THE LOVELY CHINESE ware known as Rose Medallion was made through the past century and into the present one. It features alternating panels of people and flowers or insects, with most pieces having four medallions with a central rose or peony medallion. The ware is called Rose Canton if florals and birds or insects fill all the panels. Unless otherwise noted, our listing is for Rose Medallion ware.
Punch bowl, deep rounded sides with colorful alternating panels of flowers & Oriental figures, late 19th c., 15" d., 6" h $1,668
Punch bowl, rounded deep & flaring shape, decorated inside & out with large alternating panels of flowers & Oriental figures, second half 19th c., 11 1⁄2" d., 4 3⁄4" h. $1,150
Teapot, cov., small round raised foot supporting the deep rounded lower body with a sharply angled gently angled shoulder centering the low flat mouth fittled with a high domed cover, ornate C-scroll handle & serpentine spout, the sides & cover decorated with alternating panels of colorful flowers or Chinese figures, mid-19th c., 8 1⁄4" h $1,093
Vase, 24" h., floor-type, Rose Medallion, decorated with large panels with figures alternating with floral panels, the tall trumpet neck flanked by gold applied Foo dog & dragon handles, late 19th c $1,150
Plates, 9 3⁄4" d., Rose Mandarin, each with the same border with brilliant blue fretwork, pink flowers & baskets on a dark mustard yellow iridescent ground, each with a detailed figural center scene, one showing women & children in a courtyard, the other with a man brandishing a sword at a woman, minor wear, pr $460
Platter, 14 x 17", oval, the border in the rare kissing carp motif alternating with blue & green scrolls, the center decorated with a detailed figural scene with 26 figures including children, courtiers with large necklaces & a man holding a sceptre, faint orange peel glaze, minor wear to gilt accents $1,955
Plates, 9 5⁄8" d., armorial Rose Medallion, each decorated with alternating panels of exotic birds & butterflies & groups of figures, the panel separated by bars with tiny florals & a butterfly, an orange armorial crest in the center, slight wear, one with short hairline, the other with small filled-in rim chips, pr $575
Vase, palace-style, 35 1⁄2" h., 13 1⁄2" d., wide cylindrical body with the rounded shoulder tapering to a large waisted neck with a widely flaring flattened rim, the neck with large figural Foo dog & ball handles, each side of the body & neck decorated with large panels with scenes of numerous people in buildings, detailed floral background & gold trim, one under rim chip, 19th c $2,300