Remy shivered. He wouldn’t cut it in his light jacket. Still, he followed Trish past a crowded room full of people. What possessed him to join her in the opening of the Artic Bar, he didn’t know. Remy never liked crowds, and the damn ice bar’s freezing temperature, combined with the loud music blasting through its speakers didn’t help his mood.
“Come on, Rem. Mark’s waiting by the way,” Trish shouted over her shoulder.
She grabbed his hand and tugged him along like a reluctant puppy. They pushed and shoved at groups of people, before finally reaching the bar, which was already swarming with guys buying drinks for their dates and hook-ups. Remy doubted he’d be getting any liquid courage tonight, even if the bartender were gay. There were plenty of better looking guys around.
The guy who waved Trish over looked nothing like Ethan Drake. Okay, unfair assessment, because Ethan existed on a category of his own. Mark was huge though, all right. It looked like Mark spent a ton of time at the gym. Combined with his shifter genes, Mark was handsome, in a dark-haired, dark-eyed, and rough sort of way.
“Mark, this is my best friend Remy. Rem, this is the guy I’ve been talking about.” Trish introduced them, although she had to shout to get heard.
“Pleased to meet you,” Remy yelled back.
“Likewise. Trish has been telling me wild tales about you,” Mark said, holding out a hand.
Wild tales? Seriously? For Christ’s sake, Remy was a teacher. He didn’t drink much, do drugs, or indulge in one-night stands. In fact, Remy’s last relationship with Ted moved at an incredibly slow pace, according to Ted. Remy threw Trish a nasty look, but she only shrugged. With no other choice, Remy shook Mark’s offered hand.
No sudden spark. Not at all like the first time Ethan grabbed him and—seriously Remy had to stop thinking about the jerk.
Was it Remy’s imagination, or did the air suddenly turn a lot hotter?
They were in an ice bar for crying out loud. Even the crowd of warm bodies didn’t help improve the temperature. Remy thought he imagined it, but he stood absolutely still when someone grabbed his shoulder.
Remy’s entire body froze. His mind simply refused to work. In a room full of people, why the hell would he instantly recognize Ethan’s distinctive scent? A low growl followed, rumbling with enough power to halt nearby conversations. Remy turned, his gaze instantly trapped by Ethan’s furious animal yellow eyes.
Oh God. This wasn’t good.
Ethan only uttered one word, final and guttural. “Mine.”
Mark didn’t let go of Remy’s hand yet. When Remy took towards a step towards Ethan, Mark tightened his grip on his arm. Ethan’s eyes narrowed.
“You have exactly twenty seconds to let go of Remy. He belongs to me. Twenty seconds, bear, or I break your arm,” Ethan said. His voice changed tides, and gained a seductive and velvety edge.
To Remy’s chagrin, Mark flashed Ethan a smile of challenge, baring his slightly sharpened canines. “This human male doesn’t belong to anyone as far as I know, and he’s my date for the evening. Why don’t you fuck off, wolf?”
“Can’t you tell? Go on. Scent him, before you make a mistake. I’m not warning you again.” Ethan must be pulling on serious metaphysical alpha power, because he held the crowd silent. In sway, and Mark, large and dangerous as he was, paused. He inched carefully close to Remy, and sniffed at Remy’s neck.
“What the hell?” Remy muttered, pushing him away.
“I’m clueless,” Trish told him, looking lost. She looked ready to defend him, but caught his warning look. Maybe she sensed Ethan’s energy as well.
Mark let him go, looking disappointed. “I didn’t know he was yours, alpha. I had the impression he belonged to no one.”
“Damn right. I belong to no one but myself,” Remy insisted, deciding to butt in. He glared at Ethan, who only looked amused. “What did you do to me?”
“Rubbed my scent all over you, so wherever you go, everything knows you’re mine,” Ethan explained, like he was talking casually about the damn weather.
“Are you kidding me?” Remy demanded furiously. “Dude, you can’t just do things like that.”
Ethan raised one elegant eyebrow. “Does it look like I’m kidding, Remy? Did you forget so soon? I can do what I want. Take what I want. What I currently want, is staring right at me in the face, and I don’t intend to leave the bar without him.”
