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Adams, Timothy, 315–16

Adeyemo, Adewale, 336

Advanced Video Communications, 43

Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), 345–46

Afghan refugees, 15, 90, 135, 148, 151–52

African Americans, 69, 153, 163, 207, 230, 243, 309–10

Agnelli, Donna Marella, 77–78, 79

Agnelli, Gianni, 77–79, 82, 83

Agnelli, Margherita, 78–79

Agnelli, Umberto, 82

Aladdin (BlackRock), 138–39, 214

Alibaba, 63–64, 243

allocation universelle, 352

Alton, Gregg H., 289

Amazon, 48–50, 66–72, 400, 402. See also Bezos, Jeff

congressional hearings, 368–73

COVID-19 pandemic and, 218, 228, 247–57, 336, 356–57, 372

globalization and outsourcing, 49–50, 56–57

monopoly power and antitrust, 71–72, 334, 368–74, 381

Morrison at, 73–74

Smalls at, 247–55, 257, 395

Amazon Prime, 252

Amazon rain forest fires, 234

Ambani, Mukesh, 29

America First, 75, 168, 171, 179

American Enterprise Institute, 378

American Express, 102

American International Group (AIG), 105

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, 106

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, 14, 337

Anelli, Filippo, 264

Annala, Mikko, 363

Annovazzi, Coralie, 134–35

anti-immigrant (anti-immigration) sentiments

Britain and Brexit, 114–15

in France, 125, 134–36

in Italy, 84, 90–92

in Sweden, 10, 145, 148–53, 163

Trump and, 60–62, 74–75

anti-Semitism, 178

antitrust law, 7, 235, 335, 375–81, 405, 406

Amazon and monopoly power, 71–72, 368–74, 381

health care and, 186, 189

Antitrust Paradox, The (Bork), 379

Appelbaum, Eileen, 186

Apple, 368–69

Argentine debt, 316–26

Arnault, Bernard, 123–24, 130

artificial intelligence (AI), 29, 65, 125

Ashford Hospitality Trust, 207–9

AstraZeneca, 300–301

Attendo Care, 269–73

Audi, 41–42

Australia brushfires of 2020, 234

authoritarianism, 10, 44, 125, 178, 317

automation, 7, 29, 147–48, 360


Bailey, Roy, 208

balance billing. See surprise medical billing

Bangladeshi migrant workers, 311–13

Bank of England, 108, 279–80

Bank One Corporation, 103

Banks, Dean, 199–200

banlieues, 127

basic income. See universal basic income

Basic Income Earth Network, 352

Bautista, Sonia, 221, 238–39

Bayer, 263

Bear Stearns, 104, 107, 139, 140

Becerra, Xavier, 336

Begum, Monowara, 312, 313

Belgium, 128, 352

Benioff, Lynne, 35–36

Benioff, Marc, 29–37, 385

background of, 32–33

Capitol attack of 2021, 330

compassionate capitalism, 4, 30–32, 33–37

COVID-19 pandemic, 2–3, 4–5, 199, 200, 228–29, 231–32, 241–44, 296, 398

at Davos Forum, 2–3, 29–30, 296

ohana, 31–32, 36, 228, 243

stakeholder capitalism, 2, 30–31, 36, 37, 232, 241

taxes and tax policy, 34–35, 177

universal basic income and, 353, 360

Benioff, Russell, 32

Bennett, Monty, 207–9

Berlin Wall, 10

Berlusconi, Silvio, 78, 81, 82, 263

Bezos, Jeff, 48–50, 67–72, 148, 245–47. See also Amazon

background of, 48, 67–68

congressional hearings, 368–73

COVID-19 pandemic, 199, 250–51, 252, 255–56, 368, 401

founding of Amazon, 67–72

globalization and, 49–50, 56–57, 70

monopoly power and, 71–72, 368–74, 381

net worth, 246, 257

space flight and Blue Origin, 399–401

taxes and tax policy, 3, 56–57, 68, 70, 389, 390, 391, 405

Biden, Joe, 14–15, 44, 332–38, 373

COVID-19 pandemic and, 337–38, 355–56

COVID-19 vaccines, 14, 305, 307–8

election of 2020, 14, 237, 332–34

reasonable pricing rule, 294

tax policy, 367, 396

Billions (TV show), 9

BioNTech, 300, 305

Black Lives Matter, 309–10

BlackRock, 137–43

Argentine debt, 316, 318, 321–26

climate change, 233–35

COVID-19 pandemic, 213–18, 309–11, 399

financial crisis and, 139–40, 214

France and Macron, 120–21, 140–43

