absurdity, 164, 185–200
acupuncture, 139–40
African American church, 165
Akstein, David, 110–12
a’lma, 192
alpha brain waves, 97
ancestors, 172–73, 177
anticipation, 79
apprentices, 31–32, 46
archery, 83–84
art, 139
attraction, 2
automatism, 11–12, 142

bare bones knowing, 179–80
Blake, William, 185
bliss, 139
Blues Brothers, 55
bobbing, 3
body movements, rhythm and, 81–84
body pump, 153–54
bodywork, 6, 15, 95, 98, 110, 121–22
Botswana, 17
bouncing, 10
Brown, James, 55
Buddha, 44–45, 172
burn out, 77–78
Bushman Shaman, 48

Cage, John, 199
candomblé, 110
Caribbean teachings, 139
Carroll, Lewis, 149
cells, 96
Chaloff (music teacher), 92
change, 125, 165
chants, 12, 14
charisma, 79
Charles, Ray, 150
churches, sanctified, 54–55
clairvoyance, 135
coaching, 15–16
comedy, 139
community dances, 98–99
confusion, 149
connection, 2
conversation, seiki, 15–16, 37–38,
“Cooking the Silver Trout,” 47
counseling, 15–16
creativity, 6, 139, 142–43, 165
cybernetics, 45, 48, 186
cynicism, 79

daily routines, 147–50
daily seiki exercise, 13–14, 73–80
    continue improvising a moving
        performance, 85–87
    enter the seiki tuning zone, 87–92
    initiate a body movement that has
        rhythm, 81–84
dance, 98–99, 101–2, 139
death and resurrection rituals,
deshi, 31–32, 46
development, 6
diagnosis, 124
diet, 77
direct spiritual transmission, 54–55
discontent, 2
distraction, 2
divinity, 100
Doi, Toishi, 43
dreams, 109, 112, 117
drilling, 185–88
drumming sounds, 12, 55
duende, 101

ecstatic body pump, 153–54
ecstatic dancing, 100, 142
ecstatic expression, 12–13
ego, 44, 53
eighth original mystery, 157–58
Einstein, Albert, 5, 82
eleventh original mystery, 160–62
Eliade, Mircea, 191–200
empathy, 2
energy, 5. See also seiki jutsu
enthusiasm, 78–79, 198
entrainment, 11–12
epidemia, 67
epiphania, 67
Erickson, Milton H., 104, 148
Esalen Institute, 7
“Essentials of Seiki Self-Healing
      Therapy,” 6, 201
everlasting bliss, 139
evil, 197
Evolution of Hypnosis Conference,
excitement, 78–79
exercise, 77
exercises. See daily seiki exercise
exhaustion, 14
eyeballs, 74, 81

fasting rituals, 157
fatigue, 77–78
fifth original mystery, 151–53
fingers, 29
first original mystery, 142–43
fishing pole story, 127–30
flow experiences, 10, 85–86
Foreman, Burton, 13, 32–34
fountain of youth, 158–59
four sacred corners, 198
fourth original mystery, 147–50
Frankl, Viktor, 116
free speech, 10–11
fruit juice, 19
Fulford, Bob, 112–13
fundamentalists, 182–83

Gamo (village), 23
Garner, Erroll, 102
Gehue, Dave, 192
gentleness, 164
giving seiki, 12–13
glow, 90
God, 53, 64, 100, 139, 150, 155–63,
      183–84, 190
Gods Must Be Crazy, The, 105
God’s water, 156, 158–59
golden elixir, 156, 158–59
Guarani Indians, 146
guardian angels, 172–73
guidance, 134–35

