A monastery might be the best place for me, Ruthie. You’re there to hear voices and your brother monks don’t think twice about it.

More precisely, you’re there to hear the voice of God. The first year of your novitiate, you filter out all the other voices that clamor for your attention. These include, but are not limited to, the television, politicians, religious scolds, the call of Jake’s cinnamon rolls, Madison Avenue, Rush Limbaugh, and Dr. Oz.

I’d wash out in that first year, I know it. Not because of plain food, vows of silence, or hard beds. I’d wash out, Ruthie, because I fear yours is one of the voices they’d say must go. They’d say I was a little cuckoo for having kept a conversation going with you past your expiration date. Not healthy. I’d lead some poor postulant down the wayward way by teaching him the many voices of Sammy Saggy Pants or convincing him to wear a red clown nose to matins. Worse, I’d end up punching the father superior in the eye for casting aspersions upon Barry Manilow.

What I guess most attracts me to the cloister is their de-emphasis on gunplay.

You saw me lose it tonight when I washed up the dinner dishes. It was nice having Greta and Jess over for cheese-and-mushroom omelets. I didn’t think you would mind my letting Greta use your pink china plate with the white floral pattern. She’s pretty busted up over Randy, and the three of us needed to do something as normal as eat a meal together and watch Jeopardy! (welcomed in finer monasteries everywhere).

We had rocky-road ice cream for dessert and played some Aggravation.

Greta said Jess could perform in the wedding tomorrow, then spent twenty minutes trying to talk her out of it, that under the circumstances we would not blame her for backing out. Jess said she wanted to dance, then was silent and long-faced the rest of the evening. Occasionally, I would catch her studying us a little accusingly as if pondering where we summoned the energy and the words to talk about anything. She had lost a potential dad, never mind that he was not up to the task. It was her mother’s wedding bells that Jess anticipated the most.

I owed her a pirate ship. The one used to bring Randy down did not make it to port.

When Jess grew bored with us, she went into the living room to look at my coffee-table books on Ireland and the Galapagos Islands. Greta and I stayed at the kitchen table, sipping Seattle’s Best Coffee.

“I wasn’t honest with you.” Greta lowered her voice and paused, lips to cup, a firm grip with both hands. “Randy’s work record was spotty, and as you can see, he doesn’t handle unemployment well at all. He said I should quit school, work two jobs, and should put Jessie with relatives so we can start our marriage unencumbered. The harder I refused to give up my dream or my daughter, the harder he hit. With every hit, a little piece of the love we had broke off and floated away—”

She sat, chin down, unable to make eye contact. “I didn’t want you to think I was some lame single mom on public assistance living with a loser guy who beats me daily, truth or not. So I didn’t tell you about my Jess. I figured it would come out with you running into her at Safari. I’d never met anyone like you. Then when I saw you on the news and in the paper, I knew you were more than some man who rides the bus and hears voices. Maybe you’re an angel or at least one of those clairvoyants with all the premonitions. I wanted to avoid you even more then because I didn’t want you seeing right through me. I only wanted you to know what I wanted you to think, and that wasn’t possible with you all supernaturally wired.”

Now I was the one who couldn’t make eye contact. She reached out and patted my hand, her words halting and hard found. “I’m sorry, James. You didn’t deserve to—to be treated like some kind of alien.”

I glanced at her with a half smile. “You and Jessie have thrown me off my game as much as the messages. She is one great kid and thinks you are a fairy princess who with every step leaves gold behind.”

“Not when it’s time to clean her room, she doesn’t.” Greta kept one hand in her lap and fussed with the unused knife and fork with the other. She glanced at the living room, where her daughter was absorbed in a pictorial world of living dragons and Blue-footed Boobies. “Jessie was an adoption gone wrong. A Christian couple got her from an agency in Haiti. She wasn’t with them six months before the husband filed for divorce. Irreconcilable differences. What’s more irreconcilable than two adults ripping their home and their child’s life apart?

“I was an administrative assistant for state children’s aid when I met Jessie while refereeing a foster-care fraud case. She was in that foster home and every time I visited, clung to me like static electricity. One day she fixed me with those big brown eyes and said, ‘Please give me a chance. If I stay here, I have no chance.’ A little Haitian orphan girl reaching out to me in proper English, so grown up. Amazing. It was like she wormed her way into my soul on the spot and no way was she leaving.”

I ran a hand through my hair, sad for Greta, even more for Jess. “I had no idea she was carrying all this around with her.”

Greta’s sudden silence was underscored by Jess’s sudden laugh at some strange beast she’d likely never seen before.

“Randy hurt you, Greta. You couldn’t build a life with an abuser.”

She nodded. “But he was good to me in the beginning, James. When we met, he was driving delivery for the blood bank where I donated. His smile lit up a room and he had a heart for saving lives. The temporary delivery job went away, but by then we were playing house so I could get Jessie for my own. When the construction jobs started drying up, so did Randy. He became bitter and defensive, started drinking more, getting down on himself. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy. I found out his dad and mom divorced when he was little because her husband knocked her around. Like father, like son.”

The pain in her eyes made me hurt for her. I almost said, “You’ll find someone else,” stopping myself in time. She didn’t need me slinging platitudes. What I could do was be her and Jessie’s friend.

Later, after they left, I dried my white china plate with the pink floral pattern and turned to the cupboard to place it on top of yours, Ruth Anne. Same stacking order as we had always done. It was then I lost it, the plate spinning out of my hands to shatter in the sink, my legs going to mush and dropping me to the floor.

The doctor wants me to slow down, lower the stress level. How can I when God’s got me on assignment? You know I’ve tried to get out of it. It simply caught up with me, I guess. Don’t you get on my case, Ruth Anne.

I lay there on the floor a long while. Thinking. Rethinking the whole thing of listening for God. I repeated Philippians 4:13 over and over but His divine strength did not come, only weeping. Mine. I’m pretty sure I may have gnashed my teeth a time or two. I prayed, a good thing to do when you’ve been floored. Prayers for Richie and Shirl. For Doomie and Stella. For Bill and “Roxie.” For Greta and Jess. For James and Ruthie. For all those who run from God, when ironically, it is into His very arms we long to run. For a world so broken that guns and bombs, rejection and vengeance, are people’s answer to the love they’ve been denied.

“Forgive me, Father,” I cried. “You have been relentless in Your pursuit of me. I have tried to tell You Your business. You have come for me by allowing me to be for others what they need, when they need it. You gave Ruthie to me for thirty good years. Am I to squander the ones remaining by hiding from You? As Your man Peter said, ‘To whom would we turn,’ if not to You?”

Later, I awakened, stiff on my bed of kitchen linoleum. Knowing that all who seek God hear from Him to varying degrees of audibility.

Just off my left cheek was the sprung mousetrap I’d always meant to reset. The refrigerator hummed. The sink faucet dripped. The stove clock changed to 3:20 AM and I felt enormous calm.

It was as when, Ruthie, you used to hold me in the night. There on the hard, unyielding floor, I wadded my sweatshirt beneath my head, your sweet arms tightened about me, and I slept one of the most refreshing sleeps of my life.