Blackstone, 159–67. See also Schwarzman, Stephen

Amazon and, 246

China and, 64–65

COVID-19 pandemic, 205–6, 210–11, 280–81

election of 2020, 329, 333–34

financial crisis and, 107, 163–65, 397

Fink and, 138

founding of, 159–62

health care holdings, 185–88, 191–94, 210–11, 212–13, 397, 403

pension funds, 223–27, 332

real estate holdings, 64–65, 144–46, 157, 163–67

Sweden and, 144–46, 164–67

Blanco, Manu, 127

block grants, 365

Bloomberg, Michael, 161, 391

BNP Paribas, 122

Boeing, 202, 204, 218

Bolten, Joshua, 175, 240–41

Bonnin, Virginie, 132–33, 134

Bono, 2, 23, 385

Bork, Robert, 378–80

Boston Tea Party, 374–75

Bouey, Jennifer Huang, 298

Bourla, Albert, 300–301, 304–5, 308

Bourne Leisure, 281

Bowers, Simon, 113, 265–66

Bown, Chad, 297

Brandeis, Louis, 327

Branson, Richard, 399

Bray, Tim, 257

Brazil, 234, 302

Bregman, Rutger, 382–83, 385

Bretton Woods system, 51, 52, 55

Brexit, 10, 21, 27, 94–101, 113–19, 281–82, 338–39

Dimon and, 96–97, 99–100, 108–9, 114, 119, 129, 398

Johnson and, 117–19

Osborne and, 15, 94–98, 100–101, 109–13, 141–42

Bridge, John, 343

Bridgewater Associates, 28

Britain, 402

austerity program, 93–94, 101, 109–13, 365–66

bank rescue packages, 109

Brexit. See Brexit

COVID-19 pandemic in, 230, 259, 265–66, 276–82, 299, 338–39

National Health Service, 101, 113, 115, 118, 243, 259, 265, 338–39

Preston model, 340–43

British Airways, 279

British Business Bank, 278

Broomé, Michael, 272

Brown, Matthew, 341–42

Browns Field, 111–12

Brynjolffson, Erik, 384

budget deficits, 79, 109, 176–77, 219–21, 335, 389

Bullingdon Club, 114

Bush, George W., 104, 175, 335

Business Roundtable, 174–75, 177, 249, 378–79

Business Roundtable Statement, 235–36, 237, 239–41, 245



COVID-19 pandemic in, 183, 188

pension system, 223–24

Cameron, Daniel, 225

Cameron, David, 93–96, 279

austerity program, 93–94, 109–10

Brexit, 94–95, 114–15, 117

capital gains, 22, 83, 390, 398

CARES Act of 2020, 200–202, 204–12, 219–21, 336, 355

Paycheck Protection Program, 206–9

Carlson, Tucker, 267

Carnegie, Andrew, 9, 46

Carney, Mark, 108

carried interest, 159–60, 162, 329, 338

Castro, Fidel, 370

Caterpillar Inc., 171–72

Celio, 124

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 250, 287, 292, 298

Cerberus Capital, 209–10

Cercle des Economistes, 130

CGT (General Confederation of Labor), 127

Chamber of Commerce, U.S., 249

Charlottesville Unite the Right rally, 178, 331

Château de Chambord, 131

Château d’Yquem, 123

Chicago school of economics, 377–80

childcare, 147, 156, 345, 357, 364–65, 384, 391, 396

child tax credits, 337–38, 367

China, 55–57, 62–66

COVID-19 pandemic, 196–97, 296–98

inequality in, 60

trade and exports, 55–57, 59–60, 62–66, 70, 86–87, 196–97, 297–28

Trump’s trade war, 61–62, 170–73, 286, 297

WTO entry, 55, 56, 63, 86

Xi Jinping at Davos, 44–45

Chinese immigrants to Italy, 89–90

Chopra, Deepak, 23

Choucair, Bechara, 346

Chrysler, 82–83

Cicilline, David, 370

Citadel LLC, 336

Citigroup, 102, 141

Cleveland Clinic, 210–11, 343–44

climate change, 20, 23, 27, 125, 168, 170, 179, 232, 233–35, 236, 357

clinical trials, 285, 287, 293, 298–99

Clinton, Bill, 15, 39, 140, 380

budget deficits, 335

China and exports, 63–64

corporate tax loophole, 35


reasonable pricing clause, 293–94

welfare reform, 364–65

CNH Industrial, 279–80

Cohan, William D., 137, 386

Cold War, 10, 11, 51, 98, 377

colonialism, 59, 306, 310, 375

community wealth building, 341–42

compassionate capitalism, 4, 30–32, 33–37

Conforti, Erika, 264–65

Cook, Tim, 368–69

cooperative companies, 343–50

Corbyn, Jeremy, 118