habits, 103–4, 147–48, 180
Hall, Nor, 67
Hancock, Herbie, 92
hands, 29
happiness, 2–3, 169
Hashimoto, Takehi, 31
hatching, 169–77
hatred, 2
Hayashibe, Masako, 38–39
healing, 14, 15–17
    guidance for, 134–35
    stories of, 101–10, 114–18, 127–35
    vibration and, 95
healing hearts, 121–22
Healing Light, The, 92
healing modalities, 6
health, 14, 142–43
Heart of the Spears, 45
heaven, highway to, 155–63
heightened tuning, 143–45
Hemphill, Ellen, 65–66
Herrigel, Eugen, 83–84
Hoin, Eizon, 7, 20–22, 37–38
holistic healing, 139
holy spirit, 53, 64, 127–28, 145–46
holy symbols, 195
home, 77
hope, 79
Houk, Eric, 201
humor, 148
hunting, 148
Hurston, Zora Neale, 124
hypnotherapists, 9

ideas, 10
ideomotor body responses, 9
Ikuko Osumi, Sensei: Japanese
    Master of Seiki Jutsu
, 7
illness, 12, 202
immortality, 159
improvisation, 2, 10, 16, 124, 125–
    26, 127–30
indirect hypnotic suggestion, 110
inspiration, 82–83
insulting the meat, 147–48
International Association of Jazz
    Educators, 85
intuition, 165–66
i’rkeye, 192
Ishii, Jozo, 6, 35, 201

Jarrett, Keith, 92
jazz, 178–200
jealousy, 2
Jesus, 44–45, 172, 183
Johnson, Don Hanlon, 110
journeying, 193
joy, 2–3, 79
juice, 19

Kalahari Bushmen, 3, 8, 17, 35,
      51–52, 71, 98–99, 139, 141–42,
      148, 153
Kameguchi, Kenji, 31
Katagiri Katsumoto, 7, 20–22
Keeney, Bradford, 7–8, 17, 20,
    Ikuko Osumi and, 31–49
    See also transmission
Keeney, Hillary, 46–49, 68–70,
Keeney, Scott, 39–40, 60–61
Keeney Institute for Healing, 7–8,
       48–49, 136–38
ki, 4. See also seiki jutsu
ki activation, 7
kindness, 164
kinetic trance, 110–12
Kirihitoha, 22
knowing, 28, 179–80
kriyas, 13
kundalini yoga, 13, 44, 45

language, 52–53
Lao Tzu, 93
Larsen, Robin, 113–14
Larsen, Stephen, 113–14
laughter, 54
laying on of hands, 99
library, mystical, 160–62
life force. See seiki jutsu
Life Force Theatre, 74, 89–90
Light Man, 133–34
lineage, 18–29, 41–43
literature, 139
loneliness, 2
longevity, 6
longing, 168
love, 2, 164, 165, 168, 169, 170–71,

Maki Mountain, 23–24
Makiyama Shrine, 23–24
malaise, 2
Marshall, John, 63
master teachers, 11–13
mastery, 179–80
matter, 5
Mayo Clinic, 108
meaning, 127
meditation, 139–40, 180
mentorship, 136–66
message in a bottle, 132–33
Milton Erickson Foundation,
mind, 52–53, 122, 145–47
mindfulness, 190
missions, 158
mistakes, 164
Morgan, Doug, 111
movement, 3–4, 9–10, 180
movements, 13–14
music, 44, 139, 152–53. See also
      seiki jutsu
mystery, 79, 140–63, 190
mystical experiences, 151–53
mystical library, 160–62

Namibia, 17
nests, 194–95
ninth original mystery, 158–59
n/om, 8, 144, 154–55
n/om-kxaosi, 11–13
non-subtle energy, 42–43, 95
numinous spirituality, 17, 151–53
N!xau, 105

