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Climate map data adapted from Peel MC, Finlayson BL & McMahon TA (2007) ‘Updated World Map of the Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification’, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11, 1633-44.
This 2nd edition of Lonely Planet’s Best of Germany guidebook was curated by Benedict Walker, and researched and written by Kerry Christiani, Marc Di Duca, Catherine Le Nevez, Leonid Ragozin and Andrea Schulte-Peevers. The previous edition was curated by Marc Di Duca, and written by Marc, Kerry Christiani, Catherine Le Nevez, Tom Masters, Andrea Schulte-Peevers, Ryan Ver Berkmoes and Benedict Walker. This guidebook was produced by the following:
Destination Editor Niamh O’Brien
Senior Product Editor Genna Patterson
Product Editor Rachel Rawling
Regional Senior Cartographer Mark Griffiths
Book Designer Lauren Egan
Assisting Editors Bruce Evans, Victoria Harrison, Jodie Martire
Assisting Cartographers Hunor Csutoros, Valentina Kremenchutskaya
Cover Researcher Naomi Parker
Thanks to Hannah Cartmel, Shona Gray, Vicky Smith
eBook thanks to Julie J. Dodkins, Craig Kilburn, Wayne Murphy, John Taufa and Juan Winata.