
Little Dismal


To Jubilee Crystal Simpson

Somewhere on earth

Hi Jubilee, the doors of Delphine’s car were locked, so I peered through the window.

There was something on the back seat. Something big enough to be a cage, but it was covered with a blanket, so I couldn’t be sure.

Except for the single white chook feather on the floor of the car.

I knew I should run and get someone. But what if Delphine drove away while I was gone? What if Clara was lost forever because of me?

I heard footsteps and dived behind the water tank. Out of the hotel came Delphine, carrying a suitcase.

She opened the boot of the car, dragged my bike out and dumped it on the ground. Then she chucked the suitcase in, shut the boot, wheeled my bike around the corner out of sight, and hurried back inside the hotel.

My mouth felt as if I’d been eating gravel. Because Delphine thought she’d shut the boot. But she hadn’t. Not quite.

I stared at it. I still didn’t feel brave.

But I had to do something.

When Mr Simpson tried to escape with the stolen sheep, Clara hid in the back of the truck.

‘Be like Clara,’ I whispered to myself.

I took off my sandals and left them by the tank, so Rita would know I’d been there.

I raced across the yard. I pulled the boot open, climbed in, and pulled it shut again. Properly shut.

Just in time. Someone hurried out of the hotel.

The footsteps sounded like Delphine’s.

She opened the car door, and the car jolted a little as she climbed in.

The door shut. The car started.

We drove away.