corona bonds, 275–77, 339

corporate bonds, 213–18

corporate taxes, 14, 35, 56–57, 109, 176–77, 224–25, 396

Cosmic Lie, 8, 12, 46, 120, 143, 176, 219, 269, 277, 335, 357, 384, 386

Council of Economic Advisers, 336

Covax, 302–3, 305, 307–8, 401

COVID-19 pandemic. See also specific companies

Biden’s response, 305, 307–8, 337–38, 355–56

in Britain, 230, 259, 265–66, 276–82, 299, 338–39

CARES Act of 2020, 200–202, 204–12, 219–21

European Union response, 274–78

Federal Reserve’s response, 213–18

in Finland, 267, 273

health care systems and, 183–85, 189–94, 207–13, 269–73, 290–92

inequality and, 3–4, 13, 230–32, 354–56

in Italy, 76, 81, 258–65, 282–83

McConnell’s response, 219–22

migrant workers and, 311–16

pharmaceutical industry and, 285–95

profiteering during, 1–4, 11, 183–85, 189–94, 205–18, 228–29, 398–99

remdesivir and, 285–86, 287–88, 292–93, 294–95

supply chains and, 27, 196–97, 251, 286, 295–98

in Sweden, 259, 266–74

Trump’s response, 196, 197–209, 230, 284–85, 293, 294–95, 297–300, 329

COVID-19 vaccines, 4, 14, 285–87, 298–308, 403–4

disparity in distribution, 286–87, 301–8

patent protection and, 292, 303–8

Cramer, Jim, 229, 232, 241, 398

cronyism, 266

CureVac, 299


Daccò, Pierangelo, 262–63

Dalai Lama, 31

Dalin, Torbjörn, 155–56

Dalio, Ray, 28–29

Damac Properties, 313

Davitt, Patrick, 216

Davos (village), 38

Davos Forum (World Economic Forum)

author’s attendance at, 23–30

core activities of, 41

hierarchy at, 25–26

membership and fees, 23

Schwab and, 37–45

1971, first, 38

2017, 44–45, 290–91

2018, 125

2019, 382–83, 385–86

2020, 6, 236–37

2021, 2–3, 19–20, 22–23, 242

Davos Man, use of term, 5–6

Davos Manifesto, 236, 240

Death by China (Navarro), 170–71

debt, 156, 176, 177–78, 195, 310, 314–16

Argentine debt, 316–26

Greek government-debt crisis, 99

Deese, Brian, 336

Defense Production Act, 199–200

De Gama, Mustaqeem, 303

De Gaulle, Charles, 121, 128–29

Dell, Michael, 19–20, 383–84

democracy, 402–3, 406

Democracy Collaborative, 343–44

Denmark, 66, 86, 128

COVID-19 pandemic, 267, 273, 275

deregulation, 12, 29, 75, 235, 338, 377–80

Britain and Brexit, 95, 97–98, 115–17

derivatives, 8, 95, 394

Dijsselbloem, Jeroen, 274

Dimon, Jamie, 101–8, 161

background of, 54, 101–2

Brexit and, 96–97, 99–100, 108–9, 114, 119, 129, 398

Capitol attack of 2021, 330

China and, 56

COVID-19 pandemic and, 206–7, 398

at Davos Forum, 19–20, 24

early business career of, 102–3

financial crisis and, 103, 104–8

Macron and France, 121–22

stakeholder capitalism and, 235

taxes and tax policy, 3, 386, 392

Trump and, 172–73, 174, 177, 203, 386

Dimon, Theodore, 101–1

Doctors Without Borders, 258, 282

Dominguez, Salvador, 211–12

Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, 158

Dreamforce, 32, 231

Drennan, Dan, 62

Drucker, Jesse, 201

drug companies. See pharmaceutical industry

drug patents, 14, 292, 303–8


East India Company, 375

EasyJet, 279

Eccleston-Turner, Mark, 303

economic inequality, 6–7, 12–13, 23, 28–29, 45–46, 60, 128, 145, 157, 212, 230–31, 286, 309–10, 334–35, 351–52, 385, 386, 402, 405–6

Economic Security Program, 353

Ecuador, 321–22

education inequality, 36, 52

Einstein, Albert, 38

Eisen, Sara, 290–91

Eli Lilly and Company, 263

Elliott Management, 324

Ellison, Larry, 30–31, 33, 37

En Marche, 122

Enskilda Securities, 165

Envision Healthcare, 186–89

Erskine, Barbara, 40, 42–43

estate taxes, 391, 396

ETFs (exchange-traded funds), 216

Eton College, 117–18

eurobonds, 274–76

euro currency, 79

European Management Forum, 38

European migrants, 9, 115, 125, 134–36, 148–53, 163. See also anti-immigrant sentiments

