actions (xingdong). See also collective action

activism: business in synergy with; for consumer rights; cultural/ social forms of; economic; social; urban vs. rural environmental See also citizen activism; online activism; transnational activism

Amnesty International

anti-discrimination movement; court cases filed in; diabetes patients; hepatitis-b carriers.

Appadurai, Arjun

April Fifth movement


Armstrong, Elizabeth

artful contention


authority. See public authorities

avian flu crisis

“Avian Flu Flash”

“babe fiction”

bafenzhai (Eight-cent)

Bakhtin, Mikhail: on heteroglossia of novel; on parody; on unitary language

“banned in China”

banzhu (forum hosts)

Barmé, Geremie

BBSs. See bulletin-board systems

Beijing: Internet capacity of organizations in; UN Conference on Women in Beijing; organizations in

Beijing University

belonging; identity movement and; in online communities

Benkler, Yochai, on social production

Bernstein, Mary

biography, transnational activism and


Bloch, Ernst

bloggers (bo’ke)

blogs; BBSs and; blog circles; as main channel of citizen reporters; Muzimei role in popularizing; number of active; on sex; as spaces of social production; traditional diaries and

“Bloody Case Caused by a Steamed Bun, A” (Hu Ge)

Bob, Clifford

bo’ke (bloggers)

boundary spanning

Bourdieu, Pierre


“Brother Wanderer”

Brzezinski, Zbigniew

bulletin-board systems (BBSs); banzhu (forum hosts) to manage; Beijing University BBS; blogs and; China vs. North America; civic associations using; contention in; as earliest online communities; for “educated youth”; first use in universities of; as hotbed for contention; popularity of, compared to e-government sites; regulations for management of; sense of freedom on; shutdowns by authorities; social experiences from; by thematic category; top ten; Tulip BBS; Xi’an Jiaotong University BBS

Burt, Eleanor

business: activism in synergy with; contention and; on Internet promoting contention; online activism’s dimension of

business model

ca bianqiu (edge-ball)

Calhoun, Craig

campaign Web sites

caogen (grassroots) organizations

Carter, Jimmy

Castells, Manuel

CCP. See Chinese Communist Party

censorship; of China Development Brief; of publications about CR; SNF practices of; software supporting

Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims (CLAPV)

chaozuo (“stir frying”)


Chen, Nancy

Chen Kaige

Chen Zhongshi

China Central Television (CCTV)

China Development Brief

China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)

China Internet Society

China News Digest (CND)

Chinese Association of Biochemists

Chinese Communist Party (CCP); information control by; as product of student movements

Chinese Economic System Reform Research Institute (SRI)

Chow, Kai-Wing

chuanlian (“linking up”)

citizen activism; accountability/transparency demanded in; civic associations as basis for; environmentalism as style of; Internet age; online activism as part of; participation in

citizen reporters (gongmin jizhe)

citizen rights (gongmin quan)

civic associations.; as basis for citizen activism; BBS use of; electronic newsletters of; e-mail use by; growth of, by year; home pages for; Howell on; ICTs adopted by; INGOs interaction with; Internet as resource for; Internet best uses for; Internet capacity of; Internet capacity/use patterns of older; Internet satisfaction of; Internet use in organizational activities of; IT use in; mass media used least frequently by; Minxin Pei on; network services most frequently used by; organizational age of; publicity for; recruitment for; search engine use by; Websites of

civil society (gongmin shehui); coevolution with online activism; debates about; new developments of; online communities supporting; organizations included in; technology relationship with

CLAPV. See Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims

CND. See China News Digest

CNNIC. See China Internet Network Information Center


collective action; culture and; genres and; media role in

commercialization: of contention; of media; of sexuality

communication. See also polycentric communication networks

Communist Manifesto (Marx)

