Index of Main Characters


Tapio Koski (Tah-pee-oh Koh-skee): Ilmari, Aino, and Matti’s father

Maíjaliisa Koski (MY-uh-LEE-suh): Ilmari, Aino, and Matti’s mother

Ilmari Koski (IL-mah-ree): The eldest Koski sibling

Aino Koski (EYE-no): The middle Koski sibling

Matti Koski (MAT-tee): The youngest Koski sibling


Oskar Penttilä/Voitto (OS-kar PEN-ta-lah)/(VOY-toh): A communist activist and Aino’s first love as a teenager in Finland

Gunnar Långström (GOO-nar LYNG-strum): Oskar Penttilä’s friend, also an activist

Aksel Långström (AK-suhl LYNG-strum): Gunnar’s younger brother, and, after he immigrates to America, Matti’s friend and fellow logger

Vasutäti/Mowitch (VA-soo tah-tee)/(MOH-witch): A Native American woman and mentor to Ilmari after he immigrates to Washington

John Reder (John REE-dur): Owner of the logging company that Matti Koski and Aksel Långström work for after immigrating to Washington

Margaret Reder (Margaret REE-dur): John Reder’s wife

Alma Wittala (AHL-muh VIH-tah-lah): The manager of the kitchen at John Reder’s camp

Kullerikki /Kullervo (KUH-lur-ee-kee/KUH-lur-voh): Young whistle punk befriended by Matti and Aksel

Louhi Jokinen (LAU-hih YOH-kih-nen): A Nordland businesswoman

Rauha Jokinen (RAU-ha YOH-kih-nen): Louhi’s daughter

Jouka Kaukonen (YOO-kuh KAU-koh-nen): A fellow logger and friend of Matti and Aksel

Lempi Rompinen (Lem-pee RAHM-pih-nun): A friend of Aino

Joe Hillström/Joe Hill (Joe HILL-strum): Swedish-American labor activist and songwriter who recruits Aino to the Industrial Workers of the World

Kyllikki Saari (KI-luh-kee SAH-ree): A young Finnish-American woman from Astoria, Oregon who is courted by Matti Koski

Jens Lerback (YENS LUHR-bak)

Heppu Reinikka (HEP-puh RAY-ni-kuh)

Yrjö Rautio (YUR-hoh RAU-ti-oh)

Members of the Bachelor
Boys along with Aksel and