European Union (EU), 79, 98–99, 156, 276. See also specific countries

Brexit and, 21, 94–101, 108–9, 113–19

COVID-19 pandemic in, 274–78, 355

executive compensation, 12, 22, 106, 204, 390–91

ExxonMobil, 218, 232, 234


Facebook, 34, 192–94, 353, 368–69, 380

Fairmont Grand Del Mar, 207

fair trade law, 379

Families First Act, 249–50

family leave, 147

Fannie Mae, 139, 140

Farha, Leilani, 144–45, 146

Fatio, Maurice, 160

Fauci, Anthony S., 304

Faux, Jeff, 63

Federal Express, 252

Federal Reserve, 213–18

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 373, 375–81

Feinberg, Stephen A., 209

Fellsman, Hannes, 150

Felsenthal, Edward, 385–86

Fernández, Alberto, 320–21, 324

Fernández de Kirchner, Cristina, 318

Fiat Automobiles, 76–83

“fiduciary duty,” 323

Fight for $15 campaign, 354

Filipstad, Sweden, 149–51

financial crisis of 2007–2008. See global financial crisis

financialization of housing, 144–46, 157, 163–67

Fink, Larry, 137–43

Argentine debt, 316, 318, 321–26

background of, 137–38

Capitol attack of 2021, 330

climate change, 233–35

COVID-19 pandemic and, 213–14, 215, 217, 309–11, 399

France and Macron, 120–21, 140–43

stakeholder capitalism, 233–35

taxes and tax policy, 3

Trump and trade policy, 172

Finland, 352–53

COVID-19 pandemic in, 267, 273

UBI in, 352–53, 360–64

Five Star Movement, 90–91

Floyd, George, 309

Foer, Franklin, 69

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 287–88, 290, 293

Food Marketing Institute, 249

Ford, Gerald, 379

Formigoni, Roberto, 261–63

Foroohar, Rana, 45

France, 120–43, 402

COVID-19 pandemic in, 275–76

health care spending, 261–62

Macron’s economic reforms, 125–28, 129–31

pension reforms, 120–21, 136–37, 140–43

presidential election of 2017, 121, 122, 123–25

protests, 10, 120, 127, 129, 131–36, 142–43

Freddie Mac, 139, 140

free trade, 51–57, 377–81

French Association of Private Enterprises, 130

French Revolution, 128

Friedman, Milton, 53, 56, 242, 359, 378

Friedman doctrine, 53–56, 155, 235, 242–43

Frum, David, 360

Fukuyama, Francis, 10, 404


Gabriel, Peter, 24

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 359

Game of Thrones (TV show), 181

gasoline taxes, 131–33

Gates, Bill, 23, 384

Geithner, Timothy, 106–7, 139

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 52

General Electric, 54

Genovesi, Claudia Veronica, 319

Georgia and election of 2020, 331, 336–37

Georgieva, Kristalina, 314–15


COVID-19 pandemic, 260, 274–76, 277, 300, 305

health care spending, 261–62

Ghebreyesus, Tedros, 303

Gilead Sciences, 285–95, 299

GiveDirectly, 353–54

Global Events Management, 42–43

global financial crisis, 12, 103, 104–8, 380, 394

BlackRock and, 139–40, 214

Blackstone and, 107, 163–65, 397

in Britain, 109, 341, 344

European Union and, 116, 274

in Finland, 361

in Italy, 79, 90, 261

JPMorgan Chase and, 104–8, 139

role of derivatives, 8, 394

TARP, 104–6, 139–40

globalization, 5, 7, 10, 27–28, 45–46, 59–61, 66, 125–26, 403

Bezos and Amazon, 49–50, 56–57

Goldin, Ian, 27–28

Goldman Sachs, 104, 105, 202, 336

Goliath (Stoller), 372, 377, 380

Gonzalez, William, 221, 238–39

Goodall, Jane, 385–86

Google, 34, 368–69, 380

Gore, Al, 25

Grahn, Johnny, 151

Grane, Mia, 269–73

Granite City, Illinois, 57–58, 60–62, 72–73

Gray, Jon, 333

Great American Revival Industry Groups, 199

Great Britain. See Britain

Great Depression, 50–51, 104, 113, 221, 338

Great Recession, 153, 222


COVID-19 pandemic, 274–75

government-debt crisis, 99, 274

Greek immigrants to United States 101–2

Greensill Capital, 278–79

Greenspan, Alan, 394

Greylock Capital Management, 325

Griffin, Ken, 336

Grossman, Marc, 124

Grosvenor Group, 340–41

Grunshaw, Clive, 343

Guez, Philippe, 122

Gupta, Sanjeev, 278–79

Gustafson, Yngve, 272

Guzmán, Martín, 321–25


H&M, 87–88, 92, 156–57, 269

Harding, Warren, 376

Harriel, John, 347–50

Harriman, Pamela, 78

Harris, Kamala, 355

Harvard Business School, 54

Harvoni, 290

health care (health care systems), 11, 36, 128, 183–94, 316, 354

Affordable Care Act, 345–46

Blackstone and, 185–88, 191–94, 210–11, 212–13

Britain’s National Health Service, 101, 113, 115, 118, 243, 259, 265–66, 277, 338–39

