“These pages are what your soul is begging for. In Nothing to Prove, Jennie Allen reminds us that when we drive ourselves mad chasing perfection, we miss the beautiful grace God designed us to live in. One of the most brilliant Bible teachers of our time, Jennie hands us all emancipation with these pages.”
—ANN VOSKAMP, author of The Broken Way
“All I know is that when I’m around Jennie, she makes me hungry to know God better. Her passion to be His above all others—at any cost—stirs something in my soul. Read Nothing to Prove and see if some of what she’s learning at His feet doesn’t spill over onto your yearning soul as well.”
—KAY WARREN, Bible teacher and author of Choose Joy
“Nothing to Prove takes us on a journey toward freedom from the need to measure up. With vulnerable authenticity, Jennie Allen encourages us to wade deep into the streams of the Living Water and live secure in the knowledge that we have absolutely nothing to prove to God or to people.”
—MARK BATTERSON, lead pastor of National Community Church
“It’s one thing to write well about the high concepts of faith or, alternatively, about the nitty gritty of real life. To write well about both grace and Netflix, both the sufficiency of Christ and also homework—that’s very hard to do, and Jennie does it beautifully. I’ve watched her walk this path, and I’m so glad she’s inviting us all into this important conversation.”
—SHAUNA NIEQUIST, author of Present Over Perfect
“Jennie Allen calls us to the best version of us—the version God intended. She calls us to rise above ‘woe is me’ and bring into focus ‘God is great!’ We love this glorious and universally resounding message.”
—LOUIE AND SHELLEY GIGLIO, cofounders of Passion Conferences and Passion City Church
“Jennie Allen shares with great passion and transparency what every weary heart has been longing to embrace: Because of Jesus, we can stop striving. In Him, we are enough. And we have been all along.”
—LYSA TERKEURST, New York Times best-selling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries
“With honesty and raw passion, Jennie Allen invites us all to leave behind the proving and pretending that chokes the life out of us. There is more to life than this! Sharing the hard-won wisdom of her own journey, Jennie leads us to the foot of the Cross, where grace and mercy meet and we discover all over again that we have absolutely nothing to prove.”
—JO SAXTON, author, speaker, and board chair of 3DMovements
“In a time when rest is hard to come by, when our days are filled with the constant clamor to be more, do more, and have more, most people feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Using her own life as well as illustrations with which we can all relate, Jennie Allen faithfully proclaims that rest will only be found in Christ’s finished work.”
—MATT CHANDLER, lead pastor of the Village Church, Dallas, and president of Acts 29
“We live in a world that tries to steal our worth and identity on a daily basis. It shifts our hearts away from God and onto our own shortcomings. I am so grateful that my friend Jennie Allen, in Nothing to Prove, gives us all a realignment with the truth of Scripture. This book will help you take your eyes off your problems and put them back on God’s promises.”
—CHRISTINE CAINE, founder of A21 and Propel Women
“Jennie is one of those rare people who holds a fiery and prophetic vision with such tenderness and grace. And because of that, hers is a voice I’m always reading and learning from. In this book she gets my nose in the Scriptures and my knees on the ground, and in my opinion a book that does that is as good as it gets.”
—JEFFERSON BETHKE, New York Times best-selling author of Jesus > Religion
“‘If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.’ Jesus shouted this to a crowd of confused, weak, spiritually thirsty people, tired from trying so hard to be enough and do enough—people like me and you and Jennie Allen. This honest, wonderful book is Jennie’s humble shout that Jesus is telling the truth. It’s her story of finding freedom and refreshment. And if we listen to her, it can be our story too.”
—JON BLOOM, cofounder of Desiring God and author of Not by Sight