ThuRsday afteRnoon

Little Dismal

To Jubilee Crystal Simpson

Somewhere on earth

Hey Jubilee, you would’ve liked the class visitor we had this afternoon. She was really pretty, and she dresses like a model or something.

She said she wants to get to know Little Dismal, so she’s going to be here for a couple of weeks. She wants to get to know us, too, so she can write an article about us.


Mrs Savage told us that we had to get permission from our parents to talk to her. So I will. But I’ll wait until the brats’ bedtime, when Mum’s not listening properly. She’ll agree to anything then.

Isn’t Delphine a cool name? It’s almost as nice as Jubilee.

My name’s boring. I think I’m going to change it.

Love from your best friend Tracy Celeste

PS. Want to hear something stupid? I’ve got a pet duck. It followed me home from school today.

Don’t tell Mum, but I’m going to keep it.

Maybe it’s a detective, like Clara.

Ha ha, not really.
