ThuRsday afteRnoon

Little Dismal


To Jubilee Crystal Simpson

Somewhere on earth

Hey Jubilee! Guess what? Go on, try and guess. Except you won’t be able to. You’ll never ever get it.

My pet duck dances!

No, really. You should have seen her just now. It was the funniest thing, she was waving her wings and kicking out her legs, and I almost burst out laughing.

But then it didn’t seem funny at all.

I mean, it was.

But it wasn’t.

Cos you know how Mum said she was going to arrange for me to have dancing lessons? With that teacher in Yabby Creek?

Well, she forgot.

I bet she wouldn’t forget if the brats wanted dancing lessons. I bet she’d sign them up as soon as they asked.

Except they wouldn’t ask for dancing lessons. They’d ask for how-can-we-make-more-noise lessons. Or how-can-we-break-more-of-our-sister’s-stuff lessons.

Ha ha.

Not that I care about the dancing or anything. It’d probably be really boring. If you were still here we could go along together and laugh at them.

Love from your best friend Celeste

P.S. I wish you’d said goodbye before you left.

P.P.S. I wish Dad would phone. Or write. Or something.

P.P.P.S. I wish everyone didn’t hate me.