Chapter 7

You Give Good Love

6 Months Later...

January 5, 2014. 7:30PM.

Cleo's Crib.


Today is mine and Messiah’s six month anniversary. Six months ago I dedicated my world to the man that I wanted to be my future. He dropped everything that was back in Brick, NJ and came and moved in with me. I love him and he's nuts in love with me. The crazy thing about it is we have known each other since we were both seven years old. That's 14 years for me and 16 years for him. Yeah, he earns his money in an unhonest way but I love him and I don't want to let him go. He won't let me go even if I tried. I looked myself over in my full length body mirror. I loved the way I filled out the lacy lingerie. My wide size 20 hips, B-cup breasts and Hershey chocolate complexion glowed like no other. 

I paced the bedroom floor back and forth. We have been together for a mere six months but we have never had a sexual encounter together. True we have shared kisses but that's really it. Am I old fashioned or just a decent girl to believe that you should only share your rare treasures with someone you truly love and care for. I am kind of on edge because back in my last year of high school I had a boyfriend named Wayne Jones. He was the star of the football team and I was a cheerleader. Yes I know we were the stereotypical high school couple but in my life, this really was the case.