Ethan’s gaze speared through him. Remy swallowed. Like the one mind-blowing night they had, it felt like Ethan already started undressing him in his head. Remy couldn’t deny the undeniable tug, the pull of the werewolf. If Remy lied and said he felt nothing, Ethan could probably smell it on him too. Damn werewolves and their superior scent of smell.
“What’s going on in your handsome little head, Remy?” Ethan prodded. The bastard eliminated the distance between them. Simply banded his arm around Remy’s waist and brought him close, and Remy didn’t even bother to resist.
“That having a relationship with a werewolf is probably the most honest thing in the world?” Remy suggested.
Ethan looked surprised. Then a laugh, genuine and carefree, bubbled out of him.
“Wait a damn second, asshole.” Trish walked up to them, hands on her hips. Remy admired her for bravely stabbing a finger at Ethan’s chest. “Did you know how badly you broke my friend’s heart here?”
“Ah, so you must be the delightful Trish. Remy’s told me all about you...well, back when we were still talking,” Ethan mused out loud.
Trish looked slightly taken back he hadn’t responded with violence. Remy had seen Ethan at work before. Ethan could charm the pants out of anyone.
Remy pushed Ethan away. Thankfully, Ethan respected his space. “Just because I’m not fighting you, it doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven you.”
“I understand what I did was unforgivable, Remy. But will you allow me to explain? Let’s go to some place quiet and talk,” Ethan reasoned. His expression softened, losing its edge for a fraction of a second. “Miriam misses you badly, you know. This week alone, two tutors handed in their resignation because she was being difficult.”
“I didn’t know,” Remy murmured reluctantly.
The mention of Miriam plucked at his heartstrings. He really did miss tutoring the little girl. If ever had a daughter, Remy imagined she would be a little like Miriam—adorable, stubborn, and unafraid to speak her mind. Just like her father.
Besides, Remy did have an itch to get out of the place. It felt like everyone was watching their drama unfold. Somewhere, a camera or two flashed. He didn’t doubt someone probably had their phone out, videoing their conversation.
Remy had a feeling come tomorrow this would be plastered all over the internet and the city’s sleazy gossip columns. Ethan Drake was a well-known figure in society, in both the wealthy human and supernatural circles. Ethan was also a wild care who didn’t care about dating men or women, human or supernatural, but most of his dates had always been famous one way or another.
Tonight, Remy Carlson had begun as an unknown. Just one of the average guys in the city struggling to pay his rent, but come tomorrow...
Tangling with a man like Ethan would bring Remy nothing but trouble, but Remy was tired of being miserable. There was just something about Ethan’s persistence. His claim. His insistence Remy belonged to him—why did those words sound so right?
“Okay. Let’s get out of here,” Remy agreed.
Ethan beamed, all his cocky confident back in place. As if he knew Remy would give in eventually. Remy clenched his jaw. He couldn’t wait to give Ethan a piece of his mind.
Trish grabbed his arm, her gaze searching his. “Remy, are you sure about this? Leaving with him?”
“No, but I’m going to find out where this leads,” Remy answered. “Don’t worry about me Trish. All we’re going to do is talk.”
Oh, I hope not. Remy wanted it to lead to some angry make-up sex, but that road led to dangerous paths Remy wasn’t sure he was ready to take.
“Looks like I can’t convince you, especially when you’re in this mood, but remember. Call me if you need me.” Trish threw Ethan a dirty and suspicious look. “My boyfriend works at the police precinct. Keep that mind, buddy.”
Ethan laughed. “I’m not a serial killer, sweetheart. All I want to do is explain my situation to Remy, although I won’t deny I do want to devour him,” Ethan said. He flashed them his slightly pointed canines, clearly enjoying himself. The bastard.
Remy snorted, but he let Ethan take the lead. The crowd seemed to magically part for him, or did Ethan use some sort of persuasive supernatural shit?
Remy didn’t know much about werewolves, but he intended to find out. Once they were out on the sidewalk, Remy took a lungful of fresh air. He raised an eyebrow at Ethan when his driver pulled by the curb in a black limo. Ethan opened the door for him.
“Shall we?” Ethan asked pleasantly.
In other words, “Are you ready to play this game, Remy?”
Was he? Remy was certain he was way out of league with a man like Ethan, but what else was new?