cooperative companies, 343–50

COVID-19 pandemic and, 1, 3, 183–85, 189–94, 207–13, 260–73, 283

in France, 128, 261–62

in Italy, 79, 80, 81, 258–59, 261–65, 282–83

Milligan at Davos, 290–92

in Sweden, 147, 149, 156, 259, 266–74

Healthcare Anchor Network, 345–50

hedge funds, 100, 116–17, 159, 225–26, 336

Hembla, 166

herd immunity, 268

Heron, Mohammed, 311–15

Hollande, François, 122, 123

homelessness, 34–35, 106, 144, 147, 340, 346, 355, 382

hospital closures, 189–90

Howard, Ted, 343–45

HSBC, 81, 141

Huffington, Arianna, 24, 28

Huffington Post, 23–24

Hughes, Chris, 353

Hultgren, Claes, 150

Humes, Hans, 325

Huntington, Samuel, 5

Hurricane Katrina, 33


Icahn, Carl, 391

IKEA, 153–55

impact investments, 345

income taxes, 22, 56–57, 155, 388–89, 390

India, 295–96, 302

Indiana Senate Bill 101 (Religious Freedom Restoration Act), 34

Inditex, 87

IndyMac, 202

inequality. See economic inequality

inflation, 156, 317

Institute of International Finance, 315–16

interest rates, 107, 138, 156, 197, 216, 218, 318–19

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 175, 389, 391, 393, 396

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 51, 314–15, 317–18, 319, 320–21, 323–24