“communities of print”

community See also online communities

complex interdependence theory


consumer rights



contention; after; artful; in BBSs; business and; changing styles of, producing social/political change; commercialization of; commercial Web sites responding to; culture and; digital vs. traditional; diversified forms of; expanded range of; forms of; Internet businesses promoting; marketization of; non-disruptive nature of popular; online activism and; online community as outcome of; protests and; Qiu Qingfeng death protest example of artful; Shanxi kiln case example of artful; social basis of; state power and; style reflecting contents of. See also digital contention; genres of digital contention

control; CCP exercising, over information flow; through code; of Internet; Internet treated as media for purpose of; of media by state; principles of Internet; resistance encountering, creating informational politics; SNF balancing freedom and; Yongnian Zheng on Internet. See also political issues

corporate social responsibility

corruption/power abuse


court cases. See litigation

CR. See Cultural Revolution

Cui Jian

cultural form

cultural production

cultural revolution

Cultural Revolution, the (CR): censorship of publications about; Democracy Wall movement from disillusionment with; generation of; “linking up” in; virtual museums of

Cultural Revolution Research Net

cultural toolkit

culture; collective action and; consumer revolution; contention and; diaspora sharing; digital vs. traditional; as factor in multi-interactionism; of Internet; online; prosperity/control promoted in Internet; social production as feature of Chinese Internet; Swidler on; technology and. See also contention


cyberseparatist Ugyurs

dahe wang (Great River Net)

dayou shi (doggerel)

deep reform

democracy; Habermas on; market and; online activism as expansion of grassroots; protests for; revolution for; Williams on

Democracy Wall movement; Cultural Revolution disillusionment leading to; as means of modernization; repression of; transnational activism in


Deng Xiaoping

determined technology

Dewey, John

diabetes patients

dial-up connections

diaomin (disobedient, shrewd people)


diaspora; biography/history as motivations for; dissident communities overseas; individuals from foreign countries; nonprofit Web-based organizations; shared cultural experience of; student associations in foreign universities; in transnational activism

digital contention; playful style of; prosaic style of. See also genres of digital contention

digital hidden transcripts

diguazhu (“Ground Melon Pig”)

disadvantaged social groups (ruoshi qunti)

discourse right (huayu quan)

discourse space (huayu kongjian)

disobedient people (diaomin)

dissent, bankable


doggerel (dayou shi)


economic activism

economic production

edge-ball (ca bianqiu)

educated youth (zhiqing)


“Eight-cent” (bafenzhai)

Electronic Newsletter for Chinese Students (ENCS)

electronic newsletters

e-mail: civic associations using; in international organization/civic association interaction

emotions: and genres; mobilization of; in social movements.

“emperor-worship mentality”

ENCS. See Electronic Newsletter for Chinese Students

ENGOs. See environmental nongovernmental organizations




environmental movement; litigation in; organizational base of; political change and; repertoire of; as style of citizen activism; as urban phenomenon

environmental nongovernmental organizations (ENGOs); first foundation of; Friends of Nature; Greener Beijing; Green Web; growth through Internet by; Han Hai Sha; Institute of Desert Green Engineering; proliferation of; Tibetan Antelope Information Center

Esherick, Joseph




Falun Gong; harsh punishments for supporting; strict censorship of discussion about; Yuezhi Zhao on

Fang Zhouzi

Feng Zhen

Fewsmith, Joseph

“fifty-cent party” (wu mao dang)



flash guests (shanke)

Flash videos; “Avian Flu Flash” n.; flash guests (shanke); as genre of digital contention; The Rivers and Lakes of the Flash Creators; “Steamed Bun” most famous of

forbidden information

forced relocation

form. See contention, forms of; cultural form

forum hosts (banzhu)

freedom: BBSs providing sense of; images of, in online communities; longing for, in online communities; political; SNF balancing control and; social; of speech

Friends of Nature

Frye, Northrop

gan lan shu (Olive Tree)

gay/lesbian issues

“Generation Me”

genres; collective action and; media/rituals and; slow change in; speech

genres of digital contention; autobiographical; blogs; confessional; doggerel; Flash videos; parody; petition letters; poetry; satirical; verse; visual images


Giddens, Anthony; on nation-states; on utopia

Global Greengrants Fund


Global Voices

Golden Road, The (Hao Ran)

gonggong lingyu (public sphere)

gongmin jizhe (citizen reporters)

gongmin quan (citizen rights)

gongmin shehui (civil society). See civil society

gongzhong canyu (public participation)



government; e-government; governance and; Internet control as field for experimentation in; NGO separation from state/local. See also e-government


grassroots organizations (caogen)

Great River Net (dahe wang)

Great Transformation, The (Polanyi)

Greener Beijing.



grievances; in social movement theory

“Ground Melon Pig” (diguazhu)

Gulia, Milena

Gurak, Laura.

