Chapter 24

Today was the day.

A large white tent stood erect in the back of the Orange Blossom Inn. Inside the voluminous structure lay at least twenty tables and four times that many chairs. The tables, chairs, and even the plywood floor were painted white.

And now, some of Beverly’s friends were in the lodging business, too. Winnie and Sadie had graciously taken in some of Tricia’s and Ben’s relatives. Even the Kaufmann family had opened their spacious home. In fact, it now served as a home base for Edward and Beverly’s other siblings and their parents. Other guests from Charm and Walnut Creek were staying at local hotels and inns. It seemed an October wedding in Sarasota, Florida, was an excellent excuse for a weekend getaway.

Or maybe it was the chance to see two young people who had overcome their share of hardships celebrate a most glorious day.

Standing in her kitchen at five in the morning, Beverly wondered how it was possible to feel so tired. And then she recalled just how frenetic the last week had been. She had been entertaining relatives, soothing Tricia’s nerves, cooking every spare minute in between . . . and making the most glorious cake.

She’d been working on it for three days now. It was five layers, filled with an orange ganache, and iced with thick buttercream frosting. She’d also made delicate white-chocolate leaves and arranged them on the top around a small bouquet of real, pale orange roses. It was the prettiest cake she’d ever made and it was her gift to Tricia, her way of letting her niece know that she loved her and was genuinely happy for her, too.

But all the cooking and wedding preparations weren’t the only cause of her jangling nerves. No, the cause of that had much to do with the man who had arrived yesterday afternoon and been given the best room in the inn.

Eric Wagler—her boss, her friend, her pen pal, her support system—had returned.

She’d known he was coming to the wedding, of course. He’d promised he would, even if his house still hadn’t sold. And she’d been slowly learning that Eric kept his promises. No matter what.

Her hands shook as she poured herself another cup of coffee and attempted to tell herself that the trembling had everything to do with too much caffeine consumption. It didn’t take but a moment to realize that excuse was a fantasy, for sure.

They’d all been sitting in the living room last night—Tricia and Ben, Jay Hilty, Edward and Kathleen. Frank and Ginny Kaufmann had been there, too, along with Leona and Zack Kaufmann. They’d been laughing at a story Kathleen had told about Tricia when she was a little girl. It seemed sweet, impetuous, energetic Tricia had been fond of mice and was constantly trying to save them.

Since mice and barns were not necessarily a good combination, their barn cats were kept very busy. But one of the barn cats had the unfortunate habit of always, always bringing her catch directly to Tricia. No matter where she was or how the other family members might have praised the cat. And every time, Tricia would squeal and run and cry and insist on a mouse funeral.

“Every. Single. Time,” her older sister Kate had said as they’d all laughed.

“Tricia, what are we going to do with our kitten?” Ben asked.

“Hope it’s lazy,” Kate had said.

Which, of course, had made all of them erupt into even more gales of laughter. Beverly had started crying, she was laughing so hard.

And that was the scene Eric had walked into.

“Eric!” Tricia had said before running over and giving him a welcome hug. “You’re just in time to save me.”

He’d tossed his green canvas duffel on the ground, cast a concerned glance Beverly’s way, then wrapped his arms around Tricia. “Save you? My favorite bride-to-be? What’s going on?”

Pulling away, she smiled at Ben and then at her parents. “I’m getting teased about my, um, childish love for mice.”

Eric had thrown back his head and laughed like it was the best thing he’d heard in a year. “This is why I couldn’t wait to return,” he declared. “I missed this place.”

Beverly stepped closer to him. “Everyone, this is Eric. Eric Wagler. He’s my . . . uh, he’s my boss.”

Almost immediately, Eric’s relaxed smile and look of happiness had vanished, replaced by a shadowed look of concern and then disappointment.

Beverly had known right then and there that it had been a mistake to refer to him as only her boss. He was so much more to her than that. He’d become her friend and confidant, her voice of reason and best encourager.

But in her haste to classify him easily, she’d hurt his feelings.

Now, the next morning, Beverly was wondering how she was ever going to make things right. How did a woman fix a clumsy mistake like that? Holding her cup of coffee, she stared hard at the cake and tried to form the right apology to Eric.

“Hey.” His deep voice carried across the room and, just like it did over the phone, gave her a little shiver.

She’d been so consumed with her regrets that she hadn’t heard him enter the room. Of course. Because it seemed she was destined to be perpetually awkward around him.

She quickly set her mug down on the counter. “Gut matin, Eric,” she said, trying not to notice how handsome he looked. His dark hair still seemed to be damp from his shower, and he had put on aftershave. It smelled fresh and tangy and so very appealing.

Too appealing.

“Would, um, would you like some kaffi?” Mentally, she berated herself again. Could she be any more apprehensive? Her use of Deutsch was telling, for sure. She used it with him whenever she was nervous or on edge. In today’s case, she was both.

His brown eyes remained steady on her. “Yeah. Coffee is good.”

