In the Frontiers of Narrative Series:
Unnatural Narrative: Impossible Worlds in Fiction and Drama
by Jan Alber
Useful Fictions: Evolution, Anxiety, and the Origins of Literature
by Michael Austin
Possible Worlds Theory and Contemporary Narratology
edited by Alice Bell and Marie-Laure Ryan
Stories and Minds: Cognitive Approaches to Literary Narrative
edited by Lars Bernaerts, Dirk De Geest, Luc Herman, and Bart Vervaeck
Telling Children’s Stories: Narrative Theory and Children’s Literature
edited by Mike Cadden
Strange Narrators in Contemporary Fiction: Explorations in Readers’ Engagement with Characters
by Marco Caracciolo
Refiguring Minds in Narrative Media
by David Ciccoricco
Coincidence and Counterfactuality: Plotting Time and Space in Narrative Fiction
by Hilary P. Dannenberg
The Emergence of Mind: Representations of Consciousness in Narrative Discourse in English
edited by David Herman
Story Logic: Problems and Possibilities of Narrative
by David Herman
Handbook of Narrative Analysis
by Luc Herman and Bart Vervaeck
Affective Narratology: The Emotional Structure of Stories
by Patrick Colm Hogan
Imagining Kashmir: Emplotment and Colonialism
by Patrick Colm Hogan
Spaces of the Mind: Narrative and Community in the American West
by Elaine A. Jahner
The Storyworld Accord: Econarratology and Postcolonial Narratives
by Erin James
Talk Fiction: Literature and the Talk Explosion
by Irene Kacandes
Ethos and Narrative Interpretation: The Negotiation of Values in Fiction
by Liesbeth Korthals Altes
Contemporary Comics Storytelling
by Karin Kukkonen
The Cruft of Fiction: Mega-Novels and the Science of Paying Attention
by David Letzler
The Imagined Moment: Time, Narrative, and Computation
by Inderjeet Mani
Storying Domestic Violence: Constructions and Stereotypes of Abuse in the Discourse of General Practitioners
by Jarmila Mildorf
New Narratives: Stories and Storytelling in the Digital Age
edited by Ruth Page and Bronwen Thomas
Fictional Minds
by Alan Palmer
Writing at the Limit: The Novel in the New Media Ecology
by Daniel Punday
Narrative Beginnings: Theories and Practices
edited by Brian Richardson
Opening Acts: Narrative Beginnings in Twentieth-Century Feminist Fiction
by Catherine Romagnolo
Narrative across Media: The Languages of Storytelling
edited by Marie-Laure Ryan
Storyworlds across Media: Toward a Media-Conscious Narratology
edited by Marie-Laure Ryan and Jan-Noël Thon
Fictional Dialogue: Speech and Conversation in the Modern and Postmodern Novel
by Bronwen Thomas
Transmedial Narratology and Contemporary Media Culture
by Jan-Noël Thon
The Story of “Me”: Contemporary American Autofiction
by Marjorie Worthington
To order or obtain more information on these or other University of Nebraska Press titles, visit