Habermas, Jürgen

hackers/dark guests (heike): e-mail hacked by; Min Dahong on attacks of

hactivism; entrepreneurial activities in; nationalistic protests using

Hamm, John

Han Hai Sha

Hao Ran

Hartford, Kathleen

heike (dark guests/hackers)


hepatitis-b carriers.



Hockx, Michel



home pages

Hooper, Beverley

Howell, Jude

Hua xia wen zhai (online magazine)

huayu kongjian (discourse space)

huayu quan (discourse right)

Hu Ge

Hu Jia

Hulian wang Zhoukan (Internet weekly)

human rights

Human Rights in China

Human Rights Watch

humor; and style

ICPs. See Internet content providers

ICTs. See information and communication technologies

identity: collective; crisis in, as part of social dislocation; online activism as movement about; politics of; struggles for, exemplified in Ming case; Taylor on crisis in; yearning for, translated into communication

images; of freedom in online community; of home in online communities; of martial arts in online communities


incidents on Internet (wangluo shijian); on commercial Web sites; demonstrations against Indonesian atrocities; issues in; less frequency of, outsideof China; “nailhouse incident”; PX incident; Qiu Qingfeng death protest; “selling my body to save mom” case (mai shen jiu mu); Shanxi kiln case; South China tiger incident. See also Internet incidents

independent-party formation

Indonesian atrocities

information: age, linguistic resources for; disclosure acts; forbidden; revolution

information and communication technologies (ICTs)

information technology (IT) See also technology

INGOs. See international nongovernmental organizations

Institute of Desert Green Engineering

intellectual traditionalism

international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs); Amnesty International; China Development Brief; globalization and; inside China; NGOs in information pathway with; online activism supported by; outside China

international nonstate activists

international organizations

Internet: autobiographies; best uses of for civic associations; businesses on, promoting contention; business vs. nonbusiness use of; cafes; capacity by organizational type, location, age; capacity in developed/developing nations; capacity of civic associations; capacity of organizations in Beijing with; capacity of younger vs. older organizations on; capacity/use patterns of older civic associations on; charity on; civic associations use of, in organization; consumers as producers; control of; ENGOs growing through; forbidden information in interactive functions of; grassroots organizations capacity/use of; social history of

Internet commentators (wangluo pinglun yuan)

Internet content providers (ICPs)

Internet incidents (wangluo shijian)

Internet pushing hands (wangluo tuishou)

Internet service providers (ISPs)


ISPs. See Internet service providers

issue multiplication

issue opportunity

issue resonance

issue-specific political opportunity

IT. See information technology

Jameson, Frederic

jianghu (“Rivers and Lakes”)

Jiang Qing

jiceng (infrastructure)


Jin Guanren

Judge, Joan

June Fourth movement

justice: images of; Internet debate over; longing for, in online communities; yearnings for, translated into communication

Keck, Margaret

Keohane, Robert


knights-errant (xia)

Kraus, Richard

labor movement


Latham, Robert

Lean, Eugenia

Lee, Ching Kwan

“leisure walk” (san bu)

Lessig, Lawrence

Liao Xiaoyi


life politics

Li, Lianjiang


Link, Perry

linkage agents

“linking up” (chuanlian)


Liu, Xin

Liu Di (Stainless Steel Mouse)

Liu Huaqin

Liu Xiaobo

Liu Xinwu

local state corporatism.