Ojibway Midewin, 154
Okajima, Takafumi, 39
one-being therapy, 15
Origins Centre, 17
Osumi, Ikuko, 4–5, 7, 13–14
    Keeney and, 31–49
    lineage of seiki jutsu and, 18–29,
paralysis, 32–33
peace, 139
pendulums, 82
personal growth, 139
Peterson, Oscar, 85
Piccard, Bertrand, 62–63
play, 164, 198
power, 164
praise, 2–3
prayer, 92–93, 197, 198–99
preachers, 145–46
protection, 197–98
psychodrama, 66
psychotherapy, 15–16

qigong, 36
Quakers, 82

reiki, 6, 20
relaxation, 77, 140
religion, 139, 183
Religions of the World: Shinto, 7
rhymes, 11
rhythmic entrainment, 11–12
rhythmic movement, 81–84
rock art, 188–89
rocking, 3, 10, 14, 57
rope to God, 155–63
Rossi, Ernest, 104

sacred egg, 170, 172–77
samurai, 3, 6
San. See Kalahari Bushmen
sanctified churches, 54–55
Sanford, Agnes, 92
schizophrenia, 130–32
Schumann resonance, 96–97
second original mystery, 143–45
seiki, explanation of, 8–9
seiki conversation, 15–16, 37–38,
seiki jutsu
    basic ideas of, 8–11
    introduction to, 4–8
    lineage of, 18–29
    preparing client for, 11–13
    receiving into life, 165–66
    transmission of, 50–72
seiki lines, 43, 150–55
seiki taisou, 13–14, 75
self-healing, 13, 14, 19–20, 201–5
Self-Improvement Life Force
      Therapy, 14
self-revitalization, 13, 19–20
self-teaching, 13
senseis, 11–13
seppuka, 22
Seven Spears of Shizugatake, 7, 21
seventh original mystery, 154–55
Shakespeare, William, 66
shaking, 57
shaking gatherings, 100
Shamanic Healer, The, 7
shamanic journeying, 193
shamans, 150–51, 191–93
Shintoism, 6, 20
sickness, 2
silliness, 164, 195, 197
sixth original mystery, 153–54
skin-to-skin contact, 6–7
sky village, 162–63
snakes, 109. See also white guardian
softness, 50–53, 57
somatic system, 126–27
songs, 12, 14, 56–57, 150–51, 191–
    92. See also seiki conversation
soul renewal, 139
sound improvisation, 10–11, 14,
speech, 10–11, 37–38, 146–47. See
    also seiki conversation
spiritual classrooms, 157–58
spirituality, 6, 17, 79, 139
spiritual protection, 197–98
spiritual universe, 168–77
spontaneous movement, 9–10,
      36–37, 57, 75–76, 94–118,
      125–26, 142–43
stillness, 180
stools, 12, 81
stress, 14, 77–78
St. Vincent Shakers, 157
suadade, 168
subtle energy, 42
suffering, 55, 169
swaying, 3

t’ai chi, 36
talking cure. See seiki conversation
talk therapy, 122. See also seiki
teasing, 148
tenth original mystery, 159–60
Terpsichoretrance therapy,
therapeutic conversation, 15–16,
      37–38, 119–35
thinking, 27–28
third original mystery, 145–47
thoughts, 10
tidal wave story, 22–23
tiredness, 2
Tosches, Nick, 126
transformation, 139
transmission, 6, 12–13, 29, 43–44,
    client experiences of, 58–67
    healing and, 97–98
    opening to, 50–54
    two methods, 54–58
trauma experiences, 126–27
treatment points, 98
Tree of Life, 40
trembling, 10
trickster, 52–53
T.T.T.: An Introduction to Trance
tuning zone, 87–92, 141–50
twelfth original mystery, 162–63
twelve original mysteries, 141–63

umanda, 110
Upledger, John, 102–3
vibrations, 11–12, 95–96, 105,
vibratory union, 159–60
vibratory words, 12
Virgin Mary, 44–45, 172
visions, 105
vitality, 77–78, 142–43, 168, 202,
vital life force. See seiki jutsu
voice, 119, 123

Weil, Andrew, 112
Werner, Ken, 85
When Dead Voices Gather, 126
white guardian snake, 24, 25,
      26–27, 29, 33, 40–41
Williams, George, 7
willpower, 78
“Without a Song,” 150
wooden seiki stools, 12
words, 188–90
word souls, 146
workplace, 77
worry, 2
Wright, Don, 7

yoga, 139–40
Yukagir, 192

Zen, 144, 178–200
Zen and the Art of Archery, 83–84
Zen Center, 48