Book. Forbidden area. Off-limits. The words kept buzzing around in Mia’s ears as she tossed and turned restlessly on the bed. Her eyes fluttered closed every few minutes, only to be peeled open by the voice ringing in her head. As she stared blankly at the minute hand of the clock by her bed that inched its way towards two o’clock, her mind wandered to the lobby—past the tunnel, towards a vast stretch of darkness. And deep inside the darkness, hidden behind the thick veil of fog was a book. The book that was inaccessible to all and yet, held crucial information. Of everyone’s demise. Which they had the right to know.
Yes, this was it! If she had the book, it would explain the scar on her chest. Fill up the huge void in her. Solve that missing piece in her life.
With her lips pressed into a firm determined line, Mia pulled the bed covers away, slid her feet into the fluffy slippers and slipped on a cardigan over her apricot satin nightgown. A chorus of snores surrounded the room and she tiptoed her way past the beds occupied by girls whose long hair fanned out over the pillow. In their relaxed state induced by deep slumber, their true nature emerged—their limbs sprawled across the bed in odd angles and their mouths gaped wide in rumbling snores. The door creaked open despite her efforts of turning the knob lightly. Then, she descended the stairs which groaned with each step she took. As if protesting against her by announcing her presence. The palms of her hands laid flat against the wall as her eyes adjusted to the profound darkness of the dormitory. Unlike the girls’ room above which was bathed in dim moonlight, there were only a few rays of silvery light to illuminate the common area. With her hands guiding her, she stretched out her foot to move down another step.
A gasp escaped her lips when her foot missed the next step. And she lost her balance. Her body fell forward and her hands shot out in front of her. To grasp something. Anything that could break her fall.
Strong arms encircled her waist and pulled her against a hard chest that heaved with heavy breaths just as she wrapped her hands around the man’s neck. Pale blue eyes, cold as glacial ice, bored into her. The heat of a blush crept up her neck and spread across her cheeks as the hard planes of his body pressed against her soft curves. She tore her eyes away from him and struggled to break free from his embrace. But his arms tightened around her like gentle bands of steel. He then swung her around until her feet touched the step of the stairs. Exactly two steps above him so that their eyes met in silent combat. His grip on her waist loosened and his arms left her. But his eyes remained locked on her—the ice in the depths of them melted, leaving a blazing fire that burned every part of her body.
“I’m coming along.”
Mia cast her head down, finding interest in the wooden planks of the stairs. Looking at the ground was better than looking at him. “I’m not going anywhere, Colt.” She shifted her weight from foot to foot, not daring to look him in the eye. Yes, it was wrong of her to not consider asking him along but she couldn’t drag him into the very danger he was assigned to protect her from.
A second ticked by before he tilted her chin up with his thumb and forefinger. The heat in his eyes seared straight through her. “Whatever it is you’re thinking. Wherever you’re planning to go. I’m coming along. With you.”
The caress of his fingers left a burning brand on her skin while his last two words scorched through her insides. And she knew she was standing right at the edge of the cliff. Just one step away and she might pull him down to irreparable harm. Tarnish his reputation of being the best student of Asphodelus.
“I saw your expression when the girls talked about the Book of Death. If my guess is right, you’re planning to—”
“I’m not planning. I will get the book.”
“Then I’m going with you. I know the way. I can guide you.”
“So you’ve been there before?”
His lips dew together in a thin line as he gave her a nod and turned away. A slight frown had creased his brow. And the distant look in his eyes spoke of reminiscence. Of a past unhappiness. It silenced her. Compelled her to ask no further questions. Without saying a word, Mia followed Colt. They pattered down the stairs and headed to the mahogany door. As they stood at the threshold, their figures cast long shadows on the moonlit floor.
“Let us out.” Afraid to wake the others, Mia’s voice was barely a whisper.
A loud yawn reverberated in the stillness of the night. “Who’s waking me up in the wee hours?”
“Please. We need to leave the dormitory. It’s an emergency.”
“Emergency? Well, you know it’s way past lights-out time and no one is allowed to leave.”
“You won’t be held responsible. I will take the blame if anything happens.”
Mia turned to Colt who had cut her off. And before she could say another word, he shot a glare. A glare that said to leave the persuasion to him.
“Hmm… That sounds like a fine idea.” Its voice fell to a mutter where the words ran into each another and became one long string. “GreatchancetokickoutthisFicorostbootlicker.”
But the insult didn’t escape Mia’s sharp ears.
W-What? Why this—
Before Mia could bang the door with her fist, she was stopped in her tracks by a firm grip on her arm. Colt shook his head, once again emphasizing that she should leave the matter to him.
“All right, I’ll let you pass through just this time.”
As soon as it finished its sentence, the coyote door knocker appeared. The wide mischievous grin seemed to mock them and yet, taunting them at the same time to leave the dormitory. Mia grasped the rustic iron ring and struck it against the door.