Long Live Mao Zedong Thought

Lu Xing’er

mai shen jiu mu (“selling my body to save mom”)

market; democratization and; as external condition faced by state; online activism and; reform of, degrading environment



martial arts


Marx, Karl

mass incidents (qunti shijian)


May Fourth movement; merchant support for; origins of transnational activism in

McDougall, Bonnie

media; Castells on electronic; Chinese people as skilled actors in; civic associations’ infrequent employment of mass; commercialization of; content and; genres/rituals and; Internet treated as, for purpose of control; role of, in collective action; Schudson on power of; South China tiger incident as national event for; state control of; television vs. print

mediated forms

Melucci, Alberto


MII. See Ministry of Information Industry

Min Dahong

Ministry of Information Industry (MII)

Ministry of Public Security

minjian (unofficial) organizations

“misty poetry” movement

Mittler, Barbara

mnemonic forms

mobilization: and action repertoires; of emotions; of resources; in social movement theory



modernity: Chinese vs. Western; online activism as response to


monitoring of

moral support (shengyuan)

moral values

motherhood. See single motherhood


multi-institutional politics

multi-interactionism; and complex interdependence; culture as factor in; transnationalism as part of


“nailhouse incident”

Nathan, Andrew



NATO bombing


netizens (wang min); filters circumvented by; Ming case debated by; as skilled social actors


network services

New May Fourth Manifesto

New Media (wangluo chuanbo)



New Social Movements (NSMs)

News Office of the State Council

New Threads (xin yu si)

NGOs. See nongovernmental organizations

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs); greater separation from state/local government in; Howell on influence of international; INGOs in information pathway with

nonprofit organizations (NPOs)

nonproprietary social production

NPOs. See nonprofit organizations

NSMs. See New Social Movements

Nye, Joseph

O’Brien, Kevin

offline communities

offline space

Olive Tree (gan lan shu)

one-party rule

online activism; business dimension of; businesses manipulating; business model of; characteristics of; citizen activism and; civil society and; control of Internet and; as countermovement; cultural production through; as cultural revolution; demographics of; as expansion of grassroots democracy;of Hu Jia; as identity movement; identity struggles in; individuals staging; INGOs supporting; innovative rituals in; issue multiplication in; of Liu Xiaobo; market and; modest goals of; new style of; organizational dimension of; political tolerability; prevalence of; propaganda eroded by; “Protest Forum” popularizing; public resonance of main issues of; reasons for rise of; as response to modernity; spontaneity of; state power relationship to; student movement as precursor to; traditional/innovative aspects of; transnational activism as critical link to; transnationalism and. See also protests

online charity

online communities; BBS forums as earliest; civil society supported by; development of; features of; Gulia on; Hockx on; images of freedom in; images of home in; images of martial arts in; Latham on.; Liu Di on; Liu Huaqin on; longing for belonging, freedom, justice in; offline communities and; Sassen on; sense of home in; significance of values represented in; significant scale of; top ten; utopian vision in; Wellman on

online guerilla war

online magazines

online rights defense (wangluo weiquan)

online signature petitions


organizational activities

organizational creativity

organizational dimension

organizations: with bare-bones Internet capacity; in Beijing; civil-society; of civil society; e-mail with international; grassroots; Howell on, for marginalized groups; ICT adoption by civic; international; international, interacting through Internet with civic associations; Internet capacity of, in Beijing; minjian (unofficial); nonprofit; nonprofit Web-based; for social-change; younger. See also civic associations; environmental nongovernmental organizations; nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)

Pan Xiao


party supremacy

Peace Charter Movement

peace movement

Pei, Minxin

Perry, Elizabeth: on authoritarianism; on challenge to authority; on Chinese political culture; on state rituals/official rhetoric; on state-society relations

personal history, and activism

personal Web pages


playfulness; of creating tension with power


Polanyi, Karl

police brutality

political control as obstacle to better use of

political culture

political issues: control; freedom; geopolitics; Internet control; tolerability of online activism

political liberalization and

politics: changing styles of contention producing change in; of environmentalism; global; information, created by encounters between resistance /control; multi-institutional politics; political opportunity structures; political-process theory; political tolerability of online activism; symbolic; Tianjian Shi on political acts

polycentric communication networks

popular nationalism

Poster, Mark

power. See also state power

Principle of Hope, The (Bloch)

principles for control of

print capitalism


production. See also social production

projects (xiangmu)

