27 DEC:”), 252

today is 19 &, 269

today is bright, warm, 242

today is cold: hit, 232

today is rainy, 316

today is splennid again, 312

today is sunny & it may, 310

today is sunny & warming, 324

today is warm & sunny, 305

today is windy as March, 339

today the dry burn in, 280

Today was like vomiting, 956

Today will beat anything, 978

To maintain balance, 354

Turning a moment to say so long, 10

Turning from the waterhole I said Oh, 11

Underneath, the dunes, 370

Untouched grandeur in the hinterlands, 407

Up this high and far north, 405

Variable cloudiness windy, 1011

Watched on the sandy, stony bottom of the stream, 75

Water from the sprinkler, 354

we lost our mule Kate in, 236

We should think, 1030

We slung do out of the rosy alligator, 492

West light flat on trees, 395

What are you doing, 493

What changes, 765

What does, 83

What is the misery in one that turns one with gladness, 597

What small grace comes must, 494

When cold, I huddle up, foetal, cross, 506

When first snow, 1031

When I go back of my head, 351

When I got past relevance, 67

When in early, 807

When I set fire to the reed patch, 19

When I think of “the Poet, 887

When leaving the primrose, bayberry dunes, seaward, 352

when November stripped, 108

When one is a child one lives, 929

When picking, 739

When Rahman rides a dead haste in a dusty wind, 12

When the bee lands the, 494

When the circumstance takes, 405

When the storm passed, 368

When the sun, 106

When the sun went down and the night came on, 133

When you consider the radiance, that it does not withhold, 498

White, flipping, 362

Will Firinger be kissed: will, 1015

Windowjarring gusts again, 495

Winds light & variable break, 495

Winter over, ice-bound, 135

With ropes of hemp, 13

Wonder if, 527

Words of comfort, 782

X out the rondure of, 571

Yes but, 496

Yield to the tantalizing mechanism, 535

You can, 951

You can appreciate, 1031

You cannot come to unity and remain material, 50

You can’t get it right, 889

You can’t imitate, 943

You’d be surprised how short the roads, 529

You notice, 724

You’re sick, 496

Your full-service mover, madam, 805

You think of the sun that it, 990

You will someday, 79

You would think I’d be a specialist in contemporary, 497