Outline of the Letter to the Galatians

Opening Greeting (1:1–5)

Reproof and Declaration of Loyalty to the Gospel of Christ (1:6–10)

I. Paul’s Defense of His Gospel with Autobiographical Arguments (1:11–2:21)

A. The Divine Origin of Paul’s Gospel (1:11–24)

1. Introduction to Part 1 (1:11–12)

2. From Persecutor to Apostle (1:13–24)

B. Official Recognition of Paul’s Gospel (2:1–10)

1. Second Visit to Jerusalem and a Controversy (2:1–5)

2. Agreement among the Apostles (2:6–10)

C. The Incident at Antioch and the Gospel of Paul (2:11–21)

1. Paul Opposes Peter’s Inconsistent Conduct (2:11–14)

2. The Doctrine of Justification (2:15–21)

II. Arguments from Christian Experience and from Scripture (3:1–5:12)

A. Variety of Arguments (3:1–18)

1. An Argument from Experience: The Gift of the Spirit (3:1–5)

2. An Argument from Scripture: The Faith and Blessing of Abraham (3:6–14)

3. A Legal Argument: The Priority of the Promise over the Law (3:15–18)

B. The Temporary Role of the Law; the Superiority of Faith (3:19–4:11)

1. The Provisional Nature of the Law (3:19–22)

2. The Two Periods of Salvation History (3:23–4:7)

3. Direct Address (4:8–11)

C. An Appeal to Remember Their Love in the Past (4:12–20)

D. Another Argument from Scripture and a Conclusion (4:21–5:12)

1. The Two Sons of Abraham and Two Covenants (4:21–31)

2. Concluding Exhortations and Admonitions (5:1–12)

III. Application to Christian Life (5:13–6:10)

A. Freedom: Not License but Service in Love (5:13–15)

B. The Power of the Spirit over the Flesh (5:16–25)

C. Not Conceit but Solidarity (5:26–6:6)

D. Do What Is Good (6:7–10)

Paul’s Handwritten Postscript (6:11–18)