Promise, The (Chen Kaige)

propaganda; online activism eroding; Shambaugh on

prosperity/control promoted in culture of

protests; democracy as center of, n.; epic style for popular; hactivism used in protests for; multiplication of, diversification in; against NATO bombing; newsgroups role in student; online, regarding Beijing University student; over murder of Qiu Qingfeng; “Protest Forum”; Qiu Qingfeng, as example of artful contention; qunti shijian (mass incidents)n.; rural vs. urbann.

public authorities: BBSs shutdown by; intervention by, for security violations; Perry on challenge to


public participation (gongzhong canyu)

public resonance


public sphere (gonggong lingyu)

public sympathy

PX incident

qiangguo luntan. See Strengthening the Nation forum


Qin Zhongfei

Qiu Qingfeng

qunti shijian (mass incidents)

radical behaviour


Rainwater, Janette

rally on

real estate

recognition. See also identity

Records of the Grand Historian (SimaQian)


Red Guard movement

Reed, Christopher

regulations: for BBS management; to control Internet; for ICPs; Yongnian Zheng on Internet

repertoire: of collective action; of (collective) contention

Reporters Without Borders

repression: of Democracy Wall movement; of human-rights activists; of student movement

resistance: control encountering, creating informational politics; power and; rightful

“response to news” function (xinwen gentie)

revolution: in communication; in culture; for democracy; epic style of; in information; in society. See also Cultural Revolution

rhetoric; Gurak on.; Perry on official; single-word exclamations in.

rightful resistance

rights defense; campaign Websites for; Wang Hai brand name among Web sites for

rights protection (wei quan)

right to know (zhiqing quan)

rituals; blogs; campaign Web sites; cultural toolkit; hactivism; innovative, in online activism; inversion of state; “linking up” (chuanlian); media/genres and; online signature petitions; Perry on state; persistence of traditional; text messaging; verbal

River Elegy (TV documentary)

“Rivers and Lakes” (jianghu)

Rivers and Lakes of the Flash Creators, The

rock-and-roll music

Rongshu xia (Under the Banyan Tree)

rouxing guanli (soft-control approach)

ruoshi qunti (disadvantaged social groups)

san bu (leisure walk)

Sassen, Saskia


SCC. See Social Culture China

Schudson, Michael

Scott, James

search engines

secret online meetings

security violations

self-help manuals


Self-Therapy: A Guide to Becoming Your Own Therapist (Rainwater)

“selling my body to save mom” case (mai shen jiu mu); as case on online activism; challenge to story of

SEPA. See State Environmental Protection Administration

sex blog


Shaanxi Forest Bureau

Shambaugh, David

shanke (flash guests)


Shanxi kiln case

Shenbao (Mittler)

shengyuan (moral support)

Shi, Tianjian

short message service (SMS)

Shuimu Tsinghua (SMTH)

Sikkink, Kathryn

Sima Qian

single motherhood


“Sister Celestial Goddess” (tianxian meimei)

slave labor


SMS. See short message service

SMTH. See Shuimu Tsinghua

SNF. See Strengthening the Nation forum

social actors

Social Culture China (SCC)

social formations

social issues: activism on; assistance for weak/poor; communication revolution rooted in social conditions; contention; corporate social responsibility; debates about; disadvantaged social groups (ruoshi qunti); freedom; friendships formed on BBS forums; identity crisis; material interests and; organizations to promote change in; recognition; revolution

socialist welfare system

social movements: anti-discrimination movement; April Fifth movement; CCP as product of student movements; countermovement; Democracy Wall movement; environmental movement; about identity; importance of style in understanding; June Fourth movement; labor movement; May Fourth movement; Melucci on; “misty poetry” movement; NSMs; Peace Charter Movement.; peace movement; Polanyi on, as countermovement; print capitalism and; Red Guard movement; revolutionary movements; student movements; verse in

social production; Benkler on; blogs as spaces of; economic production and; e-government/e-commerce rate of growth compared to; as feature of Chinese Internet culture from beginning; Internet development and

soft-control approach (rouxing guanli)



