To Jubilee Crystal Simpson
Somewhere on earth
Hi Jubilee, Delphine has interviewed Olive Hennessey and Digby Carella already for her article. I don’t know who else. But I heard that Mrs Briggs and Mrs Fullerton are trying to get hold of her, with their stories about growing up in Little Dismal.
I bet they’re really boring.
Anyway, I saw Delphine in the street this afternoon, and called out to her. I thought she heard me, but I guess I was wrong, because she didn’t turn around. But that’s okay. She’s probably really busy.
Love from your best friend Juliette
PS. I wonder if Delphine knows where I live. For when she finds out about Uncle Dylan.
PPS. My duck’s pacing again. Something’s made her unhappy and I don’t know what. I WISH she could tell me.