PCAT Reading

Critical Reading questions are always about the corresponding passage. You are not necessarily looking for the answer choices that are the most factual but rather those that correspond best with the author and the passage. If you do have prior knowledge in a field, you must be careful not to apply that to the questions and instead only answer based on the information in the passage. Therefore, before you can tackle a Critical Reading question, you must read at least some of the corresponding passage.

There are four things you really need to know about PCAT reading:

First, you’re not reading to learn anything. This is not information you need to carry with you for years, months, weeks, or even hours. You just need to use it in the next few minutes, and you will even be able to refer back to the passage when you need it.

Second, you’re not reading to remember anything. If you try to remember what you read, you’ll rely on memory—which is notoriously faulty—and your mind will be taken up with what you’re trying to remember. That’s not helpful. Your mind needs to be open and focused on the really important parts of the PCAT: the questions. Anything you think is important enough to remember will go on your map, which is discussed later in this chapter.

Third, you don’t need any outside knowledge or your own leaps of logic to read the passage well. All the correct answers are supported in the passage. As stated previously, if you use what you already know, you’ll be tempted to answer questions based on your own knowledge and not on the passage. That’s a classic way to choose wrong answers.

And fourth, you’re not reading to understand everything. After all, if there’s no question on the part you didn’t understand, it doesn’t matter anyway. So you’re not going to read and reread; you’re just going to keep moving ahead and let the questions determine what you need to reread.

Considering all these points together shows that reading on the PCAT is quite different from reading almost anything else. Therefore, how you approach PCAT passages should be different from how you read anything else. Don’t fall into the easy trap of approaching the passages as you would a novel or even a textbook; instead, read critically to set yourself up for success when you get to the questions. After all, answering those questions correctly is your primary goal on Test Day, so everything you do should directly serve that goal, including how you read.

Reading Critically

Ordinarily, people read for one or both of two reasons: to learn something or to pass the time pleasantly. Neither of these reasons has anything to do with the PCAT. So what do you really need to get from reading a PCAT passage that’s different from everyday reading? Broadly stated, there are two primary goals in reading a PCAT passage: reading for purpose—the why of the text and what the author wants you to learn from the passage—and reading for structure—the how of the text and the way in which the author presents the ideas. Every PCAT Critical Reading question type fundamentally hinges on your ability to step back from the text and analyze what the author is stating, why the author is writing in the first place, and how the author puts the text together.

Notice the theme here: it’s all about the author. You’ll get questions about the author’s ideas, her purpose, what can be inferred from her passage, and how she puts it together. If you understand little more than the author’s intent, you’ll still have enough to get started with the questions, so your focus as you read must always be on the author. Therefore, pay attention not only to what details are present and where they are but also why they are there. Details are the what of a passage, and they never exist in a vacuum; they always support an idea.

Since the majority of the Critical Reading question types requires only these big-picture ideas, don’t get caught up in the details themselves as you read. Instead, skim over details quickly, then reread them more closely only when a question demands it. In fact, if you follow this strategy, you won’t ever need to read or understand most of the details in a passage. If every question associated with a passage were a Detail question (and they won’t be), each question could still generally test only one detail, meaning you would need approximately one detail per paragraph at most. Even in this extreme situation, all the other details in the passage would not be worth any points. If you spent a significant portion of your time poring over the passage to learn and memorize all the information contained within it, you would have wasted the majority of your time. Rather than spend your time on a task not directly earning you points, quickly read through the passage for main ideas and only return to specific details when necessary.

Nevertheless, although reading all the content carefully is a waste of time, don’t take that too far. There’s no payoff in getting through a passage with zero comprehension. Instead, know what is important in a passage and what is not. The author’s ideas are important; the details can always be researched if there are questions regarding them (all it takes to find a detail in that case is for you to shift your eyes over to view the passage, which will always be on the screen next to each of its questions). Remember that the PCAT is a timed test; use your time wisely and focus on the author when reading the first time through, saving the details for a second, targeted look if a question demands it.

Using Keywords

To help you read quickly without missing important information, pay special attention to keywords, the specific words or phrases that provide structure to text. By training your eye to notice these essential words, you will be able to skim through much of each PCAT passage, slowing down to read more thoroughly only when you know an important idea is coming next. As you review the following types of keywords, add your own words to watch out for on Test Day.

Continuation keywords announce that more of the same is about to come up. Some of the most common Continuation words and phrases include:

also furthermore in addition as well as
moreover plus at the same time equally

Also (there’s a keyword for you), the colon often does the same job: It tells you that what follows expands upon what came before, as do commas, semicolons, and dashes. When you see a Continuation keyword of any type, you can generally keep skimming if you understood what came before it since no new ideas are likely to follow.

Sequence keywords tell you there’s an order to the author’s ideas. Some examples are:

second (and third, fourth, etc.) next
finally recently

Similar to Continuation keywords, Sequence keywords show you more of the same is coming, so keep skimming.

Illustration keywords signal that an example is about to arrive. For example and for instance are very common. But think about these:

in the words of Hannah Arendt according to these experts
as Maya Angelou says for historians
to Proust Toynbee claims that

In each case, what’s about to follow is an example of that person’s thinking. Illustration keywords also indicate you can keep skimming, but you may want to take note of any vocabulary terms or other important words that follow so you know where to return should you be required to answer a question about that detail.

Evidence keywords tell you that the author is about to provide support for a point. Here are the four most common evidence keywords:

because for since the reason is

Although evidence keywords do show you the same point is continued, they also indicate that the author’s underlying logic is coming next. If you don’t have a strong grasp of the why behind an argument yet, you may need to pay more attention here. Otherwise, keep moving.

Contrast keywords signal an opposition or shift. There are lots of these words:

but however although not
nevertheless despite alternatively unless
though by contrast yet still
otherwise while notwithstanding

Contrast keywords are among the most significant because so many passages are based on contrast or opposition. Almost certainly, something important is happening when a Contrast keyword shows up, so slow down here to ensure you follow where the argument is going next. If you are an advanced reader, you may be able to anticipate what’s coming next, saving you the time of slowing down, but verify that you anticipated correctly before continuing.

Emphasis keywords may be the most welcome. Since you are reading for the author’s point of view, there are no better sections to pay attention to than those where the author announces that he finds something to be important. Note these well:

above all most of all primarily in large measure
essentially especially particularly indeed

These words serve as great hints that the information will show up on a question, so definitely read what follows.

Conclusion keywords signal the author is about to sum up or announce the thesis. The most common is therefore, together with the following:

thus consequently hence in conclusion
it can be seen so we conclude therefore

Because these keywords have to do with the author’s logic, they are especially crucial for Critical Reading, especially when determining the overall purpose of the passage. Slow down and read these.