TIP: Many people have noticed how difficult it can sometimes be to see the rear LCD screen because of its highly reflective surface. This is one of those “You can’t win” scenarios, for the screen on every previous E-mount camera had an anti-reflective LCD coating which addressed this very problem quite nicely. (See photo below). The problem with this amazing anti-reflective coating (which also increased contrast) was that it wasn’t durable. Check out a photo of David Kilpatrick’s NEX 5 after less than a year of normal use: What did people do to solve this problem? Why, they proactively attached a screen protector, completely nullifying the anti-glare benefits of the original coating! Finally Sony said “Okay, nobody’s benefitting from our non-glare screen technology, so let’s get rid of that and replace it with the same material that a screen protector uses!” And so they did, and now all the reviewers are complaining about how reflective-y (that’s a word!) the screen is. You can’t win, but at least I don’t have to shell out for a screen protector anymore. |