Invitation Homes, 163–64

Iran, 47, 151

Israel, 26, 301

Italian Renaissance, 28

Italy, 76–92, 387

COVID-19 pandemic in, 76, 81, 196, 258–65, 274, 282–83

Fiat and, 76–84

health care spending, 81, 261–62

right-wing populism in, 16, 84, 90–92, 145


Jagger, Mick, 39

Jamali, Babak, 151–52

James, Tony, 333

Jammeh, Binta, 166

Jim Crow laws, 152–53, 359

job guarantee, 356–57

John Paul II, Pope, 78

Johnson, Boris, 117–19, 230, 276–77, 299

JPMorgan Chase, 103–8, 177

Brexit, 96–97, 99–100, 108–9, 129

China and, 56, 64

COVID-19 pandemic and, 206–7, 398

financial crisis and, 103, 104–8, 139

junk bonds, 54

“just-in-time” (JIT) manufacturing, 189

Juventus Football Club, 78


Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 25

Kaiser Permanente, 346–50

Kamprad, Ingvar, 153–55

Kaneteg, Eva, 165–67

Kangas, Olli, 363

Kelly, Dave, 110–11

Kennedy, John F., 78

Kenya’s GiveDirectly, 353–54

Keynes, John Maynard, 221

Khan, Lina, 373, 380–81

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 40, 348, 359

Kirchner, Néstor, 318

KKR & Co. Inc., 187, 225–26

Kleinbard, Edward D., 169

Kommunal, 155–56

Kudlow, Larry, 214

Kushner, Jared, 174, 201


LaBelle, Patti, 161

labor unions, 11, 58–59, 60–61, 86, 126–27, 155–56, 236, 256, 343

Lehman Brothers, 139, 158–59

Leibovich, Mark, 30–31

Le Maire, Bruno, 140

Le Pen, Marine, 125, 136

Lepora, Chiara, 258–60, 282–83

Lerner, Stephen, 332

Les Echos, 123–24

Lewis, Jackie, 111

Lewis, John, 255, 370

life expectancy, 230

Lin, Ming, 183–85, 189, 190–91, 192–94, 210, 395

Linton, Louise, 203

living wage, 343–44, 356. See also universal basic income

lobbying, 6, 7, 71, 249, 293

Lodi, Italy, 258–59, 260

Longhi, Mario, 63

Lundberg, Olle, 271


Ma, Jack, 19–20, 44, 63–64, 243

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 121

Macri, Mauricio, 316–21, 326

Macron, Emmanuel, 15, 120–28, 386

COVID-19 pandemic, 275–76

economic reforms, 125–28, 129–31, 393

Fink and BlackRock, 120–21, 140–43

pension reforms, 120–21, 136–37, 140–43

presidential election of 2017, 121, 122, 123–25

protests against, 120, 127, 129, 131–36, 142–43

Madison, James, 17

Mad Money (TV show), 229, 232, 241, 398

Madoff, Bernard, 103–4

Malani, Preeti, 254

Malardie, Claudine, 135

Mandela, Nelson, 40

march-in rights, 294–95

Marchionne, Sergio, 82–83

Marriott International, 237–39

Marshall, Paul, 117

Martin, Cornelia, 161

Martin, John C., 289–90

Matila, Jaana, 362–63

May, Theresa, 117, 118–19

May 68 protests, 128

McConnell, Mitch, 15, 219–22, 225, 331, 357, 386

McInroy, Neil, 341

Medicaid, 36, 177, 189, 290

medical billing. See surprise medical billing

Medicare, 177, 187, 189, 190

Mellon, Andrew, 376–77

Meng, Ben, 223–24

Menichella, Daniel, 299

Merkel, Angela, 276, 305

Merlin Entertainment, 280–81

Merrill Lynch, 160

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, 112–13

Mexican border wall, 61

Mexican immigrants, 60, 61

Mexico and free trade, 53, 75

migrant workers, 311–16. See also European migrants

Mihaljevic, Tom, 211

Milan, Italy, 85, 261–65

Miller, Jeff, 208–9

Milligan, John, 290–93

MiMedx Group, 207

minimum wage, 72, 129, 177, 337, 354

Miquel, Emmanuel, 122

Mitterand, François, 129

Mnuchin, Steven, 15, 160, 174, 176, 202–6, 207, 209, 214, 215, 276, 323, 336

Moderna, 285, 300

Modi, Narendra, 295–96, 302

Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, 123–24, 130

Moeti, Matshidiso, 307

Mondragon Group, 344

monopoly power, 368–81

Amazon and, 71–72, 334, 368–74, 381

Big Tech congressional hearings, 368–73

Moorhead, Andy, 111–12

“moral hazard,” 106–7

More, Thomas, 358

Morgan, J. P., 9, 375

Morgenthau, Henry, 51, 55, 75, 171

Morrison, Michael, 72–75

mortgage-backed securities, 137–38

Murray, Alan, 235

Musk, Elon, 391

mutual funds, 54, 143, 172, 224–25


National Economic Council, 373

National Federation of Independent Business, 249

National Front, 125, 136

nativism. See anti-immigrant sentiments

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 170

Navarro, Peter, 170–71, 173, 297

Nazis, 74, 121, 127, 145, 154, 178, 331

Neal, Richie, 212–13

Neemuchwala, Abidali, 28

Nesi, Edoardo, 84–86, 88–89, 90–91

Netanyahu, Bibi, 26, 301

Netherlands, 269, 275

networking, 6, 25, 41

New Deal, 71, 113, 338, 376–77, 378

New York Times, 23, 24, 53, 325

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., 114–15

Nokia Corporation, 361, 362

Nordic Model, 146–48, 152, 167

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 53, 171

North Korea, 39, 47

nostalgia, 62, 91–92, 115–16. See also right-wing populism

Novartis International AG, 263

nursing homes, 239, 259, 265–74


Obama, Barack, 106, 108, 162, 163, 197–98, 335, 394

O’Day, Daniel, 285–86, 287–88, 292, 294

Odey, Crispin, 116–17

ohana, 31–32, 36, 228, 243

Onassis, Jackie Kennedy, 78

Oracle Corporation, 30–31, 33

Ortega, Amancio, 87

Osborne, George, 15, 93–96, 279–80, 399

austerity program, 93–94, 101, 109–13, 365–66

Brexit, 94–98, 100–101, 114–15, 141–42

outsourcing, 53, 56, 59–61


Paine, Thomas, 327, 358–59

Pakistan, 314

Panama Papers, 79

pandemic. See COVID-19 pandemic

Paris Agreement, 27, 170, 233, 234

patent protections, 14, 292, 303–8

Patient Unity, 188–89

Paulson, Henry “Hank,” 104–5, 139

Paumgarten, Nick, 39

Paycheck Protection Program, 206–9

Pecoux, Olivier, 122

Pelosi, Nancy, 249, 355–56

pension funds, 54, 159, 222–27, 322

Perón, Eva “Evita,” 317

Perón, Juan Domingo, 317

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, 364–65

Persson, Erling, 87–88

Persson, Stefan, 87–88, 156–57

Peterson, Peter G., 158–59, 161

Petterson, Urban, 148–49

Pfizer, 285, 300–301, 304–5, 307–8, 378

pharmaceutical industry, 24–25, 289–95

COVID-19 vaccines, 2, 4, 285–87, 298–308

patent protections, 14, 292, 303–8

Pharmasset, 290

Phelps, Edmund, 323–24

Phelps, Jim, 61

philanthropy, 8

Philippe, Edouard, 130

PhRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America), 287, 289, 304

Pichai, Sundar, 368–69

Più Europa Party, 263

police violence, 309–10

political contributions, 162–63

“political correctness,” 60, 168

populism. See right-wing populism

Posen, Adam, 62

Powell, Jay, 205, 214, 215

Prato, Italy, 84–86, 88–89

Precariat, 353–54

Preston model, 340–43

Private Equity Council, 162

Prophet, Tony, 243

Providence Health System, 210

Public Citizen, 251, 288

Publicis Group, 44

Putin, Vladimir, 125


Qatar, migrant workers in, 311–15

Quayle, Dan, 209–10


racial prejudice and racism, 52, 74, 84, 135, 149, 151, 152–53, 178, 230–31, 334, 359