The scene that unfolded before her caused her brows to shoot up. When the door evaporated, instead of being greeted by an empty circular hallway, two figures with their arms crossed stood in front of her—Angelica and Kayne. Both of them heaved an exasperated sigh.
“Did you guys plan to leave us out? You could have asked, you know.”
Angelica scowled and pinched Kayne’s arm before turning to Mia with a smile. “We’ll join you guys.”
“But it’s dangerous, Angie. I don’t know what will happen. And I—”
“We’re friends, Mia. Friends follow you through all dangers.”
The door cracked open, letting narrow shards of light into the room. A soft shuffle of footsteps approached the large dark mahogany desk beside the curtained window. As the curtains fluttered in the wind, moonlight slipped through and landed on the triangular silver nameplate on the desk. In black gothic lettering, it read ‘HUBERT SEVERO’. Right beside the nameplate laid a ghastly white card. There was no name or portrait photograph. Only ‘ASPHODELUS’ in a flawless mechanical font was printed on the card. But there was no doubt that the card belonged to Professor Severo. Mia swiveled to scan the room and she exhaled a sigh of relief when there was no one else, beside the four of them, in the office. They had chosen Professor Severo’s office as it was the nearest; being only on the fifth floor unlike the other professors’ office which were much higher. Probably so they wouldn’t have to climb many stairs when returning to their dormitory at the tenth floor.
Four pairs of eyes gleamed in the darkness—emerald, glacial blue, amber and pale gray. All four of them nodded their heads simultaneously. Then, they spread out and groped their way around the room. Rummaging through anything they could get their hands on: the cabinet of books that lined the wall, the high back leather sofa at the corner, the sleek black coffee table that blended with the darkness.
Mia had ransacked the desk. But aside from the nameplate and card, the desk was merely piled with stacks of papers. The documents had tumbled into one another while others had flown to the ground in the midst of her search. Frustrated, she moved on to the drawers. She pulled them open one by one as her hands explored the contents. Yet, the exploration only led to more files of documents. And she banged the drawers closed again. Just then, a muted thud rang in her ears. Distinctly softer than the usual squeaks of the drawers. With her ear pressed towards the desk, Mia drew open the drawer. Slowly each time until she heard the muted thud. When the thud sounded again, her hands dove into the second drawer. Her fingers grazed the smooth reddish-brown wood, only coming to a rest at the tiny indentation in the very back corner. She pressed the hidden spring and a secret compartment sprang open. Exposing the cotton drawstring pouch that shone cream white in the shadows. A smile hovered on her lips as she took it out and pulled the cords. Gray-white powder swirled inside.
Four heads peeked out from behind the marble pillar. Mia looked up at Angelica, who in turn looked up at Kayne, who subsequently looked up at Colt. Colt, however, stared ahead and the three of them followed his gaze. The backs of two guards armored in black leather came into view as they stood motionlessly in absolute silence at the bottom of the spiral staircase. Colt tapped on Kayne and the rest of them looked up at him. He gestured with his hands, pointing at Kayne and himself then at the guards before his fingers splayed out and the palm faced Mia and Angelica. All of them gave him a silent nod, completely understanding what he meant to say. With his knees bent low to the ground, Colt hunched as he approached the guard on the right. Kayne followed closely behind, sneaking up on the other guard. They descended the stairs with noiseless stealthy steps while the guards stood stationary, still focused on watching the empty lobby. But just when they were three steps away from the armored men, the latter pivoted.
Surprise flitted across their faces before the guard on the right swung his huge black scythe. And Colt, with his lightning-fast reflexes, dodged the blade by a hair’s breadth when he swiftly sidestepped to the side. His hand shot out and struck the guard’s neck. Too fast for the eyes to follow. But strong enough for the guard to collapse on the ground with a yelp. The other guard, who barely registered Colt’s attack, stood paralyzed with his mouth agape. And then he fell with a thud beside his fallen comrade. Kayne stood behind with a victorious smirk as he dusted his hands. Angelica rolled her eyes at him, shooting him an it-wasn’t-you-it-was-all-Colt’s-credit look. But Kayne shrugged anyway and beckoned them to come over. After glancing left and right, Mia and Angelica stepped out from the shadows of the pillar and approached the two bodies crumpled at the bottom of the stairs.
Colt and Kayne knelt on the ground as their hands dug into the pockets of the guards’ pants. When Mia trotted to the guard near Colt, she kicked the scythe away and it skittered across the marble floor. She then stooped down and frisked his chest pockets. But they were empty and held no trace of what they were searching for. She looked over at Angelica who was examining the chest pockets of the other guard. However, the flicker of hope was dashed when Angelica shook her head. No, it couldn’t be. They were just one step away from—
“Here, I found it!” Colt raised his hand, his fingers clutching a card that burned with a vermilion blaze.