Menu Position MENU --> 5 --> Creative Style
What it Does Specify in-camera tweaks to your .jpg images
Recommended Setting I personally prefer to keep the factory default settings (everything essentially “neutral”) and do any color cast, contrast, or sharpening on my computer later on
“Creative Style” is a catch-all phrase which means “A collection of tweaks the camera can apply to a .jpg” – tweaks like color cast, sharpness, contrast, and saturation. The degree of change you can invoke by these settings is very small (see comparison shots in the next sections), however you can achieve noticeable differences by combining several of these variables together and storing them in one of six spaces (“Creative Style locations”). I’ll give examples of such combinations after the settings are demonstrated.
Note that these settings only affect pictures taken in P, A, S, or M exposure modes and are only applied to .jpgs (although the settings used are written to the EXIF area of RAW files so programs like Lightroom can open then up and automatically tweak the image according to the settings you dialed in if it wants to. (Kind of a time-saving step.)
The first thing I’ll explain is the concept of what Sony calls an “Image Style”. The A6300 has 13 Image Styles (which you can tweak), plus an additional six customizable slots which you can play with on your own. The 13 image styles are described below: