Her Dark Things by Audra Colfax
Piece #9: Dread Project
Oil and mixed media on canvas. 8″ x 8″.
[Close-up of an intricately knitted, blue baby blanket, the textures almost agricultural in their shaping, ocean-like in its expanse. Found objects incorporated throughout by layering.]
Note on scratch paper found in the living room wall during a renovation for accidental damage in the Dunn residence.
I am the dead COAL of a
ROTTEN tooth I am the tar-black MAW of hell I am his
DREAD project a
swollen midnight WOUND
I am BOUND to him in this
in his glorious ascension
and I am bound to him like EVE
choking on the apple
for what I know
I am BOUND to them
in the final hour
he can make me that way KEEP me that way in my highest
form my HIGHEST
we PROMISED each other, C
the night the forest swallowed us whole
it’s time to become the
golden sunshine starshine canary goldenrod bright bright golden girl
he’s going to
and he’s going to help me
I’m going to let him.
—March89. CD.