

activation policies 1278
administration, problems 848
age 1223
agencies 61
problems with 86


Bane, Mary and David Ellwood 90
banks, deregulation 1045
beneficence 1618
claimants increased by generous welfare 8991
difficulties with applying for 86, 88
entitlement 91
fraud 846
benefits of a new welfare state 578
Beveridge, William 5, 29, 40, 46, 47
birth rates 123
Bismarck, Otto von 68, 69
Blair, Tony 2
Bretton Woods 11617
bureaucracy 867
Bush, George W. 109


Callaghan, James 101
Canada 4
capitalism 1011, 202, 423, 1357
laissez-faire 13, 14
charity 1718, 334
Charity Organization Society (COS) 33
church, charity 17
Churchill, Winston 35, 56
Clinton, Bill 108
communism 41
conservatism 6871
coverage of social insurance 60
criticism of welfare states 10, 81, 83, 88, 923, 1057
Crouch, Colin 105
cultural change 1245
cultural diversity 1234


definitions of welfare state 79
de-industrialization 11819 see also industrialization
demographics 1223
dependency on welfare services 89, 90, 913
D’Estaing, Giscard 57
developing countries 78
Donzelot, Jacques 4950
Durkheim, Emile 1334


Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) 128
Eastern Europe 78
economic crises 1112
1970s 99103
economic efficiency 423
economic events as catalysts for change 378, 3941
economic functions of the state 57
economic governance 501
management 41, 93, 946
Sweden 678
UK 79
USA 75
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 28
eligibility see means testing
embedded liberalism 11617
employee rights 49
de-industrialization 11819
Germany 71
insecurity 30
labour market activation 1278, 130
laws 1819
Sweden 67
USA 756 see also unemployment
English state, early modern 1819
entitlement to benefits 91 see also means testing
failure of welfare states 934
gender 1212
in Germany 70
in Sweden 667
wealth divide 11112
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta 645, 77
eurgetism 17
European Union (EU) 78
migration 1234
expenditure levels 645
USA 767


Fabian movement 35
family 1212, 1256
cultural change 12930
new social risks 1267
promotion of independence in Sweden 667
support services 4950
traditional in Germany 70
values 92
Far East Asia 78
financial crises 1112
1970s 99103
Ford, Henry 124
Foucault, Michel 8
fraud 846
functionality of welfare states 523
funding sources 4, 601
futility of welfare states 936


gender, women-friendly policies 12930
gender equality 1212
in Germany 70
in Sweden 667
Germany 4, 26, 130
conservatism 6871
social insurance 6970
Gilder, George 89
Global Financial Crisis, 2008 1112
globalization 11718
aims and responsibilities 57
change in rationality 546
funding 4
major changes 378
outsourcing to agencies 61
government of the economy 501
Great Depression, 1930s 32


healthcare 8, 60
costs 88, 956
UK 7880, 88
USA 73, 745
hidden welfare state 512
Hirschman, Albert 88


immigration 29, 1234
income support 62
independence, promoted in Sweden 667
individualism 20, 25, 125
Industrial Revolution 20, 24
industrialization 301 see also de-industrialization
institutions of economic management 41
insurance, social see social insurance
interdependence 1518
internationalization 11718


Johnson, Lyndon B. 73


Katz, Michael 48
Keynes, John Maynard 423, 55
Korpi, Walter 31


labour, skilled and unskilled 1201
labour market
activation 1278, 130
de-industrialization 11819
Germany 71
insecurity 30
laws 1819
Sweden 67
USA 756 see also unemployment
labour organization 301
Labour Party, UK 3, 301
laissez-faire capitalism 13, 14
laissez-faire liberalism 225, 32
shift to welfare state 556
liberal states 6
liberalism 63, 717
embedded 11617
laissez-faire see laissez-faire liberalism see also neoliberalism
life expectancy 1223
local vs. national relief 34


Machiavelli, Niccolò 15
magnet effect 88, 90
managerial reforms 109
Marshall, T. H. 5, 31, 48
Martin, Kingsley 43
Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels 135
Mayhew, Henry 30
means testing 60, 62
social assistance 48
middle classes 3941, 58, 62
USA 73
Middle East 78
migration, urban 2930
Miliband, Ed 3
miners’ strikes 102
misrepresentation of the welfare state 25
moral hazard 8990
morale of welfare claimants 867
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick 92


National Health Service (NHS) 7880, 88 see also healthcare
National Insurance (UK) 27, 35, 47 see also social insurance
national vs. local relief 34
neoliberalism 345, 99, 1035, 10914
New Deal, USA 38, 73
New Right 989, 102
new social risks (NSRs) 1267
reform 1301
Norquist, Grover 102


O’Neill, Tip 124
oil prices 100, 117
OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) 100, 117
opt-out schemes 110


Peck, Jamie 1089
pensions 26, 113, 1223, 129
retirement age 1301
Polanyi, Karl 14, 25
Poor Laws 1923, 334
population 2930, 1223
post-industrial transition 11517
poverty 314, 84
failure of welfare states 946
related to generosity of welfare 901
pre-capitalism 1314
private sector 74
problems with welfare states 8197
programmes 578, 613
problems with 82
USA 73
public sector jobs 51
public services 489


Reagan, Ronald 85, 87
reciprocity 1516, 42
reforms 6, 279, 3244, 83, 1079, 1312
future proposals 1278
managerial 109
neoliberal 1035, 10914
new social risks 1301
rights 489
to work in Sweden 667
risk management 1257, 1301
Rome, ancient 17


Schumpeter, Joseph 136
sickness benefits 113
social assistance 478, 70
dependent on behaviour 108
social democracy 56, 63, 658
social insurance 89, 35, 36, 43, 467, 603
Germany 6970
Sweden 66
USA 47, 723
social market economy 701
social mobility 71
social organization, social roots of welfare 1518
social policy 41
social provision 1819
Social Security (USA) 47, 723 see also social insurance
social work 33, 4950, 61
socialism 41
Sozialstaat 68, 6970
Speenhamland 212
state capacity 357
Streeck, Wolfgang 134, 137
Sweden 56
diversity 123
economy 678
generosity of welfare 90
public sector jobs 51
social democracy 63, 658
social insurance 66
system-conflict 53


tax allowances 512
taxation as funding source 601
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) 108
Thatcher, Margaret 103, 107
Titmuss, Richard 5, 62
trade unions 30, 58


unemployment 120
benefits 108, 114
diversity of types 125
increased by generous welfare 8991
rise of 1034 See also employment
United Kingdom (UK) 26, 7880
economy 79
healthcare 7880, 88
Labour Party 3, 301
National Insurance 27, 35, 47 see also social insurance
pensions 130
public sector jobs 51
state capacity 36
welfare reforms 108
United States of America (USA) 4, 56, 25, 26, 28
culture 124
economy 75
expenditure on welfare 767
generosity of welfare 901
healthcare 73, 745
hidden welfare state 51
liberalism 63, 717
New Deal 38, 73
pensions 1301
population changes 29
public sector jobs 51
Social Security 47, 723 see also social insurance
state capacity 36
welfare reforms 1089
urbanization 2930


jeopardizing 913
promotion of 63
variety 5960, 778
welfare regime 6377
voucher schemes 110


Wall Street Crash, 1929 37
war as catalyst for change 389
Warren, Elizabeth 136
wealth divide 11112
welfare cheats 846
welfare reforms see reforms
welfare regime variety 6377
Wilensky, Harold 27
workhouses 235, 33
working classes 412
World War II 26, 38