She turned to get a cup from the cupboard but he reached it first. “I’m good, Bev,” he said quietly. “You know you don’t have to wait on me.”

“I’m not waiting. I was simply, um . . . trying to make you feel welcome.” Of course, the moment she said that, she wished she could take it back. Could she sound any more distant?

His eyes narrowed. “Because I’m your boss?”

His words sounded bitter though his tone was mild. She needed to fix this.

“Eric, I’m sorry,” she said in a rush. “Of course, you’re much more than simply my boss. We’re friends. Of course we are.”

“It didn’t sound like that last night. I walked into a roomful of laughter and a hug from Tricia but you made me feel like I was about as welcome as a case of the flu.”

“I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.” She hated that whenever he was around she became a person she was definitely not proud of. “I don’t know why I told everyone you were my boss.”

He set down his cup and turned to her. “I never want to be treated like your boss, Bev,” he said quietly as he approached her. “I thought we’d gotten through all that.”

“We have.” She swallowed as he drew to a stop barely a foot away.

“Are you sure? Or is there something you’re confused about?”

“I’m not confused. I mean, we talk to each other all the time.”

“Then why are you keeping me at a distance? Why didn’t you tell everyone I was your friend? Your very good friend?”

Because she didn’t trust their relationship. Because she wasn’t completely positive that he wouldn’t still change his mind about her and hurt her badly. Because she was thirty-four years old and unable to get over a hurt that it seemed anyone else could have moved on from.

Because he smelled really good and at the moment seemed to be staring at her lips.

But instead of saying any of that, she lied. “I don’t know.”

He blinked. Then, to both her relief and disappointment, he took a step back. “Oh, okay. Thanks for explaining that to me. I feel a lot better now.”

“Eric, I’m sorry.” She lifted a hand. Then, as she realized that she’d been just about to press it to his chest, she dropped it back down by her side. And felt her cheeks heat.

He inhaled and a new glint appeared in his eyes. “You know what? It’s okay.” A hint of a smile appeared on his lips. “Don’t worry about it. So, tell me about the day’s schedule.”

She was so relieved to be talking about something else, she practically chirped. “I can do that. Let’s see . . . the wedding starts at nine this morning.”

“And when will it be over?”

“Around noon or so.”

“So we’ll be sitting together for three hours?”

Her pulse started racing again. “Jah. It’s the way of an old order Amish wedding. It’s customary for three preachers to speak.”

“All in Pennsylvania Dutch. It’s going to be a long morning.” He smiled again. “Don’t be surprised if I start passing you notes.”

She was as taken aback by his teasing as she was by how charmed she realized she’d be if he actually did something like that. “It is a long service, but don’t worry, you won’t be expected to be there for the whole thing.”

“Of course I’m going to be by your side for the whole thing. What would Tricia think?”

She was starting to think that they were talking about more than just Tricia’s wedding. “If you’d like, I could simply bring you in for the important parts. It’s customary for folks who put on the wedding to come and go. A wedding is a part of our lives, you know. It isn’t meant to take over everything.” Of course, as she said the words she couldn’t help but smile. Her little speech was in direct contrast to what had been happening; the wedding had taken over her life for weeks.

“Let’s play it by ear, okay?”

Again came the little tingle of awareness she felt every time he gazed at her directly. Suddenly tongue-tied, she simply nodded her head.

Looking satisfied, he glanced at the clock. “It’s now five thirty. What do you want to do first?”

“I’ll make you some breakfast. Then, how about we start putting out the tablecloths and setting the tables? After that we can start gathering all the food.”

“What do you mean, ‘start gathering all the food’?”

“Oh, Eric. You have no idea. I’ve got plates and dishes stashed all over this town. It’s going to be a wonder if I can find it all.”

He chuckled. “I’ll help you gather all you want, Bev. Just tell me where to go and I’ll do it.”

The tension between them had dissipated and she was so, so relieved. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” After taking another sip of coffee, he asked, “You got any cereal?”

“I do. I have a brand-new box of Cheerios just for you.”

“I’ll have a quick bowl of cereal, then start on those tables.”

“Thank you for helping.”

“No worries. I may be your boss, but today you are in charge, Bev.”

His warm expression conveyed everything they’d been hinting around for the last few minutes. There was more to them than a simple working relationship. A whole lot more. It made her giddy and a little flustered. Therefore, she said the only thing she could say. “All righty, then. Eat your cereal, then roll up your sleeves. The next four hours are going to be the fastest of your life.”

He winked. “Yes, ma’am.”

Oh, that wink. “I’m just going to, ah, go get something from my room that I forgot. I’ll be right back.”

“Take your time, Beverly. I’ll still be here when you get back.”

And that, of course, was what she was afraid of.

Now that they were together again instead of miles away from each other, Beverly knew it was going to be even harder to ignore her feelings for him. Yes, he was her friend. And yes, he was also her boss. But he was also becoming something else to her—almost her secret crush.