Reagan, Ronald, 129, 335, 364, 386, 390

reasonable pricing clause, 293–94

regulations, 4, 7, 34, 162, 227. See also deregulation

Britain and Brexit, 97–98, 108, 115–17

Reinhart, Carmen, 324

Relative Value Units (RVUs), 191

Reliance Industries, 29

remdesivir, 285–86, 287–88, 292–93, 294–95

remittances, 314

Ricchetti, Jeff, 336

Ricchetti, Steve, 336

right-wing populism, 9–11, 16, 125. See also anti-immigrant sentiments

in France, 125, 136

in Italy, 84, 90–92

in Sweden, 145, 148–53

Trump and, 60–62, 74–75

Robber Barons, 8–9, 16, 36, 46, 67, 369, 375, 377, 401–2

Rockefeller, John D., 160, 375

Romoff, Jeffrey, 192

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 338, 376–77

Rosen, Hilary, 333–34

Ross, Wilbur, 174

Rothschild & Co., 121, 122

Rouse, Cecilia, 336

Rutte, Mark, 275


Saez, Emmanuel, 22, 391, 394

Sajwani, Hussain, 313

Salesforce, 29, 30–35, 336, 396

COVID-19 pandemic and, 2–3, 228–29, 231–32, 241–44

sales taxes, 22, 68, 71, 389

Saloranta, Asmo, 361–62

Salvini, Matteo, 16, 84, 90–91

Sanders, Bernie, 333, 384, 391, 393, 395–96

San Donato Group, 263

San Francisco Proposition C, 34–35

Sang Wei, 89

San Raffaele Group, 263

SARS outbreak, 297–98

Saudi Arabia, 234–35, 236, 312, 313

Saudi Aramco, 234–35

Schiffrin, Anya, 45

Schmidt, Eric, 19–20

Schumer, Chuck, 162

Schwab, Hans, 42–44

Schwab, Hilde, 41, 43

Schwab, Klaus, 15, 37–45, 296

business ventures of, 42–44

stakeholder capitalism, 232–33, 237

Trump and, 169–70, 236, 237

Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, 43–44

Schwarzman, Christine Hearst, 161

Schwarzman, Joseph, 157–58

Schwarzman, Stephen, 157–67

background of, 54, 157–58

China and, 56, 64–65

COVID-19 pandemic and, 3, 205–6, 210–13, 280–81, 397, 403

early business career of, 158–59

financial crisis and, 107, 163–65, 397

Fink and, 138

founding of Blackstone, 159–62

health care holdings, 185–88, 191–94, 210–11, 212–13, 333

pension funds, 223–27

real estate holdings, 144–46, 157, 163–67, 351

taxes and tax policy, 3, 159–60, 162–63, 224–25, 338, 392, 394, 395

Trump and, 173, 178–79, 205–6, 224–25, 329–33, 335, 336

Schwarzman Scholars, 64–65, 224

Scott, MacKenzie, 57, 246

2nd CALL (Second Chance At Loving Life), 347–50

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 174, 207, 209, 256–57, 390

September 11 attacks (2001), 183, 332

Shad, John, 390

share buybacks, 107, 205, 239, 390–91, 398

shareholder value, 53–56

Shaw, David E., 67, 70

Shiller, Robert, 25

Shkreli, Martin, 290–91

Short, Martin, 161

sick leave, 249–50, 257, 401

Simmons, Dan, 58–59, 60, 62, 74

Singer, Paul, 324

Slack, 398

Slay, Charles, 349–50

Smalls, Christian, 247–55, 257, 395

Smith, Adam, 17

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, 50–51

social distancing, 184, 197, 230, 231, 248, 255, 267, 280

Socialist Party (France), 122

Sorenson, Arne, 237–39

Soros, George, 178, 391

South African, 230–31, 303, 310, 382

Soviet Union, 51, 98, 377

Spain, 344

COVID-19 pandemic in, 275

wealth tax, 393–94

Zara, 87–88, 92

stakeholder, use of term, 30

stakeholder capitalism, 2, 30–31, 37–38, 232–37

Stakeholder Capitalism (Schwab), 233

Standing, Guy, 352–53, 359

State Investment Company of China, 64

steel industry, 57–58, 60–63, 72–73, 171–72

Stefani, Gwen, 174

Stephanopoulous, George, 219

Stephens, Dan, 112–13

Steward Health Care, 209–10

Stewart, Rod, 161

Stiglitz, Joseph, 25, 45–46, 179, 318, 321, 323–24, 326, 360

stock buybacks. See share buybacks

Stockton, California, UBI in, 353, 364

Stoller, Matt, 372, 377, 380

subprime mortgage crisis, 106–7, 163–64

Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, 174

Summers, Larry, 394–95

Sunak, Rishi, 277

supply chains, 27, 46, 173, 196, 236

COVID-19 pandemic and, 27, 196–97, 251, 286, 295–98

surprise medical billing, 187–89, 191, 212–13

Sweden, 15, 128, 144–67, 402

anti-immigrant sentiments in, 145, 148–53

Blackstone and housing, 144–46, 164–67

COVID-19 pandemic in, 259, 266–74, 275

economic reforms, 155–57

Nordic Model, 146–48, 152, 167

Sweden Democrats, 145, 148–53

Symphony (yacht), 123, 124

Syrian refugees, 24, 90, 148

Szebehely, Marta, 269


tariffs, 50–51, 61–62, 171–73

TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), 104–6, 139–40

Taxation (Mellon), 376

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, 169–70, 175–77, 195–96, 224–25

tax evasion, 1–2, 4–5, 34–35, 124, 383–90

in Italy, 76–77, 78–79, 81–82

tax policy, 14, 52, 162–63, 335, 383–90, 405. See also corporate taxes; income taxes; wealth taxes

