
This book has been a complete labour of love for me; I do hope you’ve enjoyed it. Please remember that it has not been written by a pit manager, surveyor or even a miner, but a female pit nurse, so if I have got some of the mining technology wrong, then please forgive me. Quite simply, it has been written through my eyes, as I witnessed and lived it. There are so many people who have helped me along the way that I don’t really know where to begin, so I’ll start with my husband, Peter – the most loving and patient man in the world. I miss him with every breath I take, but I’ll never forget his love and support. Thank you, Peter – you were always my rock.

I’d also like to mention my family: my brother Tony, his wife Joyce, my sister Ann and her husband John. Thank you all for your continued help and encouragement.

I’d like to thank the miners and management of Hatfield Colliery, without whom there would be no book. My special gratitude goes to Tommy Chappell, who sadly passed away before the book was finished. When Tommy died, I not only lost a colleague but a great friend too, but I’d like to thank him for his support and advice over the years. Also to my nursing-sister colleagues, Dr Macdonald and the medical staff of the NCB in Doncaster – thank you all.

To Keith Argyle, from my first creative-writing group, who always had faith in my writing ability. Also, to all my friends and colleagues at the Bentley Writers’ Group, especially Caren Fox, for their encouragement. Without them I would never have finished the book.

To my ghostwriter, Veronica Clark, who not only put the whole story together for me and suffered my emotions and memory losses, but also became a good friend.

To the rest of my friends and colleagues who have encouraged and pushed me to put my memories into words and write them down on paper before they are forgotten and lost for ever, I am eternally grateful.

Finally, thank you to my agent, Eve White, and Jack Ramm, and Vicky Eribo at HarperCollins for believing in my story and allowing me to share it with you.