7.6 Marker Display / Marker Settings

Menu Position MENU --> Image 1 --> Marker Display

Menu Position MENU --> Image 2 --> Marker Settings

What it Does Specifies which of four compositional aids you want visible when shooting video

Recommended Setting: n/a

Constraints: Guides only appear when exposure mode knob is set to “Movie” and MENU --> Image 1 --> Marker Display is set to “On”.


Just as there are compositional aids available for shooting stills (Grid Line, described in the previous section), so too are there compositional aids for shooting video. There are four to choose from; and you can choose to have some or all displaying simultaneously.

Center – This just puts a giant cross in the center. If you’re shooting a talking head, this can be a useful guide.

Aspect – Shooting video for a project that will be shown on something OTHER than an HDTV? The camera will show you a framing guide for that format. For example, if you’re shooting for a standard definition TV (you know, like the TV screen you grew up with), you’d choose 4:3 and the camera will show you Figure 7-6c.

Safety Zone – It turns out that some consumer TV sets have large bezels or are “out of alignment” and won’t show all of the pixels at the perimeter of the image. If you want to make sure they see everything that’s important, you’d make sure that everything that’s important in your shot appears in a “safety zone”, one that takes up 80% or 90% of the full frame. Figure 7-6e and f.

Guideframe – A rule-of-thirds compositional guide. (Figure 7-6g)


Figure 7-6: Marker Settings choices. These are merely compositional aids you can enable to meet your particular video-shooting needs.

Things can look pretty busy if you have all of these on at once (Figure 7-6h). :-)