
Half past tasty-frog

I have worked out how to tell one TODAY from the next!

I’m going to name the days. (I’m surprised that no one has thought of this before.)

So today is Sunday, because lying in the sun with my wings outstretched is the best position for plotting revenge.

The day after Sunday will be Mudday, because mud is full of worms and insects, and gobbling them up helps me think about revenge.

The day after Mudday will be Chooseday, because I will be busy choosing my revenge.

The day after Chooseday will be Whenday, as in, ‘When will I be welcomed back into the flock and praised for my brilliant revenge?’

The day after Whenday will be Thirstday, because I have a thirst for revenge.

The day after Thirstday will be Frightday, because Clara’s going to get such a fright when I take revenge on her.

The day after Frightday will be Satday, in honour of all the ducks back to the beginning of time who have sat on eggs while they plotted revenge.

The day after Satday will be—

Then we start again! The day after Satday will be Sunday, and then Mudday, and so on, for ever and ever!

I-am-brilliant o’clock

Clara could never have come up with something like this.

(Nor could Vera.)

Even-more-brilliant o’clock

I have thought of a dark and mysterious plan. And it’s not dark and mysterious to me!

I wish I could tell my army about my plan. If she could understand my instructions, I would let her take part. I don’t want her to feel left out.

How can I teach her to speak Duck?