Davos Man and, 3, 7–8, 22, 29, 56–57, 383–84

in Sweden, 147

TeamHealth, 184–94, 210, 212–13

technology transfers, 305–6

Tegnell, Anders, 268

Thain, John, 160

Thatcher, Margaret, 95, 98, 110, 115, 129

Theranos, 291

Thunberg, Greta, 39

Tice, Richard, 116

Tivéus, Martin, 271, 273

top one percent, 22, 384, 387–89

trade policy, 11, 50–57, 61–62, 114, 377–81

Britain and Brexit, 113–14, 115, 119

Trump’s trade war, 61–62, 170–73, 286, 297

trade unions. See labor unions

Trailblazer (Benioff), 31

Travaglini, Roberta, 88–90

trickle-down effect, 12, 130, 276, 335, 386, 399

Trump, Donald, 10, 16, 125, 161, 168–79, 236–37

“America First,” 75, 168, 171, 179

anti-immigration and, 60–62, 74–75

Capitol attack of 2021, 330–31, 332

CARES Act, 200–202, 204–12, 220–21

COVID-19 pandemic, 196, 197–200, 230, 284–85, 293, 297–300, 329

COVID-19 vaccines, 284, 285–86, 294–95, 298–300

at Davos, 168–70, 178–79, 236–37

Davos Man and, 20–21, 47

election of 2016, 60–61, 202–3

election of 2020, 14, 284, 329–33, 335

stock market and, 195–96

tax cuts, 169–70, 175–77, 195–96, 201, 219, 224–25, 335, 386

trade war, 61–62, 170–73, 286, 297

Trump, Ivanka, 174

Truvada, 292

Tsinghua University, 64–65, 224

Tyson Foods, 199–200


unemployment, 61, 153, 276, 354, 355, 359

in Argentina, 318

in Finland, 361, 362–64

in France, 125, 126, 127, 129, 132

in Spain, 344

in Sweden, 147, 156

in the United States, 175, 176, 198–99, 201, 206, 211–12, 221, 276, 337, 348, 354

United Kingdom. See Britain

United States Capitol attack of 2021, 330–31, 332

United States presidential election of 2016, 60–61, 202–3

United States presidential election of 2020, 14, 329–35

universal basic income (UBI), 351–67, 382

brief history of, 358–59

in Finland, 352–53, 360–64

Universal Credit, 365–66

UPS (United Parcel Service), 252

U.S. Steel, 62–63, 72–73, 378

Usuelli, Michele, 263–64

USWeb Corp., 43–44

Utopia (More), 358


Vagali, Elio, 80

value-added taxes (VAT), 81

Vietnam War, 10, 52, 128, 359


Wallenberg, Jacob, 165

Wall Street Journal, 70, 160–61

Walmart, 66, 68, 72, 243, 379–80

Warren, Elizabeth, 333, 384, 391, 393, 395–96

Washington Mutual, 105, 107

Washington Post, 23, 236

wealth taxes, 124, 127, 129–31, 156–57, 384–85, 391–96

Weill, Sanford “Sandy,” 102–3

Welch, Jack, 54

welfare reform, 364–65

white working class, 50, 61, 74–75, 84, 135, 172, 332–34

Wilson, Woodrow, 375–76

Wipro, 27, 28

Woods, Ngaire, 29–30

World Bank, 315, 324

World Bank Group, 314–15

World Economic Forum. See Davos Forum

World Food Program, 401

World Health Organization (WHO), 287

vaccine equity, 302, 303, 305, 307

World Trade Organization (WTO), 20, 52, 171

China’s entry, 55, 56, 63, 86

vaccine patents, 303–4, 305, 306

World War I, 128, 376

World War II, 50–51, 110–11, 128

Worth, Everett, 192–94

Wu, Tim, 373


Xi Jinping, 44–45, 65, 125, 172, 296


Yang, Andrew, 354

Yellen, Janet, 336

Yellow Vests, 120, 129, 131–36, 142–43, 382

Yemen, 258, 282

Young, Neil, 31


Zapolsky, David, 254–55, 256

Zhang, Daniel, 243

Zoom, 228, 310–11, 321, 331

Zuckerberg, Mark, 368–69

Zucman, Gabriel, 22, 391