There was a time in my life that I would pray for God’s help, expecting it to come straight from Him in some mysterious way, but now I know that His provisions very often come through His people. Right before this book was due, one of those people, Jonathan Merritt, boldly challenged me that I was writing the wrong book. No doubt, I was, but with three weeks to turn it in, scrapping a year of work and starting over felt like insanity.
Yet as I walked around the dirt trail near our office with my dear friend Lindsey Nobles, who always helps me embrace the crazy things God calls me to do, I knew he was right. And so the adventure of writing a new book with all of my soul began. These words would cost me and the people around me more than any have. You see, writing is a ginormous group project where one person usually gets the credit.
So here is my attempt to rectify that.
First, God: You never let me get comfortable. And while I get so mad about that sometimes, I actually adore it about You, because I know uncomfortable is where I need You. So thank You for pushing me once again and yet being in it with me every second. You are a trustworthy good Ox. And I so enjoy living and working with You. I pray these words did You even the tiniest bit of justice.
Zac: You are my best friend; you are my safe place. You let me be crazy, even when it costs you. You fill in the gaps and yet never act like I am leaving any gaps. You are the most amazing husband and friend I could imagine. I’m thankful we paid our dues early in marriage so we can enjoy these years of it. Friend, you know this book wouldn’t happen without you. And it sure wouldn’t be as good. You make me better, and you made this work better!
Conner, Kate, Caroline, and Coop: Your faith in God and support of me showed up the past few months. This book cost you the most. And yet, as always, you rallied. You believe in me and you cheer for me. You are the least selfish bunch of kids on earth. I am so proud to be your mom.
My family: Mom and Dad, you are just the greatest two parents on the face of the earth. You could not be more supportive, and I am so grateful God gave me you! And Carolyn and Randy, you are two of the most incredible cheerleaders in our lives. And all of you are the best grandparents to our kids. They are so blessed to have all four of you! Thank you. And Ashley, you are my other sister. Sitting on the beach with you shaped these words too. Phone calls with you spark my love for God. You are such a treasure to me.
My friends: Thanks for not quitting on me. There are too many of you to mention all by name but specifically Lindsey Nobles, Bekah Self, Sarah Henry, Julie Manning, Jessica Honegger, and Laura Choy. You all are daily support to me, and I cannot imagine my life without you. Thanks for helping me be brave and kicking me in the pants when I screw up. Forever grateful for you.
My IF:Gathering family: I never dreamed of the family that IF would bring into my life. From sisters around the world to people who fill the office I love to walk into every day. In every way this is for you and because of you. And a special thanks to my team in Austin: Lindsey Nobles, Jordyn Perry, Hannah Warren, Jordan Todd, Sam Littlefield, Jordan Paden, Bre Lee, Amy Brown, Brooke Mazzariello, Lisa Huntsberry, Aly Bonville, Kelsey Harp, Lauren Sterrett, Elizabeth Milburn, Rachel Lindholm, and Melissa Zalvidar for brainstorming and running up to Gruene to help me get unstuck, for patience while I miss meetings again for edits, for being in it with me, for transcribing talks, for running my computer cord up when I was on a roll, and for holding down the fort so beautifully. Elizabeth and Melissa, you two did a lot of grunt work for this book. Thank you all!
The Yates and Yates team: Here I am again thanking you. Nothing about you is halfhearted. You are just all in! It is such a picture of the body of Christ. You spend so much time using your individual gifts behind the scenes to be sure that this is the right message and the best way to display God. Curtis and Karen, you are family to us. And I cannot imagine if we hadn’t met so many years ago; our lives would not be the same.
WaterBrook: Goodness, from our first meeting, I thought you were too good to be true. You all had bigger dreams than I did (and that is saying something), and you so passionately believed in me. You have given me your all, you have shown up, you have thought out of the box about reaching women, you have supported me, even when I get all crazy on you and change the book last minute. I honestly could not ask for a better team.
My editor, Laura Barker: When someone decides to wildly write a book in three weeks, the passion is there, the message is there, but it is a train wreck! Laura, you deserve more than anyone to have your name on the cover for the hours and days and weeks you spent poring over every word, helping me think better, and pushing me beyond what I thought I could do. I cannot thank you enough for being in this with me. I can say with integrity this book would not exist without you.
My church family at Austin Stone: Thanks for quietly being this force in my life. You feed me Jesus each week. No doubt your influence in my life is all over these pages, Halim, Matt, Kevin, and others. I love that I find myself in a church that values the Word of God and the gospel above all else. You consistently bring me back to Jesus. And Val Vance, thank you for your part in these words as well.
Chad’s team: Thank you, Katy, Haley, and Chad Cannon.
And finally, Our Village: How could a Facebook group become a family? But it did. You lost sleep, thought deeply, and prayed and cheered when I most needed you. You were God’s love to me again and again! Grateful.