South China tiger incident




SRI. See Chinese Economic System Reform Research Institute

“Stainless Steel Mouse.” See Liu Di

state: consumer rights supported by; Perry on relations between society and; popular nationalism not given free rein by; societies relationship with. See also nation-states; state power

state-corporatist framework

State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)

state power; changing forms of; Ching Kwan Lee on; contention and; Giddens on; online activism relationship to; since

Steinberg, Marc

“stir frying” (chaozuo)

street theater

Strengthening the Nation forum (qiangguo luntan, SNF); censorship practices of; content on; as example of popular enthusiasm for online discussion; freedom vs. control on; launched in response to NATO bombing

structures of feeling

student associations

student movement

style; changes in, reflecting/producing political change; of contention reflecting contents; digital contention’s playful; digital contention’s prosaic; environmentalism as, of citizen activism; environmental movement’s plain, reasoned; epic, for popular protest; epic, for revolutionary movements; from epic to prosaic; importance of, in understanding social movements; online activism’s new; slow change in; technology influencing

Sunstein, Cass

Sun Zhigang


Swidler, Ann

symbolic expressions

symbolic politics

TAIC. See Tibetan Antelope Information Center

Tarrow, Sidney

Taylor, Charles

technological determinism

technology; civil society relationship with; culture and; determined technology; in online activism; style influenced by. See also information technology



text messaging

Thompson, John

tianxian meimei (Sister Celestial Goddess)

Tibetan Antelope Information Center (TAIC)

Tibetan exile community

Tilly, Charles


transnational activism; causes of; as critical link in online activism; in Democracy Wall movement; diaspora in; among dissidents; on human-rights issues; inside China; international nonstate activists in; in May Fourth movement; radical behavior in; radicalization and; Tarrow on

transnational collaboration

transnationalism; competence in; of human-rights activists; online activism and



Tulip BBS

Tunnel (Sui Dao)

UN Conference on Women in Beijing

unitary language

urban environmental activism.

urban homeowners

urban middle-class issues

Urban Spaces in Contemporary China


utopia: Giddens on; impulse towards; Jameson on; in social practice; vision of, in online communities


VIP Reference

virtual ethnography

Virtual Museum of the Cultural Revolution

virtual museums

visual images

voluntary associations

vulnerable persons

wall posters

Wang, Jing

Wang, Shaoguang

Wang Hai

wangluo chuanbo (New Media)

wangluo jianghu you (Internet novel)

wangluo pinglun yuan (Internet commentators)

wangluo shijian (Internet incidents). See incidents on Internet

wangluo tuishou (Internet pushing hands)

wangluo weiquan (online rights defense)

wangluo yuyan baoli (internet verbal violence)

wang min. See netizens

Wang Shuo

Wang Xiaoni

Wang Zhidong

Wasserstrom, Jeffrey

Web sites

wei quan (rights protection)

Wei Wenhua

Wellman, Barry

Wikipedia project

Williams, Raymond; on cultural forms relating to social systems; on democracy; on social formations; on structures of feeling; on television

Wilson, Ernest, III

World Huaren Federation

wu mao dang (“fifty-cent party”)

xia (knights-errant)

xiangmu (projects)

Xi’an Jiaotong University BBS

xingdong (actions)

xinwen gentie (“response to news” function)

Yang, Mayfair

Yitahutu (BBS)

Yu Dan

Zhang, Li

Zhang, Xudong

Zhang Xianzhu

Zhao, Yuezhi

Zhao Ziyang

Zheng, Yongnian

zhiqing (educated youth)

zhiqing quan (right to know)

Zhou, Kate

Zhou, Shuguang (Zola)

Zhou Enlai

Zhou Zhenglong

Zou Tao (blogger)